tommorrow at 7:28am.
Cause: God is fed up with us. He made a pact with Satan to end the world exactly at that time.
what? you didn't get the memo? guess I was lucky to be on the need to know list. don't be jealous.
see you in the afterlife.
bring some gum and a book in a fire proof container.
you'll thank me later.
2006-08-05 03:15:01
answer #1
answered by stoptheinsanity_73 3
The bible gives us clues to when like storms, pestilence, etc. but states we will never actually know the exact time of the end. Which biblicaly is not the end, just a new beginning of peace that the bible says lasts for 1000 years. By the way it is supposed to be from a great fire if you reference the bible. On a more physical, easy to prove basis, there is a huge comet headed straight for the earth that should be here in 2020 that is more than capable of obliterating the earth. (Great fire??) There are the prophetic people like Nostradamus, who sees nothing past 2012 and he says that is the end, and some ancient civilizations who had profits speak of the end in 2009. This all used to keep me up at night until I realized there ain't a freakin thing I can do about any of it except live my life as the best person I can and have a good time while I am here. But as you can see, I did spend some time looking for that answer too. Don't - it drives you nuts.
2006-08-05 03:24:05
answer #2
answered by trednwatr 2
the beginning of the end was on 9/11/01. Since it is gradual, it
is harder to detect than, say, a 20km asteroid hitting earth.
How could be nuclear devastation by an extremist group from
the middle east, or a natual disaster of unprecedented proportions,
an attack from China, a fast spreading deadly disease.
My bet is on nuclear devastation because the U.S can no longer
scratch its a** without someone crying aggression or mean
evil america. While we wrestle with the pacifist approach to
to a threat that feeds on such ignorance, countries like Iran and
North Korea will be attaining the ability to deliver nuclear weapons
and will some day use them. There is a new prevailing hedonistic
mindset in the U.S. that no longer fosters a true love for this nation
and a respect of what it stands for. Get over the Bush bashing - he is
soon to be history. Stick to the real issues of how we can ensure a
safe world for our children live in for generations to come. Being complacent about extremism will only allow its furtherence in this world and further the
likelihood of a nuclear event that could in fact be the end for all.
save the touchy-feely for the victory party kiddies!!!
2006-08-05 03:55:01
answer #3
answered by Mon-chu' 7
Your personal world will end when you die. In that instant, you as a single human organism will cease to exist bodily. Whether you go on in some other fashion, who knows. All major religions say you do, but except for those who have near death experiences, no one is coming back and saying for sure.
Every culture throughout time has had mythology linked to end of the world stories. In every culture all around the world at any point in history, there have always been stories of the creation of the world, the first man and woman, the great flood, hero and heroine stories, and apocalypse stories.
It helps to take end of the world stories metaphorically. The world hasn't really ended, although every culture says it will, so this means that these stories are symbolic. Often the end of the world actually means "the end of the world as we know it" and like drawing the death card in Tarot, it simply means that major change is afoot.
Life is change, and old ways die and make room for more. Thus is the end of one world - and the beginning of another, and the whole cycle of stories start again. And this is how mythologies are created.
Hope this helps. Cheers, K
2006-08-05 03:20:31
answer #4
answered by Kate 4
This is something that nobody knows or what is the actual means. We can all list what might happen and dwell on it and become afraid. What you need to know is that you have a life to live. Just live like you will have a long and normal life to go thru and let the rest take care of itself. To become fixated on the end is to deny yourself the pleasures and pain of living. Living is what you are here to do and you should get on with it.
2006-08-05 03:19:27
answer #5
answered by Kenneth H 5
It will end when the sun goes supernova or a very large meteor collides with it. The people on this planet will probably destroy themselves long before either happens, unfortunately. The good news, is the earth will remain and nature will build itsself back up in just a few milennia. Hopefully, without man and all his evils.
'nuff said?
2006-08-05 03:19:24
answer #6
answered by Mr. Peachy® 7
Fire and Ice by Robert Frost
Some say the world will end in fire;
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To know that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
The world is at 7 minutes to midnight.
2006-08-05 03:20:38
answer #7
answered by redunicorn 7
One very detailed theory can be found in the Left Behind Series of books by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins. They are based on the Book of Revelation and are two guys vision of how it will play out.
2006-08-05 03:20:57
answer #8
answered by Yote' 5
I think humanity will end in a few hundred years.
I think that the earth will end in maybe a couple of billion years when our galaxy will crash into andromeda, our neighboring galaxy. Or when our sun goes supernova, or if a gigantic meteor crashes into earth. There may be a few more dominant evolving species to take over earth after us, maybe insects this time.
2006-08-05 03:19:15
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The Mayans say December 21, 2012. Something big will happen, but they are vague on that
2006-08-05 03:15:33
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
Be positive
the world will not end.........
though some by the evil deeds
scientifically by global warming which would result in melting of the polar caps and would flood the whole world.......
2006-08-05 03:19:46
answer #11
answered by Shruthi 2