on behalf of the questioner perhaps it should be clarified, that buildings of this nature are designed so that floors collapse one on top of the other, there by leaving the main supporting columns exposed should all the floors collapse. however, experts agree that fires on the top floors as in then case of 9/11 would not have even caused the floors to collapse on top of each other. in fact the incident would not have caused any collapse what so ever due to the way these buildings have been built.
conveniently, not only did the central supporting columns go down, but in the right size so that they may be loaded immediately in a truck, exported to Asia for melt down, before they could be examined by normal procedure. begging the question... a controlled demolition took place.
the whole 9/11 disaster has far too many open questions to be cast aside with the wave of a hand, and unfortunately point towards the American govt. having some sort of involvement in it.
why would they do that? to get an increase in spending approved for further military projects... esp. a NASA project to militarise space. and lets not forget the agenda in the middle east!
so in answer to the question specifically... probably because a controlled demolition took place.
2006-08-05 06:24:36
answer #1
answered by sofiarose 4
Here is some information about why it dropped:
The Building never received the attention the Empire State Building gets. But it first became world news when, on friday Feb. 23, 1993 at 12:18, a bomb exploded in the World Trade Center. The explosion, destroying 5 floors in the 110 story building, including the central commando center, trapped about 50,000 people, killed 6 and wounded at least 1000 people. Moslem fundamentalist have been convicted for the bombing.
WTC crashThe second time the WTC became world news was on the tragic day September 11, 2001 when 2 hijacked planes crashed into the twin towers. Not much later, the towers imploded. More than 2,800 people died in the terrorist attack.
Even though the towers were built to withstand the impact of a plane crash, the towers collapsed within 2 hours of the initial impact. But an investigation into the cause of the collapse of the towers found no structural flaws or blunders. Some of the reasons of the collapse are:
- the size of the planes: the Boeings that crashed into the towers had a wing span of 156 ft, while the towers were 'only' 209ft wide. The planes knocked out so many columns in the building that the remaining columns could no longer support the upper floors.
- the height of the impact: the planes crashed at altitudes were it was almost impossible for firemen to contain the fires. The internal sprinkler sytem was ineffective if working at all, as several floors were wiped out. The amount of kerosine intensified the fires to such an extent that the steel eventually weakened and could no longer support the top floors.
- The structure: after the upper floors collapsed, this caused a domino effect as the floors below could not support the collapsing top floors. This caused the whole building to implode.
Ground ZeroThe implosion of the towers covered almost all of Lower Manhattan in a dust cloud. Several days later, streets around the WTC, also known as 'ground zero' were still covered with dust. Many buildings in the neighborhood of the attacked towers were either severely damaged or collapsed. Among them One Liberty plaza and the World Financial Center buildings. It took until May 30, 2002 before ground zero was officially cleared: 1,8 million tons of rubble were removed in the process.
2006-08-05 05:46:21
answer #2
answered by lost&confused 5
Have you ever played Jenga? That's the only game that comes close to being able to illustrate my point. Build a tower out of Jenga pieces, that is 110 levels high. Then take a pencil, and knock out a portion of it with a pencil, with some force, just above the middle, so about 64-79 levels up. See how long it takes to collapse, and which way it collapses. It's not going to go all over the place. Other than those couple of pieces that the plane caused to go flying (the pencil), the rest of the levels would come down where they are.
It's a matter of physics, and the way the building was engineered. Besides, didn't you see all that debris? What do you think that was?
2006-08-05 05:45:34
answer #3
answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7
Because there are two main ways to build a sky scraper. One is with an outer cage which supports the floors. Those, under force, will collapse straight down, within the cage. That is the kind of construction the twin towers had.
People can find a conspiracy in anything if they ignore the facts.
2006-08-05 06:05:28
answer #4
answered by DAR 7
Ay! There's the rub! The question has too many other questions associated. Why were less than 3500 people working there at 9.30 in the morning? What happened to Flight 77? It certainly didn't hit the Pentagon. A collapse of that sort would have happened only if the foundations had collapsed. I'm not an architect but inside job anyone?
2006-08-05 05:43:04
answer #5
answered by wilf69 3
The designers of the towers thought about natural disasters and acts of terrorism during the planning process. They even thought about a commercial jet crashing into the towers (a 707 instead of a 747 unfortunately). I imagine that they designed the towers so that if the structure failed, it would fail in a way that wouldn't cause more damage than necessary.
2006-08-05 05:42:38
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Because it probadly was a control demoltion, there was actually another another build that when down with in on the site. That was a controlled demoltion and it looked excatly the as the way the twin tower when down!
2006-08-05 06:10:35
answer #7
answered by quamig 3
The struts that ran across the centre of the towers heated in the fire and bent downward, this pulled the walls into the centre of the building as it collapsed.
It was in effect the centre of the building that collapsed first.
2006-08-05 05:44:46
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collapse_of_the_World_Trade_Center Has anyone every stepped on an empty soda can? Does it stay upright or does it crush under you weight? All people need to do is think and they would understand the way they collapsed. http://www.straightdope.com/mailbag/msway.html Consider this when you go into the next high tower.
2006-08-05 05:49:52
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
because they are designed to collapse like that. Force of gravity plays a big part too.They wouldn't topple over crushing other buildings would they.
2006-08-05 05:40:01
answer #10
answered by Anonymous