I don't fully understand it; a sibling of mine committed suicide when I was 16 years old at the home where I lived with my parents. People who do are hurting terribly and not in the best mental health whether biochemically or emotionally/psychologically. I have overdosed on pills and had to have my stomach pumped out but it was more an act to call attention to me. I didn't really in my deepest soul want to end my life. Suicide is kind of a meaningless and a selfish act by the person committing it.
2006-08-07 10:32:03
answer #1
answered by Goldenrain 6
I particularly understand the sensation.. I've been so nearly suicide with atenolol capsules however I used to be simply scared they would not kill me and I'd be left throwing up with broken interior organs for the leisure of my lifestyles. And yeah I chickened out at final minute. Check my query, I self damage alot.. I'd be a critic if I informed you the whole thing will figure out simply pleasant sooner or later motive I suppose like so that they can on no account occur for myself. But the great I can say for you, is cross see a general practitioner or discover extra peers on-line, and set your self a target to paintings in the direction of. It may also be some thing, massive or small. Hope I helped, well success..
2016-08-28 11:17:04
answer #2
answered by ? 4
When I was about 13, a doctor in my hometown committed suicide leaving behind a wife and four children. He did it in the garage with a shotgun, so he left behind a horrible hurtful mess for his family to find.
The family lost their house and had to move to another state to live with relatives. A few years later, they returned to my hometown. None of them ever really recovered from the loss.
I don't think the widow ever remarried. And, I recall that the she and the children were not on particularly good terms. I did see some of their arguments. It seemed to me that because the widow was still around she caught the blame for everything that happened.
I don't know how they are now. I went on with my life and moved away. But, the last time I saw them, things were'n any better.
2006-08-07 10:22:24
answer #3
answered by Otis F 7
I've always been told that NO ONE knows what goes through a persons mind right before they commit the act of suicide.
All we can do is monitor our friends and family. There are indicators, so always be aware of comments people make, depression and outrageous behavior .
Just keep tabs on the ones you love and cherish. Life is short, so enjoy the ride while you can !
2006-08-07 10:26:31
answer #4
answered by six7foru 2
For some it is the last way out. I think the suicidal person is very sad an lonely....Such a person needs lots of love, support and understanding.
2006-08-07 10:26:15
answer #5
answered by mumtaz 6
I think it's a very selfish act. I have been suicidal due to mental illness but I think it's a selfish thing to do to all those who love and need you. The one who wants to do it usually doesn't want to die, they actually just want to stop the pain they feel. It is a sad thing when someone ends their own life.
2006-08-07 10:20:13
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i think when someone wants to comment suicide they just feel like they r a nobody and feel so deprest that they think life is not worth living on earth b/c i would rather not have pain anymore
2006-08-07 10:26:20
answer #7
answered by daddys lil girl 3
it comes across my mind many times but i never do it. i cut and jump off roofs just to make myself happy when im depressed.
i don't consider it but i guess people usually cant take anymore, they may think the world will be better off without them.
i always kept this quote in mind though i forgot who was it from
"the more you learn the more painful your death will be"
2006-08-07 10:20:50
answer #8
answered by searching4answers 2
i would never be able to commit suicide ..or even cut my wrists for that matter.
dont like pain.
i couldn't do something like that to myself.
i believe that suicide is wrong because you're taking a gift from God and ruining it.
i'm depressed sometimes too but you need to always find the good in life.
2006-08-07 10:18:22
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
I think if a person could look at the intense pain that is left behind after suicide, they'd stop and give it another chance. I'd tell a friend, if you are thinking of suicide, wait a day....tommarow will be better, it always is.
2006-08-07 10:26:16
answer #10
answered by jthawk71@sbcglobal.net 3