I would,
Avoid all wheat based foods.
Throw out margerine.
Chew your food until it is liquid.
Drink 6-8 glasses of distilled water with a pinch of celtic sea salt every day.
Throw out your table salt and pick up some sea salt for flavoring your food.
Avoid Dairy.
If you eat meat, eat only one portion a day the size of your hand.
Take a shot glass of carrot juice with a tablespoon of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar, with a dash of cinnamon, cayenne, and turmeric three times a day.
If that did not fix it quick, I would avoid wheat based snack foods.
Your gut is probably plugged up with too much garbage to get of toxins causing your health problem. Bells Palsy is a tip from your body that you are treating it badly with the stuff you are jamming down your throat. Stop giving it junk.
If you have used anti-biotics, this, along with the junk you put in your gut, may have triggered the warning signal(Bells Palsy) that if you don't do something about your diet, it may have to send you some dangerous health issue besides just tinkering with your central nervous system. I have a brother that drives cars with the oil light on until they die. He also had Bells Palsy... Get the connection there?
2006-08-08 02:36:01
answer #1
answered by rudenski 5