Okay, not that this will do any good but I DO have reasons to like President Bush, and I can also disprove some of the reasons to hate him. Not all of them, because some people who hate our President have valid reasons, and they're entitled to their opinions same as anyone else.
First I'll disprove some stupid reasons to not like Bush.
1) The idea that he speaks horrible English. I don't know about anyone else, but sometimes my brain stops working midsentence and it takes some time to catch up with my mouth. I've also been known to stumble over my words occasionally, but I'm not stupid. I'm not a genius, but as I said, I'm not a complete moron either. To claim that someone is stupid just because they do either of those two things is horribly judgemental and idiotic.
2) "Bush lied about WMD's." What about the Democrats? It's on www.snopes.com that many Democrats believed that Hussein also had WMD's.
3) "Bush is a homophobe." What, because he added an amendment to the Constitution stating that marriage is an institution between a man and a woman? Okay, before he did that, homosexual marriage was becoming a problem, and NOT because the homosexuals wanted the right to wed whomever they chose. It was a problem because one state was legalizing it, while another was not. Sounds to me like what happened with slavery. Would it be fair for a homosexual couple to get married in, say, New York, then go to Tennessee and their marriage is no longer valid? No? I didn't think so. They can still have a civil union if they choose, but DON'T CALL IT MARRIAGE! Marriage is mostly a RELIGIOUS institution; after all, who performs the ceremony? By calling it marriage, that would equate a homosexual marriage the same as a heterosexual one, even in the eyes of the Church. That's not fair, separation of church and state, after all.
4) "Bush wants to illegalize abortion." Okay, he's been in office for six years now, and all that he's done is illegalized partial-birth abortion. He hasn't even TRIED to do anything else with it. Even when he first introduced that bill, he said that he would not "try to close Pandora's box." For those who can't understand why partial-birth abortion should be illegal, here's a quote by a pro-choice activist on what she witnessed:
In September, 1993, Brenda Pratt Shafer, a registered nurse with thirteen years or experience, was assigned by her nursing agency to an abortion clinic. Since Nurse Shafer considered herself "very pro-choice," she didn't think this assignment would be a problem. She was wrong. This is what Nurse Shafer saw:
" I stood at the doctor's side and watched him perform a partial-birth abortion on a woman who was six months pregnant. The baby's heartbeat was clearly visible on the ultrasound screen. The doctor delivered the baby's body and arms, everything but his little head. The baby's body was moving. His little fingers were clasping together. He was kicking his feet. The doctor took a pair of scissors and inserted them into the back of the baby's head, and the baby's arms jerked out in a flinch, a startle reaction, like a baby does when he thinks that he might fall. Then the doctor opened the scissors up. Then he stuck the high-powered suction tube into the hole and sucked the baby's brains out. Now the baby was completely limp. I never went back to the clinic. But I am still haunted by the face of that little boy. It was the most perfect, angelic face I have ever seen."
Should that have ever been legal?
5) "Bush doesn't focus enough on domestic issues." Yes, we have a homeless problem. Yes, we have poverty. Yes, we have violence, drugs, and I believe it's 43 million without any health care. What is the president supposed to do? I think many forget that a President is not all-powerful. Many criticize Bush for being a "dictator", and then say he's not doing enough for the country. I think they forget that there are THREE branches of the government: Legislative (Congress, the Senate), Judicial (the Supreme Court), and Executive (the President and his Cabinet). Each branch holds the other in check. For example, the President introduces a bill. It's vetoed by Congress. The President revises it, it's vetoed once more, and cannot be introduced again. Same as if Congress introduced a bill, it is up to the President to then approve it or not. Even if he approves it, it still has to pass with a majority vote within Congress. The Supreme Court enforces the bills which are passed. Makes sense, doesn't it?
As far as some of the other domestic issues, it is up to the individual states to take care of their own. Period. That's the reason our government is set up the way it is.
6) "9/11 was Bush's fault." I don't even know if I should dignify this one. It's getting really old. But here goes anyway:
IF the government was reponsible, then they would have to bribe all the people who were on the planes, all the family members of the people who were on the planes, all of the people who saw the planes... et cetera et cetera. A conspiracy like that would take YEARS to come up with, and even longer to execute. Which would mean that it would have had to have been thought up around the time that Reagan was in office. Now, considering the fact that we had a Democratic president in office from 1992-2000, and changes in the Senate, not to mention the FBI and CIA (and the NSA!), that would mean that either A) Clinton was in on it. Or B) That there was no conspiracy theory because something like that would have leaked.
Did the government have prior knowledge that the US was going to be attacked? YES! But just like Pearl Harbor, they didn't know when, where or how. The ONLY way 9/11 could have been prevented would have been to shut down all flights to, from and within the US. That wouldn't have made much sense, now would it? And then when there was no terrorist attack, the Bush administration would have been at fault.
Now, if there truly WAS a conspiracy, don't you think the goverment would be going to greater lengths to shut down the accusations? Loose Change has been around for awhile now, and Michael Moore hasn't been assassinated yet either.
7) "Bush is a warmonger." Yet another stupid reason to hate the President. I'm sorry, but it is. If you were to hate EVERY president that had a war start while they were in term, or who started a war, that would be nearly every president. Seriously. Read your history books. Furthermore, just because the news media doesn't know about it, doesn't mean that there isn't a war, or some kind of coup. Right now, the US military (just the main branches: Marines, Navy, Army) currently has operations/bases in I believe it's 92 countries. These include peacekeeping missions, actual war, occupation, et cetera. Those 92 countries do NOT include the ones that currently have Special Forces, Green Berets, SEAL's, or any other "special" branch of the military. Those are the ones that are classified information. Even the family members of those involved are not allowed to know what their spouses are doing. And if you want to blame Bush for those too, most of them were there BEFORE Bush came into office.
8) "When is 'Dubya' going to realize too many soldiers have died and it's time to bring them home?!" Just over 2000 is too many? In three years we have yet to lose as many lives as we lost in ONE DAY, nearly five years ago. Not only that, consider how many died during WWII, which was also to stop a tyrant whose goal was to destroy the world. It's a good thing we didn't have a bunch of people protesting then! Otherwise, we would all be speaking German and Hitler would be everyone's idol.
I'm not belittling the service and sacrifice of our fine men and women in the Armed Forces, my husband is one of them! I'm grateful to them, and I believe that they are willing to pay the cost of whatever it takes to serve our country, even if it means their life.
9) "Bush cheated to get in office both times." People who believe that have seen Fahrenheit 9/11 too many times. He won, according to the same institution that has chosen our president every other time. Did Clinton cheat? No, he won! Plain and simple. Get over it. Fahrenheit 9/11 has been proven to have 59 inaccuracies. Michael Moore even admitted himself that it was mostly lies. So maybe people should stop believing it!
10) "Bush is as bad as Hitler, and wants to turn the US into a dictatorship." Uh-huh. If Big Brother was REALLY watching, the people who were saying that would be dead. And where are the concentration camps? I have yet to see one! Show me the proof, until then, shut up! You want to see a dictatorship? Go live in Iran. Or anywhere else besides the US. Just go, please.
11) "The government tapped phone lines illegally." Okay, that so-called illegal phone-tapping was agreed upon by a small group of people, including the president. It was a bipartisan effort. Yes, it WAS secret, as it should have been kept! The phone-tapping was of known Al Qaida operatives who were placing calls to the US. Don't you think our government ought to know about those? It was kept secret because if it wasn't, we would have what we have now. Go figure. The news media found out, and now we no longer have that advantage over our enemies. Nice going, guys! What are you going to do for an encore, tell everyone where our Special Forces and CIA agents are?!
12) "Bush leaked sensitive information!" Why are they calling releasing declassified information a leak? Need I say more?
13) "The war in Iraq is all about oil." This one is actually close to the truth. Many do not understand the conditions in Iraq before we went in. Hussein would punish his people by depriving them of food, of oil, of water, and of electricity. The soldiers are simply giving all of that back to them. To add to that, did you know that mass graves with over 250,000 decomposing bodies were found in the sand? ALL SLAUGHTERED BY HUSSEIN!!! These were women, children, young men, elderly men and women, people who had done nothing wrong, except live under the rule of a TRUE dictator. If we wanted the oil, we could take it. As it is, we are not.
I could go on and on, but now I need to name some reasons why I support Bush, and will continue to do so, even if I disagree with some of his policies.
I support President Bush for:
1) Illegalizing partial-birth abortion. I stated why earlier.
2) Adding the Amendment that defined marriage as between a man and a woman. I explained that already too.
3) Raises for the military! It's so nice to feel appreciated.
4) Integrity shown away from the cameras. Need proof? Go to www.truthorfiction.com and search for stories about the President. Some of these are what ensured my vote.
5) Showing resolve towards the situation in Iraq. A weaker president would have either already pulled out (Kerry), or not gone in at all (Clinton, Gore).
6) Using diplomacy regarding Iran. A more trigger-happy president would have bombed them as SOON as they heard that the Iranian government was enriching plutonium.
7) Encouraging research in order to find better ways to power our electricity and our cars. Ways that will relieve us of our dependence on oil, and that will be safer for the environment. Rock on, George!
8) Taking the time to meet with those who have lost loved ones in combat in Iraq, including those who started hanging out with Michael Moore and denouncing the President(Cindy Sheehan), but before that said that President Bush was "a good, compassionate man, and a Christian." And yet instead of insulting those people, he says nothing, even when they speak of how "evil" he is.
9) He is utterly, and completely HUMAN, and not totally a politician. I've seen him in tears, in shock, white as a sheet, exhausted, angry, happy, compassionate...sometimes some or all of those at once.
10) He believes in the intelligence of the American people. Which is why he hasn't addressed those ridiculous conspiracy theories like Loose Change. He thinks we're smart enough to not believe a lie. Too bad we're surrounded by them...
Of course, by those who have already made up their minds, this is a waste of time. I'm not even going to HOPE I convince anyone, especially those who are hard-core Bush haters, for no good reason. They just hate him.
I however, do not. If that makes me "ignorant", so be it. I'm going to go start dinner now.
2006-08-07 04:50:20
answer #1
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7