If they can relax the muscle enough to take it inside and get over the fear of it then I find they *** harder as you can use fingers to stimulate. Spoons is the best position for this, and is more intimate than doggy. Plus it leaves one hole available for toys of a sexual nature...
Please excuse the provocative language
2006-08-05 07:50:55
answer #1
answered by calmseas10 1
Never tried anal sex and dont plan on it either. I think that it shoulde be left how it is-**** coming out not a dick going in.
2006-08-04 21:18:35
answer #2
answered by ? 3
wait that's not always true the first time I even thought about it.. was sicking I have to admit.. just because your tasting someone who has pee'd out of there and like yah.. u never know if they take showers or not..
my first time experince.. omg I wanted to throw up.. he tasted soo bad and his stuff smelled.. he didn't have a good diet.. or good habits.. I mean he was fit but not eating the right things.. yuck that's why I can't stand to have that done.. ever again
2006-08-04 17:24:39
answer #3
answered by endlesslove 24 1
OK, that is almost exactly how it happened to me. I was not opposed to the idea, just uncertain of something new. But, I did try it, did LOVE it and now CRAVE it.
Planning to find out REALLY soon how other new sex ideas suit me-thanks to my super hot, super experienced, super open minded new b/f.
2006-08-04 17:22:00
answer #4
answered by laneydoll 5
because it hurts at first ... and who wants to feel pain just to get a little bit of pleasure ... !
myself ... I'm sure one day I'll enjoy it ... but only when I want to and when I'm ready ... I've tried and can't get past the uncomfortable feeling of pressure up my @ss .... so I'll stick to other methods of sex for now .... !
2006-08-04 17:22:27
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I've tried it but I can't stand it. It literally makes me feel like I've got to take a s**t
2006-08-04 17:22:30
answer #6
answered by purpleama456 4
i would not let anyone give me anal sex
it looks horrible
but if others girls like it
go for it
2006-08-04 17:22:07
answer #7
answered by XxXxPinkPrincessxXxX 3
It's just the idea that... that's used more of an exit... but I guess once tried... it feels good...
2006-08-04 17:21:20
answer #8
answered by MiZz CaLiEnTe 2
well when I never had it, I was intrigued, so I gave it a go and MAN! IT HURT!!! then I got some lube, got absolutely smashed off my face, and it didnt hurt...did it again with lube but sober...still hurt...i have TRIED but it just HURTS ME!!! OWWWWW!!
2006-08-04 17:35:19
answer #9
answered by ? 3
Its the pain but once their lover is gentle, (using lube and condom) everything is sweet.
2006-08-04 17:33:47
answer #10
answered by Kev's Girl 5