George Walker Bush. His foreign policies destroyed international respect for his country, even in previously friendly countries, and did nothing to ensure the security of the world. His domestic policies have been irresponsible, served the rich and powerful few (despite claiming to be such a good Christian - didn't Christ say something about helping the poor), nearly bankrupted the country, and have accelerated the destruction of the environment. His incompetence and stupidity have tainted the once-great office and have created a mess which will take decades to rectify.
2006-08-04 11:33:06
answer #1
answered by Dunrobin 6
George W Bush
Sept 11
Hurricane Katrina
Attempting To Ban Gay Marriage
This List Can Go On For Awile. He Takes The "Worst" To The Highest Extent, Not To Mention The Most "Illiterate President"
2006-08-06 16:45:47
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
A reputed historian, representing a profession that is usually very circumspect about making sweeping judgments, recently speculated that President George W Bush could go down as the worst president in U.S. history.
Sean Wilentz, a professor of history at Princeton University, wrote that great presidents, "Presented with arduous, at times seemingly impossible circumstances, they rallied the nation, governed brilliantly and left the republic more secure than when they entered office."
By contrast, "Calamitous presidents, faced with enormous difficulties -- James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Herbert Hoover and now Bush -- have divided the nation, governed erratically and left the nation worse off."In the name of the war against terrorism, the Bush administration has engaged in unconstitutional and criminal abuses, including kidnapping people, torturing suspects or rendering them to other countries for torture, holding prisoners without trial and sometimes without even access to attorneys and family in Guantanamo Bay and other secret gulags, and warrantless tapping of emails and telephones of U.S. citizens.During his 1980 presidential bid, Ronald Reagan posed a dramatic question that resonated with the electorate and crucified then Pres. Carter. "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" A recent poll found that a resounding two-thirds of the American public believes the country is worse off than when Bush assumed office. Some 70 percent think it is on the wrong track; more than half consider Bush dishonest and untrustworthy.
Gross ineptitude, reckless politicking even with national security, nepotism, cronyism and sleazy corruption are at the root of Bush's failed presidency. The administration politicized national security after 9/11 by stoking fear for the sole objective of mobilizing public opinion. Shallow and incompetent political cronies, hucksters, personal friends and business associates were rewarded with plush appointments and contracts by the Bush administration!!!
2006-08-04 12:41:43
answer #3
answered by jdfnv 5
Let's see....his first name is it Washington? No. Is it George Dubya Bush? Yes!! Without a doubt, this fool is the worst person to ever serve as president.....he's gotten us into a no-win war which will soon become a civil war....gas prices are the highest they've ever been and the Big Oil companies are raking in record profits....a balanced budget now has a record deficit....unemployment has gone up....the rich are getting rich and the poor are getting poorer. This bible-totin' gun-slingin' idiot who speaks before he thinks has made the US the laughingstock of the world. However, he has given hope to the mentally challenged....if he can become president, so can they!
2006-08-04 12:24:21
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
I always thought it was Buchanan who did nothing while abloody civil war raged in Kansas & continued to do nothing while the Country increasingly polarized & slipped into a general civil war, followed by Lyndon Johnson, who lied us into a war that cost 55,000 American lives and massive economic inflation. But G W Bush is rapidly pulling up to the leaders by his ideological delusions in getting us into a disastrous war that has destroyed our reputation; has made us hated across the world; has already cost us almost as many lives as 9-11, will undoubtedly cost us more; will cost TRILLIONS of dollars to future generations who will will have to pay for all this; and may well have sent the US on an unstoppable slide to second class economic, political and even military status.
2006-08-04 11:48:45
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I've seen him every day for going on six years now. Just when you think he couldn't get any worse or any uglier, the grading curve drops down to a new Grand Canyon.
Speaking of grading curves, the next president will automatically be the best one of all time. After going down on the Titanic for eight years, floating in the middle of the ocean holding onto a can of Cheeze Whiz will feel like a Bahama Cruise.
2006-08-04 11:49:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
George W Bush
George H W Bush
Richard Nixon
2006-08-04 12:56:55
answer #7
answered by FavoredbyU 5
I can't believe the answers I am reading for this question but then most on this site have a low intelligence level especially isaac * who in his self grandiose outline declares himself in the top 4% on Americas most intelligent then goes on to call Lincoln the worst president ever. There is an ingrained stupidity in America
that I find alarming and I think it will only get worse before it gets better. There was another imbecile who thinks Reagan is the worst.
2006-08-04 12:07:26
answer #8
answered by PAUL W 2
without question: George W. Bush
distant second: U. S. Grant
third place: Herbert Hoover
Dis-Honorable Mention: Tricky Dick Nixon, A. Jackson, Warren G., Grover Cleveland, J. Q. A., Jimmy Carter
2006-08-04 11:33:48
answer #9
answered by chica 1
Jimmy Carter
2006-08-04 11:35:36
answer #10
answered by Camping Chick 3