you could also get virtual pc for mac, i think it only runs on the intel ones though, im not too sure. with virtual pc you can run your windows programs on ur mac.
2006-08-04 09:40:07
answer #1
answered by Stormageddon 3
For this to work, you have to have a new Intel Mac Mini. Then you will use Apple's Boot Camp software (a firmware update may be required) and you will run that, partition the drive and you will then be able to install Windows XP (SP2 only). After you have it installed and the run the driver disc that Boot Camp created for you, you will now be able to choose which OS boots by default (OSX or Windows).
It is possible to install Windows XP on older G4 Mac Minis using an emulator but that is much slower than running it natively like it will on the new Intel Macs.
2006-08-04 16:40:34
answer #2
answered by conradj213 7
if you have the older mini with the G4 chip, you will need a virtual drive like Microsoft virtual machine. If you have the intel macs, you can load boot camp and boot into windowsd.
2006-08-04 16:38:07
answer #3
answered by Just Bored!! 5