its a fantastic help though very easy to end up owing them money due to the awards being worked out retrospectively though paid in advance.
if you ensure you overestimate your income then its great you get a lump sum at the end of the tax year
2006-08-07 08:08:53
answer #1
answered by g8bvl 5
The Child Tax Credit system is brilliant as it separates child benefit and income support so that families get all the money they are entitled to. It used to be that if u claimed income support as a parent, they would deduct from your entitlement the amount of child benefit u received.
The Working Tax Credit seems to be fraught with problems so much so that the idiot in charge resigned (was fired). Overpayments were common, and they recouped this money by not paying out another penny leaving families in terrible financial difficulty.
2006-08-07 08:50:32
answer #2
answered by Allasse 5
I cant believe that they haven't changed the tax allowance to help parents instead of this expensive farce!!! it must cost millions to administrate when a simple tax code change would be better .Also it would be a fairer system for everyone ,am I the only person who thinks we pay too much tax (for everything) and the present government have completely lost the plot?
Its also putting people into the trap where they are waying up whether it is "worth" working over time you are never actually able to increase your income/standard of living.Its our money we are getting back after all not gorden browns!!
soap box now safely removed and stored away until next time......
2006-08-07 08:23:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
In principle I think it is a very admirable policy..
Children are BOTH a personal joy and a social necessity..
To redistribute money from those who do not have children to those who do I think is right.. those who do not will still rely on today's children in future to be police officers, nurses, doctors etc..
Children cost money and although parents should bear the brunt.. the taxpayer too should help with that burden.. after all demographics show just what can happen when people start choosing on mass to stop having children..this has a knock on effect for the likes of pension provision and so on..
2006-08-07 08:09:32
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
A bureaucratic mess. THere are easier ways of getting benefits (gosh, I sued the B word, when I should have said "tax credit") to people who really need it than this.
For those who get the right amount - good, for those who get overpaid in error - oops, for those who get away with fraudulent claims - grr.
Yes, kids should get a good start in life and avoid poverty; yes the UK needs more kids to be born to pay for pensions for people like me in 25 years' time; no I do not like paying for it now!
2006-08-07 08:14:00
answer #5
answered by izzieere 5
I preferred how it used to work, providing about the same amount of money, but through lower taxation of parents.
Over and underpayments are a nightmare though, the fundatmental flaw is that they rely on the previous years income to calculate, and peoples incomes change.
To the idiot who said that workhouses should be brought back:
Do you honestly expect to receive back exactly what you pay in taxes? Does Alan Sugar get back in benefits what he pays in? It's called tax based on income, the country needs children, so parents should be helped to raise them.
2006-08-07 08:47:45
answer #6
answered by pantocool 1
Well we're getting less money than under working family's tax credit. And yet the government spent a lot of money putting this in place.
2006-08-07 08:08:07
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Its a necessary idea and for those that get the right amount awarded makes working feasible, unlike the old system of 15 years ago.
But I think that employers use it to get away with paying crappy wages. That means that the taxpayer, eg all of us (It's not Value Added Tomatoes), ends up footing the bill for lousy wages.
2006-08-07 08:24:24
answer #8
answered by sarah c 7
Forgive me for being a proffesional synic but I don't have any children and am not happy with supporting everybody else including students. Am I the only person that thinks students should pay income tax.
2006-08-07 11:37:42
answer #9
answered by rippernorkett 2
If you are going to have children, then it is your responsibility to work and provide for them.
We have never taken a penny off the state, and never will do.
We don't go round to our neighbours and raid their fridge.
We buy our own food with the money we have worked for.
The system allows people to sit on their @ss and let other people work to provide for them.
Absolute lunacy !
That's why the country is in the state it is.
Bunch of scroungers.
2006-08-07 08:18:54
answer #10
answered by Anonymous