Read through quotations and see which ones hit home--it may give you some insights.
And remember, all who wander are not lost.
2006-08-05 14:23:22
answer #1
answered by Love2Sew 5
Stand in front of a mirror. You are the one looking at the person in the mirror. All of your questions are set up to confuse you and keep you tied to some agenda. You know who you are, where you came from and how you will react to a situation. The latter may be a surprise if you have not thought about the situation, but what the heck, go with the flow. As you get on in life, you will realize you have the answers to those questions and never did need to ask them.
Have a happy life and fun exploring.
2006-08-05 20:34:38
answer #2
answered by St N 7
Meditation doesn't help if you don't know what to think about...Asking is a good start.
The search itself is the trap. You are already what you are seeking. You think there is something to attain or to get. You have never been anything other than that, and never could be. We hear that, but how many of us really take a good look at it and stick with it, hang onto it? What do we do? 'That is not good enough!' We will race away and look at somebody else. We will go to somebody else, hear somebody else, read another book or do this or do that, thinking we will get the answer somewhere else. But the only place the answer is, is with you. It is not with anybody else. You already are that. You can't be anything else other than that.
With the concept, with the words, we can only point at it. We can only point you to where to look. But it is something that cannot be grasped with a word, because the word is never the thing. Have a look. If that sense of presence wasn't there, if you weren't that, could there be consciousness or could there be mind or awareness or whatever you would like to divide it into? They say it is unborn. Unborn means not originated. There is no origin to it. It wasn't created. It had no beginning. So, you can't really say it is or is not. It is self-arising and ceaselessly arising. It is futile to try to clutch onto it or latch onto it with a concept or a word or an idea or a thought. But, basically, you can't get out of it.
You are total awareness, always and ever. Take the reflections in the mirror. It is total mirror. Have the reflections touched it or contaminated it in any way, though they might appear to? The mirror might appear to be full of reflections, but they haven't touched the mirror in any way. It is the same with that awareness. It is the same with the cloud over the sun. The sun is always there in its totality, no matter how thick the cloud is. You can never really say the sun is not there. After a while you know it is there, despite the thickness of the cloud, even though you are not seeing it. It is trying to grasp it with the mind, with a concept, that keeps you in the trap. Realize you don't have to. Bring it back to its simplicity always. It is non dual; it is one-without-a-second. Stay with it until that understanding is the norm.
Awareness is all there is. You can't say it comes from anywhere, because it is all that there is. We talk about non-duality. It is never born; it never dies. It is just unceasing. It is constantly and ever and all that there is. Yet, it is no thing that can be grasped in any way, shape or form. It has no beginning and no end, no time, no space. All those things appear in it. They are all things. And things can't grasp what to the thing is no thing. It can't grasp it. It is just like asking 'where does space come from?' when you ask 'where does awareness come from?' Can you find a centre to space? Can you find a circumference to space? Can you postulate anything outside of space? What would it be in? It must be in space! It is the same with awareness. It is everywhere. It is every 'when'. It is all times and all places.
That which you are, your true self, you love it, and whatever you do, you do for your own happiness. To find it, to know it, to cherish it is you basic urge. Be true to your own self, love your self absolutely. Do not pretend that you love others as yourself. Unless you have realized them as one with yourself, you cannot love them. Don't pretend to be what you are not, don't refuse to be what you are. Your love of others is the result of self-knowledge, not its cause. Without self-realization, no virtue is genuine. When you know beyond all doubting that the same life flows through all that is and you are that life, you will love all naturally and spontaneously. When you realize the depth and fullness of your love of yourself, you know that every living being and the entire universe are included in your affection. But when you look at anything as separate from you, you cannot love it for you are afraid of it. Alienation causes fear, and fear deepens alienation. It is a vicious circle. Only self-realization can break it.
2006-08-05 21:59:40
answer #3
answered by cory55355 2
Go to the owner's manual, The Bible. Find out who you are, Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:14; Romans 3:10, 23; 6:23; 5:8-10; Jeremiah:29:10,11; For the Christian Philippians 1:6, the hope of being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ.
2006-08-05 20:43:32
answer #4
answered by tigranvp2001 4
I say write up a pros and cons list of what you know about yourself. Even ask your friends and parents to come up with some as well. Then work on fixing those once you fix each con then see how far you can go with your pros. For ex. if you like helping ppl, try working at big brother/big sister and if you gain something positive from the experience, think and write about how it made you feel and rather or not if you wish to continue doing things like this. I'm doing the same now with my life and I tell you I'm pretty damn happy about it. Another tip is drop any emotional baggage you pick up from friends, parents, whomever just totally drop it. That really clouds up your mind and even your energy about who you are. But once you drop the baggage you have so much clarity it migh scare you. lol.
2006-08-05 20:33:55
answer #5
answered by Bloody Kisses 4
I think a question like this takes some serious time to answer. You have to find your center and start there, find out what motivates you and through that you can begin to appreciate who and what you are. As this all comes into focus you will slowly realize your direction in life and once you have that you should be able to discern what you want out of life. So look inside to the center, think, study and listen the answer will become visible with time.
2006-08-05 20:31:02
answer #6
answered by B R 4
Yes it's already been said - meditation, but don't take that to mean just sitting. Watch yourself as often as you can, see how you (as we all do) contradict yourself, how you act one way with one person or group of people and a completeley opposite way with another person or persons. Do not judge yourself, simply watch and record and understand that none of these thoughts and emotions ARE you, you are the silent space - the empiness that is full of everything. There is no YOU. But there is potential to be realised, if you are not attached to false thoughts and concepts the more chance that the real you can simply BE and express everything that needs to be expressed from moment to moment.
2006-08-05 21:39:22
answer #7
answered by Mick H 4
Visit the local recruiting office, enlist in the Marine Corps, journey to lovely Parris Island, South Carolina and begin the most brutal and lethal basic military training in this country. It will not take very long for you to figure out who you really are.
2006-08-05 20:51:27
answer #8
answered by gyrene5811 1
Look to your history. Where have you been. Who are your family, relatives, friends etc. how do you fit in. Do you love? Are you loved.
Are you excepted? Rejected? What makes you comfortable?
What makes you uncomfortable. What makes you happy. What makes you sad. Center your life on the positive things in your life.
Do things that have a positive effect on others. Look to those you admire to gain insight in how to act & react to life. Life is about routine chose a good one. Work, play, rest keep it in a healthy balance.
Read all the time. Follow the paths that apeall to you. Expand your horizons.
2006-08-05 20:45:45
answer #9
answered by Floyd B 5
The best way to find out who you are ,is by forgetting about yourself and thinking of others.Get involved in things that that take the focus off of you.Community Service is one way.Help the Seniors,homeless(just don't feel sorry for them or trust them),coaching kids if you have the talent ,lend your time to teaching crafts to kids in day camp.
All that will help you down the road.You will find out what you like what you don't like.Are kids in my future?(I have 4)you might say "After those kids Forget it!"Or you may say "Teaching that's what I want to do.Or Social worker or doctor.Just quit whining "woe is me ,what about me, or you'll do that all your life.and Wally up there is pompous.
2006-08-05 20:37:26
answer #10
answered by AngelsFan 6
It takes time to discover yourself . The older you get the more you learn and one day you realize who you are.
Everyone is unique in their own ways, we all have different talents, personalities and gifts. Sometimes it takes time to discover what those are as well.
A lot of times people discover what they want out of their lives, just by the talents that they have, sometimes they discover it in their dreams, daydreaming helps one determine what it is that they want. Daydreaming can also help you figure out who you are.
2006-08-05 20:31:21
answer #11
answered by HappyCat 7