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i am a 15 year old guy and i have a very close freind that is a girl. This girl went 2 a party once and got high and did not feel safe so i gave her my cell number and told her 2 call me if she ever didnt feel safe. So i told her not 2 go 2 this next party but she went any ways and there was weed involed. then she called me cause she didnt feel safe. so i get there and about 3 guys had taken her up into a room and were probaly planning 2 rape her but i got there befroe anything happened. so we were go leaving but the other partyers didnt want her 2 leave. so i ended getting in a fight with about 10 guys and i broke alot of funiture and threw one kid through a bay window. and i got out of there with the girl and then the cops came but we were not caught. should i come forth and pay for all the destruction i caused? and im 15 and i love this girl with all my heart but im not her boyfreind

2006-08-04 10:17:13 · 4 answers · asked by Pat 1 in Family & Relationships Friends

4 answers

This girl put you in this situation. If you want to talk to someone about it she should help you pay for the damage. Personally i think you should just leave well enough alone. nobody knows it was you so dont say anything unless you are confronted by someone thats important like the cops. As for the furniture im sure the parents of the kid that had the party made him buy them new stuff.

dont worry about it. but if this girl is going to keep doing this i wouldnt hang out with her anymore because of the bad choices she is making in life.

2006-08-04 10:25:01 · answer #1 · answered by ziggunerin 4 · 0 0

This is awful, you must go to the police with your friend and tell them exactly the things that you have written above. You don't say how old your friend is so I am assuming that she is the same age group as yourself. Your friend really needs to grow up a little and give the weed a miss. Scientific research shows that marijuana can cause schizophrenia 20 years after using it, she must STOP now or face the consequences. You are young, with your whole life ahead of you, it's up to you whether you want it to be good or whether you want to be controlled by drink or drugs, I know which I would decide. Be individuals and please don't feel you have to sucumb to peer pressure. Remember you only have one life, it's up to each individual to make the most of it. Good luck and try to enjoy all the special things life has to offer.

2006-08-04 10:45:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Naw, you don't have to go forward, you'll get nailed by the ones at the party. They'll talk to the cops, don't worry. Might want to get an attorney lined up.
Take this from an old geezer who's been up and down the hills and around the bends a few times: (You probably know all you need to know and are smarter than all of us, but write this down somewhere and think about it when you ae about 20.) Think about what sort of life you're going to have, choosing friends and someone to love who get themselves into pickles by going to unsafe places and then need to be rescued.

2006-08-04 11:10:39 · answer #3 · answered by DelK 7 · 0 0

if you feel that guilty about it, yes come forward. i'll bet that the person who owned the house isn't one of those guys you were fighting. and that really sucks to have your house messed up because a couple guys decided to take advtange of some girl.
on the other hand, if you can live with yourself...don't come forward.

2006-08-04 10:21:54 · answer #4 · answered by sweeternity2000 2 · 0 0

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