i am a 15 year old guy and i have a very close freind that is a girl. This girl went 2 a party once and got high and did not feel safe so i gave her my cell number and told her 2 call me if she ever didnt feel safe. So i told her not 2 go 2 this next party but she went any ways and there was weed involed. then she called me cause she didnt feel safe. so i get there and about 3 guys had taken her up into a room and were probaly planning 2 rape her but i got there befroe anything happened. so we were go leaving but the other partyers didnt want her 2 leave. so i ended getting in a fight with about 10 guys and i broke alot of funiture and threw one kid through a bay window. and i got out of there with the girl and then the cops came but we were not caught. should i come forth and pay for all the destruction i caused? and im 15 and i love this girl with all my heart but im not her boyfreind
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