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there will be 7-8 ppl 4 boys and 4 girls including me.... i dont kno wut to do...plz no games like spin the bottle...there good friends not boys i like...so thankx for the help i appreciate it!!!

2006-08-07 12:47:18 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

3 answers

A treasure hunt I know it sounds dumb but my Kids are in their teens and they love them I write clues that rhyme and with each clue I leave a small candy bar each clue points to the next on and on , we have about a dozen clues hidden all about the house and yard and the treasure Is always a movie ticket for two and a gift . eg . make up . Cd's that sort of thing .
Hey good luck and happy fourteenth .

2006-08-07 13:02:36 · answer #1 · answered by slick 4 · 0 0

when my ex best friend threw parties for her 14 and 15th party, or any other time we were at her house lol. we just went to her house and we danced. Made up some moves and voted best dancer. Hanged out. Watch movies and made fun of them. Tried to find movie errors and kept scored. Amazing what errors can find in movies. Had a cake fight but...just clean that up before parents get upset lol. Took lots of crazy pictures to show off.

We played twister one time and we spiced it up by taken turns instead of using the spinning thing. So, we would challenge eachother and try to get someone to fall down. Like 3 of us be on the mat and we would have order of going.

If have a pool or access to water to swim, that be fun and play water games.

2006-08-07 20:05:25 · answer #2 · answered by Mutchkin 6 · 0 0

just chill games are childish

2006-08-07 19:53:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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