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I'm trying to decide where I should get a web design/programming degree from. Is it better to go to a big name school and pay extra money, or can I go to a good small school that's much cheaper? Do employers care where I get the degree from or do they just look at my portfolio?

2006-08-04 12:56:30 · 5 answers · asked by telecommatt 1 in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

5 answers

Ive done hiring for ISPs and I can say that YES it makes a difference. Many people wish it didnt but it does. Kids who say "I know as much and didnt go to college" or "universities dont teach the real stuff" might be right but thats not why corporations dont hire them. A university or college degree (or military background) shows the ability to get thru it. Its one way to weed out the smart mouthed kids that know too much on the subject and too little of what is needed to keep a job.

So yes, the same courses from a known institution does count differently. Whether its enough to justify the cost difference, Im not sure. But Im guessing that the level of the institution probably scales against the level of corporation and job you would get. In other words, to get a real salary with retirement and medical would probably need to be a real diploma

2006-08-07 16:24:49 · answer #1 · answered by Gandalf Parker 7 · 0 0

If money is a problem, then check into small, cheaper schools to start with--and whose credits the big name schools will accept. That way you can transfer after you get your basics.

I would also write to some of the companies you would like to work for and ask them whether the portfolio is what counts (the kind of work you can show them that you can do) more or the name of the school counts more.

I think employers do look at school names, but mediocre work from a big name school as oppposed to excellent work from a smaller school -- that's something you'd have to ask them.

Also, as I said half and halfing it might work, to cut down on the costs some...but be sure the credits will be transferable.

2006-08-12 03:24:26 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As long you don't get it for $25 from a a shady Spammer you should be alright :D

Really it shouldn't make a difference but between an Oxford graduate and someone with an equivalent and equally valid Internet based degree from Open University, well, you just know how it is going to go...

The portfolio should naturally be taken into account too.

I'm retired but if I was running a design company the first thing I'd look at is examples of their work. If the current code is shoddy and full of typo's and spelling mistakes, well that says it all. Tight code and proper grammer like wot me mam taught me is the order of the day. *blink*

2006-08-11 10:58:53 · answer #3 · answered by Malachim 3 · 0 0

Hello, no it does not make a difference. In fact if you look at most job postings in this career they list no or very low school requirements. This is one area where skill and experience/portfolio far outweighs education. It is a good idea to still get the degree but go with the cheapest big name school with the understanding that you will really need to learn the skills yourself but a big name school always looks good on a job application such as for a government job. View some various web developer/design job search links here: http://www.abouthr.com and see http://www.websiteaz.com articles section

2006-08-08 09:07:06 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

look up PCDI and no they don't care as long as you got the degree and they see it's a two year collage

2006-08-12 08:02:28 · answer #5 · answered by DENISE 6 · 0 0

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