Let it go SnowWhite. There are some right sad bsatrads in this Yahoo answers thing. I got reported a number of times on my way to where I am now. But I give as good as I take and alwyas report someone gaming for points. UNLESS on checking their profile they have a contact point. Then I pass. Have fun sweetie and dont let the scum grind you down. You are scoring well and you'll do!
2006-08-07 12:25:08
answer #1
answered by SouthOckendon 5
That is the cruelest thing I have ever heard. I don't get it either, how could anyone try to game for points in a question when we are losing 5 points. I guess I am gaming for points because I answered your question and other questions. So, go figure. Am I gaming for points when I vote and rate for answers, too.
Beats me! Maybe the person was upset because you didn't choose them as best answer. Big deal!! I love the fun here.
P.S. Pass the word, I am sending the seven dwarfs to haunt them.
2006-08-07 19:29:55
answer #2
answered by Dottie 6
Some people just love to report. Go figure. I don't get what made them think you were gaming for point's because you lose points by asking a question.
2006-08-07 19:18:52
answer #3
answered by Nece 6
I think some people take this way to seriously instead of the fun and informative site that it is and when you give them an answer that they don't like they retaliate. Which is easy to do when you are hiding behind a screen. I think some of these people are on the wrong site and have major issues far beyond us.
2006-08-07 19:25:03
answer #4
answered by T S 3
something about putting the 10 points reward in the header they consider gaming--don't feel bad, I was reported for the same thing
2006-08-07 19:28:10
answer #5
answered by Comfortably Numb™ 7
I know it happened to me yesterday. Yahoo has been really strict lately. Have you noticed there's hardly any EDNA questions and the long Avatars are disappearing too. Im also having alot of my answers deleted and i dont know why, they weren't rude and vulgar.
2006-08-07 19:17:25
answer #6
answered by Chucky 2
I see those types questions all the time, and they slip by, I have been reported a lot, and it never makes any sense to me, they are pretty infantile her at yahoo answers!.........:)
2006-08-07 19:26:09
answer #7
answered by tictak kat 7
I looked at your questions and didn't see one .... so, someone just hates you, it was just pick on the Snow White day.
Cinderella, maybe?
2006-08-07 19:17:35
answer #8
answered by ? 6
that aint fair
2006-08-07 19:21:05
answer #9
answered by buggerlugs 6
thats a dumb reason. it aint fair i dont think
2006-08-07 19:17:04
answer #10
answered by Anonymous