I believe your most fertile part of your cycle starts about 8 days into it, so call that 8 days from day 1 of your last period. So it is likely that you had unprotected sex during your fertile stage. Very early symptoms can be similar to pre-mentsrual symptoms and are not particularly reliable. Some women say they know the moment they are pregnant, others carry on for months without a clue, everyone is different. Sore breasts and nipples are no reliable indicator, as this is a normal pre-menstrual condition. Frequent need to urinate and tiredness are also not realiable symptoms. Nausea and vomiting are not realiable at this stage, as these would come on later in pregnancy (6-8 weeks usually, though others do get it sooner). A coppery taste in the mouth, extra sensitive to smells of tobacco and alcohol are often cited as some women's first indication that they may be pregnant. The hormone present in pregnancy can now be detected by some home tests as early as the day your period is due, but these can be unreliable if you get a negative result. Even worrying about possibly being pregnant can cause nausea and delay your period. Your best bet is to wait at least five days from the due date of your period before you use a test, buy a double test so that you can test again in a few days if the result is negative but you still don't start to bleed. If after two weeks, and two negative tests you still haven't had your period, see your doctor. Chances are you will do a test and come on the next day, unless of course you get a positive result indicating you are pregnant. You should immediately see your doctor. He or she will confirm the test using one of their own and talk you through your options. Should you be pregnant, if would be the very earliest of stages and I am sure your doctor will tell you that many early pregnancies result in very early miscarriages, most women think they are just having a late period when this happens. Also, your cycle can vary by a few days for absolutely no reason, and as you are due on yesterday or today, it could still happen, with or without spotting, no matter how regular you normally are. Good luck.
2006-08-08 03:28:23
answer #1
answered by Tefi 6
If you have a regular 28 day cycle, then you are most fertile around the 14th day after you START your mestruation...you are at a higher risk to get pregnant 5 days before and 5 days after you the 14 days...if you think you may be pregnant, go get yourself a test, that is the best way to know otherwise if you're worried your stress might be keeping you from having your period.
2006-08-08 03:21:04
answer #2
answered by KnA 3
You are normally fertile about 14 days from the first day of your period. eg: You had your period on the 10th, add 14 days to that, making the 10th the first day, and you get to the 23th. I would say that you are fertile a few days before that, and a few days after that, with the most fertile days being the day before, on the day, and the day after i.e. 22, 23, 24th. (About the middle of your cycle)
But this is not the rule, as not everyone has a regular 28 day cycle with regular periods. If you are on the pill and you always have a regular period, then you are probably on a 28 day cycle.
Unless you are trying to fall pregnant, you should not be having unprotected sex at all. Please be careful, as you certainly could be pregnant, and it does not sound like you are ready to have a baby with all the responsiblity that goes with it.
2006-08-08 07:58:30
answer #3
answered by Elana N 2
depends on your cycle - if your period is 28 days apart you are most fertile around the 19 - 21 day of the cycle - the cycle beginning on the first day of your period. Give it a few more days before your try a test - if you are worrying this could be delaying it. I would leave it for 3-4 days and then try a pregnancy test.
2006-08-08 03:19:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I'm not going to be like everyone else and tell you mean things, all I could do is tell you what I think from my point of view.
1st- Take a pregnancy test or go to the doctor if you don't have one go to the health department cause they give out free test
2nd- make sure you take a HIV test because you had unprotected sex you might have something (hopefully not)
3rd- Tell your man what is going on
4th - take it slow if you are pregnant the last thing you need on your mind is stress
5th- write me back and tell me what you're out come is I hope I helped you out take care
also...........if you are it's not the worst thing in the world just babies are a blessing from GOD and don't you forget that he will take care of everything..
Good Luck.
2006-08-08 03:30:47
answer #5
answered by princess@large 3
yes, its very possible that you got pregnant on july 21 or 22nd. Ovulation occurs on or around day 14 of a 28 day cycle. If your period started on the 10th, then that is day one. So you had sex on days 12 and 13 which is very close to ovulation. So if you have regular cycles and have had no female problems....then chances are greater than 50 percent that your pregnant.
2006-08-08 03:21:07
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I think most women ovulate in the middle of their cycle, but you should be able to tell when you are the most fertile by your discharge. Lots of clear discharge one to two weeks after you menstrate. Anytime sex is unprotected it is a possibility. I wish you the best.
2006-08-08 03:27:01
answer #7
answered by concerned 1
you are most fertile approx 14 days before your next period. (most chance of getting pregnant)
depends how long your cycle is. average is 28 - 32 days. so 21 sounds like the day it could have happened !
although i wouldnt assume, i would wait a day or two and do a test if i were you...
good luck
2006-08-08 03:19:32
answer #8
answered by GorGeous_Girl 5
My psychic abilities have faded with overuse.
Do a test FFS!
How the heck do we know.....
You know your cycle, I suppose.
If you have sex without contraception, you can get pregnant whenever.... sperm lives for up to a week. The egg lasts 72 hours max.
2006-08-08 03:20:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
you can do one of those pregnancy tests which detect early pregnanc up to 5 days before your due to get your period. or see your doctor. you can get pregnant any time you have unprotected sex so you are always best to be safe.
2006-08-08 03:20:39
answer #10
answered by gingajen 3