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I just found out I am pregant (I'm only on week 4.) I know the regular don't drink, don't smoke, limit caffeine, etc. What are some things I should be watching out for other than that. What about lifting? Is it safe to lift now? Is there a safe way to do kitty litter? I'm taking care of foster kittens and am finding homes for them, but I can't totally avoid the kitty litter because my husband is often sent off on business trips. Today I covered my face with a hankerchief while I did it. I'm also concerned because I had been taking cough syrup at night before I got pregnant. I know there is a little bit of alcohol in cough syrup so I'm a little concerned. What medicines should I be avoiding? I've been told that diet drinks aren't good for you while your pregant (or anything with artificial sweetners) is this true? Any information or helpful websites would be appreciated. Thank you

2006-08-05 17:50:20 · 13 answers · asked by Serena 5 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

13 answers

1.) You can lift things just fine right now. As your pregnancy progresses, you'll want to limit the weight. Toward the third trimester, you'll want to keep it less than 15 lbs.

2.) Definitely avoid the kitty litter. There are birth defects associated with feline fecal matter and issues with the dust. Don't go near it at all. Make your husband or get rid of the foster kitties. It's kind of biggie.

3.) Ask your doc about the cough syrup. They may have something else you can use that isn't contraindicated for pregnant or nursing women.

4.) Also ask your doc about which meds to avoid. I can't remember if it's acetominophen or ibuprofen that you should avoid while pregnant, but ask your doc...they'll know for sure.

5.) Yep, avoiding soda all together when you're pregnant is a good idea. It's not that great for you even when you're not pregnant but you really don't want to be ingesting all the chemicals.

6.) Get lots of rest, drink LOTS of water, and get some good exercise. Walking is an easy one to do, or swimming/water aerobics as your pregnancy progresses and you need the added support of the water.

7.) Eat well. Not that you need to eat a lot or eat crap food. Eat good foods that are healthy, filling, and provide excellent nutrition for the calories consumed.

8.) Begin taking prenatal vitamins. And do it before you go to bed. Many prenatal vitamins can give you an upset stomach. If you're already having some nasty nausea from morning sickness, it's a recipe for disaster. Taking them before you go to bed helps eliminate that issue.

9.) If/when you have morning sickness you can take a half a Unisom and a B12 vitamin to help stave off the nausea. It sounds odd, but it works exceedingly well. (I lost almost 15 lbs due to morning sickness during my first pregnancy...not fun.)

10.) Read the book "What to Expect When You're Expecting". It gives you a month by month idea of what you should see/feel/think/experience. It also has a ton of great information on birthing plans and the labor process. It's a great source of information for any expecting mom.

Oh, and this is just a response to the other poster who mentioned that you shouldn't lift your arms. It's an old wive's tale and not true. The baby is enclosed in a bag of amniotic fluid. No matter how the mother moves her body, the baby, umbilical cord and placenta do NOT stretch. Not even a little. It's not possible. If the cord stretched, it would cause the placenta to detach from the mother causing an aburption. Many mothers do yoga and pilates during their pregnancies and have no issues whatsoever.

Babies move around a TON in utero. They can wind the umbilical cord around their own necks with out any help. And having the cord around the baby's neck is VERY common and not usually a big deal unless the baby is already in distress.

I had a friend of my husband's family tell us this one, too. Considering my husband was a med student at the time, it was kind of interesting to listen to him talk to them about human anatomy and how this is a physical impossibility.

2006-08-05 18:12:41 · answer #1 · answered by Bob S 3 · 1 0

HI! Congratulations! First, let's address the kitty litter - wear gloves and wash your hands afterwards. The caution with kitty litter is getting it on your hands and then passing parasites from their feces to you from your hands! NO need to cover you mouth. just wear gloves and you will be fine but I'd suggest that your husband or someone else do this when possible. Next, you should only take tylenol - that is all that is allowed while pregnant so Yes, you should stop the cough medicine. If you absolutely have to take something ask your doctor - most docs will let you use Robitussin DM! Limit your caffeine intakes and avoid artificial sweetners and avoid diet drinks. AS far as lifting and normal daily activities. The general rule is to continue doing what you are used to as far as lifting and daily activity but nothing more. Any bleeding or falls are bad - seek medical attention immediately. The best website to refer to throughout your pregnancy is http://www.babycenter.com They are wonderful! Good Luck with your pregnancy!

2006-08-05 19:20:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well, the caffeine thing if you drink 3 cups of coffee every morning and go cold turkey without it you may send yourself and the baby in shock--That cold turkey thing is out--just limit it OK.
Next lift using your legs not your back and after you get past the 1 trimester stop with the real heavy stuff and after the 2nd stop lifting everything over say 20-25lbs--No pushing things either and after your 5th month do not stretch or reach for things. Like in the closet you are reaching something don't strain when you do it
Don't sweat the cough syrup just don't take it anymore--Unless you are hooked and then talk to the doc
As far as medicines--Tylenol is for headaches and fever that is always safe sudafed for sinuses and Phillips milk of mag for constipation but always read the labels and ask at least your pharmacists or doc before you take anything OK
be safe and take it easy you and baby will be great..Don't worry your body is strong and will not let anything bad happen to your tiny one.
I hope you breast feed at least the first couple weeks Makes for a healthy strong baby and great teeth too

2006-08-05 18:07:47 · answer #3 · answered by toody 2 · 0 0

My doctor told me I could use Tylenol and Dimetapp for my allergies and pain and pretty much that was it. There are safer prescriptions if Tylenol isn't for you Prescriptions are safer than Advil or asprin for instance because they are blood thinners. NyQuil has some alcohol but most others don't these days, just check the label. Unless you were getting drunk I wouldn't worry about the alcohol in cough syrup. I don't think that lifting is considered that big of a deal until your third trimester.

If you have been around cats for most of your life the kitty litter is probably safe, but I did have a miscarriage shortly after adopting my cat. I don't know if that was why but there were a few other things going on-I didn't know I was pregnant yet so I was taking Actifed, antidepressants, using a hot tub and under a great deal of stress. My doctor told me artificial sweeteners were no big deal and I had gestational diabetes with one pregnancy so I used them but there is that whole conspiracy theory thing about aspartame so if you dont' feel comfortable don't use them, who knows they might have a point!

Oh don't lift your hands over your head like that one lady said, my mother was choked in utero with her umbilical cord when my grandmother was hanging the wash. Thank goodness with bedrest it worked itself out!

When I was pregnant I used I Village alot I hope they are still out there. I also had this book called "The Pregnancy Book for Today's Woman" that covered so much information, it was great.

2006-08-05 18:09:07 · answer #4 · answered by Flowergirrl 2 · 0 0

Sounds like you are doing well! The kitty litter should be ok.. how big a bag is it?? Maybe you can get your husband to divide it into smaller bags? Don't worry about the cough syrup, it is the prolonged exposure to a lot of alchohol that usually causes problems. Pretty much the only thing that you can have without perscription is tylenol. You should also try to avoid extreme heat (like hot tubs or heating pads). Artifical sweetners are bad, but you can use splenda since it is made from sugar. Congrats!

2006-08-05 18:00:10 · answer #5 · answered by okie 3 · 0 0

Google is your friend...... It's safe to lift now as long as it's not like 100 pounds.. you shouldn't do kitty litter but I guess covering your face might help.. don't eat too much tuna, or anything with high levels of mercury in it.. cough syrup at the beginning of your pregnancy (as long as you stop now) isn't going to hurt a thing.. avoid all medicines except TYLENOL and what your doctor says is okay.. get on prenatals as soon as possible.. it's not rocket science just take care of your body.. good luck..

2006-08-05 18:01:57 · answer #6 · answered by Sadie 3 · 0 0

As for the kitty litter, ask a neighborhood kid to help out and pay them a couple dollars. Lifting early on is fine. As a rule, you just need to listen to your body. Ask your Dr. about medications that are safe. I know Tylenol is safe. Caffeine and diet drinks are fine, just in moderation. One or two a day will not hurt you. Also, you should avoid fish, because of the Mercury. A really good website is www.babycenter.com They have lots of useful information about pregnancy, baby, and even toddlers.

2006-08-05 18:01:27 · answer #7 · answered by seatonrsp 5 · 0 0

I had a bad cold and had taken cough syrup,and was also concerned. with my first child I guess it was ok,because he is 21,was healthy,etc, and he is going to Dental School.Brain was super fine.I drank de-caf with my second child,only a little,and she is also healthy,and smart,too!I did have a little artificial sweetner in coffee,but not regularly.I stayed away from cat litter,but i hear that one is unsafe,just do not touch the litter box,or wash up well right after.Good you are taking care of that,you will be a great MOM.

2006-08-05 18:07:53 · answer #8 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Do yourself a favor and do not lift anything! Heavy lifting can tear or damage ligaments that hold the womb to you. Also lifting alot while you're pregnant can make labor harder. Medicines... regular or extra strength Tylenol is OK and also Robitussin any thing else you should check with your doctor. Websites... babytalk.com, babycenter.com, epregnancy.com, pregnancy.org, if you google pregnancy you will find alot more!

2006-08-05 18:15:29 · answer #9 · answered by Mommyof2 1 · 0 0

well well well one of the oldest tricks to getting pregnate is taking cough syrup!! and no it wont hurt anything (thou it is probly why you got preg! well as far as the cats if you have to fool with it were a resperator mask and gloves. you can lift but dont lift over your head and avoid puting your hands over your head in the 3rd trimester it can cause the cord to wrap around the babys neck. Ask your doctor to give you a list of medicines to avoid when preg. there are alot of them. from now on if you have to use cough syrup use only the ones that dont have alcohal in them robbitssin DM dont. oh and check out www.babyzone.com they are pretty cool. if you have any other questions feel free to contact me. if you feel strongly about something ask your Doc.
oh yeah and no ruff sex !!! my sister in law didnt belive me about this one and almost lost her baby she was bed ridden for 6 months of her preg because they got a bit too frisky! on your sides with him comming in from behide is the safest way.

2006-08-05 18:05:31 · answer #10 · answered by naightengale 3 · 0 0

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