smoking pot is healthier and less addictive than alcohol. and before people freak out. people get addicted things easily, so dont go smoking pot will rui your life. I smoke more pot then I drink, and I smoke maybe once every other month, so it doesnt ruin lives thank you.
2006-08-04 12:43:23
answer #1
answered by NNY 6
Pot is not physically addictive, however, it is psychologically addictive which is probably just as bad. It is a less harmful drug, but as with most unhealthy habits, everything in moderation. It's probably not a big deal if she smokes up every now and then, although if she's doing it to avoid stress and problems in her family than it will possibly cause her long term problems. Be there to support your friend and offer your advice, but short of telling her to stop, there's only so much you can do.
2006-08-04 19:46:52
answer #2
answered by maddie_t_mads 1
The only thing you can really do is talk to her and say to her what you are saying here. You can't make her stop but believe me, she'll find out on her own in the long run. You are right and stay with that. Be supportive but don't get too involved.
2006-08-04 19:49:25
answer #3
answered by Kim M 2
I suggest you try and talk to her. Smoking weed is one of the less harmful drugs, but it can still damage brain cells, and make you less focused. It may also lead to other addictions.
2006-08-04 19:43:55
answer #4
answered by Gayle 3
Well, then she's lying. If you can't confince her it's bad for her then don't be her friend. If she can't believe you then maybe she's not a very good friend. Drugs are addicting and you need to help her get out of it. It's really your choice not hers. Help her or not. Help her.
2006-08-04 19:44:38
answer #5
answered by halliwell4life 1
I had an ex partner who smoked at least 4 joints in an evening, he also said it did nothing for him as he had smoked it for 10 years. My reply to that was then why are you wasting your money on it then !!!
2006-08-04 19:52:54
answer #6
answered by stella a 1
It sounds to me that you are uncomfortable in being around this family. If so I would eliminate being in that circumstance. They are going to do what they want to do, and most likely continue with their addiction. Be strong for yourself, and think about what is good for you.
2006-08-04 19:47:00
answer #7
answered by roseygirl 2
pot is better for you than ciggaretts or cigars of nething else you can smoke. it makes you feel good though somebrain cells might get harmed just be glad your friend isnt suicidal r doing speed or cocaine or something or drinking at least pot is the least harmful
2006-08-04 19:47:40
answer #8
answered by teddybear92106 1
Yes it does, it fries your brain cells. Plus using weed usually leads to other harder drugs. She needs help
2006-08-04 19:43:31
answer #9
answered by mightymight 5
smoking of any kind isn't good for your health, weed is just a starter..when it doesn't effect you then she will try something else..and then more & more...until one day its to late..she wil either end up dead or in jail!
2006-08-04 19:58:17
answer #10
answered by brat71825 5