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I'm going crazy! I've bought a 2000, 328i and it has very strange problem.
The car doesn't accelerate and the engine is very sluggish, particularly when you push the gas pedal! The EML light is on and there is yellow triangle sign coming on on the dash, plus the check engine light. Now I've taken it to about 10 BMW mechanics and they can't figure out the problem. I have change the air flow meter, throttle body, spark plugs and changed the oil couple of times! non of them helped!! (p.s. could be the oil pump?)
These are the errors that BMW dealer gave me:
1-camshaft position sensor circuit malfunction (#65)
2-signal, 02 sensor, bank 1&2, before catalyst, below min. value.(#151/154)
3-signal, throttle pedal travel sensor(#172 & 111)
4-engine throttle out-put-stage shut off(#169)
5-pedal travel, brakeslamp switch
6-air mass meter signal faulty(#08)
7-pedal travel sensor(#117)
8-electical power in excess of 18v(#120)
9-CAN connection to DME(#148)
10-Streering angle sensor(#182)
**** I repeat, I have changed throttle body and air flow meter already ****
Please help me out, I have no Idea what's wron with this car!
(BMW 328I, 2000, 125,000 miles)

2006-08-04 16:54:57 · 10 answers · asked by Mike 1 in Cars & Transportation Maintenance & Repairs

They have told me i might have sludge(oil) could that be the problem?

2006-08-04 17:17:00 · update #1

10 answers

Bennett was right. If you want to drive a BMW, be prepared
for the high tech problems they can bring with them.
The Ultimate Driving Machine can also be the Ultimate Driving-you-crazy-and-broke machine, but we love 'em anyway.
I drive a late model 3 series, and I recommend ONLY a BMW dealer for your particular issues.
Try changing the 02 sensors first. They are supposed to be changed at 100,000 miles anyway (If you didn't do it already).
If that changes nothing, then it's on to the dealer and the bank.
Prepare to spend some money, if you want to keep that car.
Most BMW owners who rack that many miles up on a car as new as yours, don't keep them beyond 100,000 miles.
I am one of those who did, but I started out at 35,000.
BMW engines are usually bomb-proof. Good to 300,000!
It's the electronics that'll kill ya.
Good luck

2006-08-04 20:02:59 · answer #1 · answered by brucejulson@sbcglobal.net 1 · 1 0

It could be the computer. It is very unusual for that many systems in the vehicle to report a failure and be from different areas of the car. It would be one thing if the throttle position sensor and mass air flow sensor reported an error because they are related and part of the same system. But because of what you have listed above I am willing to believe that they are all from the same cause.

2006-08-04 17:03:53 · answer #2 · answered by Joe K 6 · 0 0

first check with voltmeter and see if voltage is actually greater than 18 volts! that would lead me to believe that most of the error codes are caused by the over voltage condition (if so have generator check out of car too see if it's working properly.
second check "computer" if car has one this failing/failed could cause at least some of your problems. Triangle symbol is hazard warning light on indicator on my BMW! Note most of these errors are/can be related to an electrical problem? Wish i could be more help but you are going to have to check out all errors and trace cause to find actual problem ! check voltage first!

2006-08-04 17:10:58 · answer #3 · answered by Daniel H 5 · 0 0

2000 model with 125k miles some one drove the crap out of that car. but any way seems like you are having a computer problem
more than likely its havinga an effect on you ECU which controles most of the ignition, timming, and fuel mgmt. have the computer checed buy a BMW certified tech with a tech bench

2006-08-04 17:00:39 · answer #4 · answered by AzN 3 · 0 0

Has anyone messed with the fuel mixture? Maybe something is clogged up somewhere. Sounds like somthing big tho.


2006-08-04 17:11:43 · answer #5 · answered by Richard 3 · 0 0

Best take it to the beemer mechanic and pay the big $$$$$. If you want that "superior" german engineering, you better be ready to shell out the dough for it.

2006-08-04 17:02:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Just a wild guess... check the exhaust to see if something has been stuffed up in there (maybe as a joke).

Also, check the fuel filter.

2006-08-04 17:00:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Accelerator linkage?

2006-08-04 17:11:14 · answer #8 · answered by krazykritik 5 · 0 0

change the oxygen sensor

2006-08-04 17:22:41 · answer #9 · answered by firefightingexpert 5 · 0 0

Are you aware that BMW stands for "break my wallet?" Good luck with your car!

2006-08-04 18:24:32 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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