I think abortion is very wrong. You are basically killing a helpless infant that is living inside of you. Sure if you have a kid it might mess up your life, but if you don't have the kid, it will kill HIS life! Imagine murdering someone. Its hard to imagine doing, right? That's basically what you would be doing to your baby. So if you are thinking about doing it yourself, please don't!
2006-08-07 06:29:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I think abortion is wrong. But it is an evil that needs to stay legal. Until society changes, abortions of some form are going to take place, legal or not. I'd rather have it legal so that women's bodies won't be mutilated by some back-alley doctor with a coat hanger. Awful!
I used to be pro-choice before I got pregnant with my daughter, but now, I can't imagine killing a fetus that would grow up into a beautiful, miracle of a child. But that's just me.
My bestfriend recently got pregnant and she didn't know what she was going to do. She got pregnant by a guy that she had just started seeing (long-distance at that) and she'd basically be a single mom with no family support system in her city. I told her that I am pro-life now since having the baby, but I will support her and be non-judgemental (lest he cast the first stone, etc). Well she got the abortion. I was disappointed, but I understood. I would have done the same thing in her situation.
But knowing what I know now about the joys of motherhood and giving life, I could never go backwards and have an abortion out of inconvenience.
2006-08-07 13:45:47
answer #2
answered by curious_maya 3
Abortion should be a choice that is only the mothers. People who judge women that have abortions should take a moment to think about the fact that the woman is already punishing herself. The physical and emotional pain should be enough without having extremists yelling at them about their decision. I personally would not have an abortion, but there are many reasons why women do. I am not perfect, and have no right to point fingers. While you are so busy fighting for your "cause" think about all of the children that are alive and suffering. Put some of your effort into helping them instead of condemning women with whom you have no personal connection. Prioritize, people.
2006-08-07 13:41:29
answer #3
answered by sherry s 2
On one hand, I really can't say because I'm a guy and it's kind of out of place for me to have a strong oppinion on something that can never directly happen to me.
Having said that, from my fairly irrelevent view, I feel it is a bad answer to a tough problem. But it is also the way our world is moving. We don't want to be responsible for our actions we just want a quick way to clean up the mess so we can go on with our lives afterwards. At the same time, there is something to be said for what kind of life the child will have if it is born into a family that doesn't want it. If they keep it the child is not going to get the best care, so is it more humane to dispose of the fetus or to let it live but put it through years of pain from parents that don't want it. The adoption service is not an optimum answer either and tends to leave kids with scars they will care their whole life.
But for me, while there is a moral aspect to my believe as well, it's not the driving factor for my believe. In this case for me it comes down to responsibility. If you want the pleasure then you need to take precausions and or be prepared to accept the consiquenses of your actions. I mean if you really get down to it there are other ways for a man and a woman to pleasure each other that will have NO chance of causing a pregnancy.
So again I don't think I have the right to say much but since your asking I'm mostly against it.
2006-08-07 13:40:21
answer #4
answered by John 6
Abortion is a womans right!
Abotion is a Womans Choice!
It is a Woman's Body-her choice;
men sometimes leave and do not take responsibility;we are left with it all and sometimes we are not able to take care of something when the birthcontrol failed and we did not want a child at that time because we wer unable to financially or emotionally capable to handle it at that time.
There are children that come into this world that cannot be feed,clothed nutured, let alone parented.
There are babies raising babies that do not have resources to have children.
There is an epidemic of AIDS and HIV which is transmitted from mother to child.
There is a situation of rape and incess from mail parents,siblings,relatives and strangers where you are not safe. Some men do not have restraints when it comes to sex.
There is improper use of birth control; condoms, birthcontrol pills, diaphrams,IUD's, spermacides, sponges,patches, dayafters, that do not work or careless mistakes from individuals that do not take time to administer them carefully or place them carefully. They can get knocked off or are not chemically effective with body hormones. Some persons can't even take them and are left with nothing but their wits an abstanance.
Sometime there are too many children in the home and a family can't afford another mouth to feed.
Right to lifers say that you are taking a life. It has been found that a "fetus " cannot feel pain until almost the trimester weeks of pregancy. Then therefore, it will be considered a human as far as the legal ramaifications of the law is concerned.
The govenment should stay out of private lives and leave Roe vs. Wade alone. Women will turn to back alleys like in the past with botched up butchered abortions and home remedies that kill fetus and mother at the same time which will remedy them dead and or sterile or worse with infections to other vital organs from unclean intruments and untrained backalley midwives/so called doctor quakes/
Look also at the mothers with munchousen syndrome and deep seated post partum depression which will possibly kill and abuse their children. This is another factor of why sometimes it should stay legalized and not touched.
God blessed all children when they come into the earth.
However, when the bible was written it was written with the man's point of view and women being in sub sevant rolls except when she was heir to the throne and queen such as Cleopatra and other queens that ruled alone without a mate until marriage.
Women today are more independent and have more options on life than in the past.
If you decide to have a baby and can afford to have one alone before that biological clock ticks out ,you may chose to do so. If you chose not it is your choice.
If you can't afford it it still is your choice.
But, for the childs sake to give it all it needs including the love and medical care,food ,shelter,love and attention, your patients with parenting skills as mother it takes money love time and its expensive.
It takes 20 years plus ovr $2,000,000.00 to raise a child over those years.
Women did not go to court burn bra's and start sufferages for certain person's with opinions to take away their rights to make them second and third class citizens and to tell them what to do with their bodies such as having children when and how many. Medically safe abortions are much better than back alleys. Your body is your own . No one should tell you what to do with it except you and your personal physician(s) and it is agreed upon with your consent.
If this was China you would be limited to one child and if it was a girl it would have been left on the side of the road to die in the 1950's and some years after that. In Africa You are vulva is castrated because it is beleived that you will become a man because they believe in some cultures due to ignorance that you will grow a penis and also you are not to have pleasure during intercourse.
2006-08-07 14:09:56
answer #5
answered by redbirdspiritflying 2
i think abortions are wrong and anyone who has morals and values would say the same thing...i mean...if you have the heart to kill a baby you just need some mental help......but on the other hand i dont think they should get rid of abortion bc if they did the US would be so over crowed within like 10 years it would be rediculous...plus under certain circumstances i understand theyre needed (the baby has down syndrome, the mother was raped, the mother is on drugs or has mental issues to where she wouldnt be able to give the baby a good unabusive home)
2006-08-07 13:36:45
answer #6
answered by gaigesmommy 3
It's between a woman and her partner. Depending on her age, their parents are involved, too. Ultimately it's her butt on an operating table (abortion or delivery) but impacts all those around her. It's her choice because it's her body.
Hey, all you pro-lifers, when was the last time you took an unwed mother into your home and paid the medical expenses and helped her raise a child? Put your money where your mouth is!!
2006-08-07 13:29:54
answer #7
answered by miatalise12560 6
a woman's body belongs to no one else but herself and she has the right to make her own decisions regarding her body.
people think that abortion is murder but no one is being killed...a fetus is not a living breathing child. it is merely a cluster of cells....some may even call it a parasite at that point in development.
i think if a women gets pregnant for whatever reason and feels they are not prepared for a child or should not have a baby, then they have every right to have an abortion. its especially wrong for a man to say that abortion is wrong...until men can get pregnant and bear a child themselves, they have no say in this issue.
2006-08-07 13:32:08
answer #8
answered by Lola P 6
I think abotion should be considered a crime. It is nothing less than murder. The child never did anything to deserve death. It's not the child's fault that the girl got pregnant - it's hers and the guy's own damn fault. They need to deal with it. If they don't want the kid, there are adoption agencies. If you don't want to go through all of that, or if you don't want anyone to know you had a kid, you can leave it at a hospital. They'll take it. But don't kill it. Kids deserve life just as much as anyone else.
2006-08-07 14:06:46
answer #9
answered by crazylittlewriterchick 2
I dont think its right but everybody has there own opinion.I personally wouldnt do it .Your stopping a heart beat.People think that the heart doesnt beat that soon but it does,because you cant get an abortion for like what 9 weeks or somethin like that.I have 2 kids and I couldnt have ever imagioned getting an abortion.
2006-08-07 13:38:50
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
ok this is the way i see . I am against abortion .Unless you where raped or under 14yr old. other than that you knew better and if you did the deed then you have to deal with what comes with it . o that that means for the guy to make the little runt pay . No one told him not to use a condom . Not only for non baby isues but just not to catch no STD's USE protection I always tell my dauther that i dont worry about her getting pregnant i worry if she catches AIDs Or something
2006-08-07 13:31:44
answer #11
answered by mary_llinas 2