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8 answers

Originally, it was for higher learning and thought. However, businesses began using it as a tool in which to measure salaries and who would be the best candidate for a job.

People believed that people who have degrees must therefore be smarter and the best candidate. As time passed, it became a common staple of society.

We may be reaching a stage in society where people have forgotten the purpose of higher learning and where they're more like robots that fail to develop the reasoning skills that are supposed to come with higher learning.

Most students rely on rote memory and regurgitating what they read in a textbook without truly understanding the concepts or formulas behind why things are the way they are.

You have generations of young people that are born into this world where they're just told that college is the next step after high school, and they really don't know why. It's just what they were told to do. So they just do what they're told.

2006-08-04 21:50:00 · answer #1 · answered by "IRonIC" by Alanis 3 · 1 0

College is where you meet & mingle with people mostly of your generation building the foundation for your future. Education is secondary or completely trivial what is important is forging your future through the people you meet who become your friends and in time your associates. College is the finnishing school for all those years of learning to deal with the world around you. You should use college & the opportunities its presents to travel to try new things and along the way you will learn cool stuff. While in College you should cultivate One Future A) Accountant, B) Lawyer, C) Doctor, D) Banker, E) Law Person, or more than one - - - it is also good to snag a few professional athletes because their trajectory is likely to be higher than yours - - they get hired quicker, etc. College should be your future.

2006-08-04 21:50:24 · answer #2 · answered by JVHawai'i 7 · 0 0

Going to college teaches you how to become an employee, pure and simple. Also, many of the professors are teaching on theory and not on real-world experience. The vast majority of billionaires either didn't attend college or didn't finish. That should tell you something about the value of higher education. Thinking outside the box is more profitable than becoming another one of the herd.

2006-08-04 21:47:18 · answer #3 · answered by spartacus 2 · 0 0

Here are a few:
- To develop your mind and your personality
- To acquire knowledge that will serve you for the rest of your life
- To form friendships that last for life
- To get a better paying job, once you graduated
- To raise your entry-level anywhere in the job market.

At this moment, some of these things may sound totally unimportant to you, but why do you think that so many adults regret not having gone to or finished college at a later point in their lives?

If you have the brains, do it!

2006-08-04 21:49:10 · answer #4 · answered by Hi y´all ! 6 · 0 0

For most people, it is to spend a lot of money, to party, and to get a worthless degree.

For some people, it is to get an education in a field you really want to have a career in.

If someone knows college isn't for them, there is no reason for them to go. Also, if someone picks a major without knowing what their goals are, they are just wasting time and money.

2006-08-04 21:45:24 · answer #5 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

To become educated. Being educated provides a person with greater options and opportunities in life.

2006-08-04 21:44:35 · answer #6 · answered by wally4u_1968 3 · 0 0

to learn, to get a rounded education and a degree so you can have a decent profession, if you want to wash floors or sling hamburgers you dont need college.

2006-08-04 21:42:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

To get a certificate to get paid - the diploma.

2006-08-04 21:44:03 · answer #8 · answered by helixburger 6 · 0 0

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