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23 answers

they are bullies of the world

2006-08-03 23:03:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is to Randy C there would not have ben a 9/11 if the American goverment had not mistreated used and abused less defensive countries there are twos sides to a story you just have not heard of the foul sh*t the american goverment has done to countries like afghanistan etc the american goverment over the years has provided WMD's to those same countries it has attacked, it has bases near or around those countries to spie on them to make sure they don't step outta line and that is a FACT, who do you think provided the weapons?? for the gulf wars it was the american goverment, and thats a fact do you really think that if george bush really wanted the brains of 9/11 he would have got him but he can't touch him not he can't find him he just can't touch him think about it??? the american goverment cannot and will not start a war with Iran, or korea now y is that, he knows that if he did lets just say that you think 9/11 was bad just hope he don't trip up because those countries do have WMD's and the are not afraid to play dirty,

2006-08-04 08:38:49 · answer #2 · answered by Akeysha 2 · 0 0

The science and theory behind these weapons have always been out there waiting to be discovered, we just got there first, with the help of the British.
WWI (Chemical weapons) and WWI (nuclear) have shown the horrible consequences of these devices. The countries that have them now cannot "give the knowledge back" so to speak.
US, Russia , France, etc. have a genuine fear of their power, and have elaborate protection schemes in place to hopefully keep a single individual from releasing them for their own purposes.
That is not the case in the more radical and unstable regions of the world. Attempts to develop them by individuals for personal or group conquest is not the same. There are groups that have the singular desire to build them to immediately use them on the Western world and Israel.
The President of the US does not personally own the weapons for his whims. Saddam would.
The whole concept of harnessing the atom is a terrible responsibility of the world in general, and it is not being treated as such in many regions.

2006-08-04 06:21:57 · answer #3 · answered by electricpole 7 · 0 0

Like a lot of the answers you got. The USA are the biggest bullies of this world.Its all bullshit that they peddle out first about the country that they want to attack. The Usa is the only country to have used a nuclear device in anger (WW2- Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
They have not attacked a contry that has nuclear devices. They dare not for fear of reprisals. They attack weak and defenceless countries so that then they can act as good samaritans(after invasion) to rebuild those countries,hence giving the Americans buisness contracts.
This talk about Invading Iraq because of WMDS turned out to be the biggest lie in history to invade another country.They then turned it around by saying that it was because Saddam was a dictator and he killed his own countrymen.So now the Americans turned policemen. ALL THE TIME IT WAS INVASION FOR OIL.
history will record this.Oh! and also they have now brought Freedom and democracy to the people of Iraq. WE all read everyday how free they all feel.!!!!!
The USA has killed more people in this world than any other nation.
They had to run with their tales up their A$$es from vietnam, from Somalia,and eventually will do from Afganistan and Iraq,by saying that they have achieved what they set out to do.
The USA could not organise a piss up in a brewery.

2006-08-04 21:10:16 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

America has attacked a nuculear country? Which one? If you remember, the leader of Irac was no boy scout to his people and was put there as an alternative to the previous ruler by guess who, George Bush Senior. So we have been involved in Iraq for years, Junior is just being spendy, but we have a reputation for electing leaders who care about the world. Thats why we monitor the world, do you care about the world? Join your countries peaceforce and prove it.

2006-08-04 06:13:02 · answer #5 · answered by Marcus R. 6 · 0 0

If you're refering to Iraq...if Iraq got and shot nukes at your country the question then would be... why don't the U.S. help and stop this? Of course it would be too late to answer your e-mail.
Double standard issues... rock stars see children starving in Africa and complain the U.S. needs to do more*
The U.S. is not the richest country in the world. The oil producing countries are.
The U.S. needs to declare a cease fire*
The U.S. did not attack Israel nor Hezabolla.
Crooked leaders blame the U.S. for their problems*
The U.S. can not make other countries have free enterprise.

2006-08-04 06:33:12 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Because the USA is the only country ever that used nuclear weapons against their enemies, so they know for sure that their enemy wouldn't hesitate in doing major assault on them since they have a record in mass-murdering people and history might find an excuse for such incident. So you either be with them or against them. There is no chance for neutrality.

2006-08-04 06:24:06 · answer #7 · answered by afraidtoask 3 · 0 0

The US doen't actually attack countries with WMD, it attacks ones under the pretence that they are trying to acquire them.

It would not dare actually attack a country that did have them, such as North Korea, this is precisly why many countries want them.

Would the US attack Iran if it had a few nukes pointed at Israel?

2006-08-04 06:10:55 · answer #8 · answered by mr_bishiuk 2 · 0 0

The USA is responsible enough to have WMD's. They (as well as other NATO Nations) aren't going to fire them off without extremely good reason. The reason that the UN denies certain nations WMD's is because they don't trust them enough. It's like having 3 sons. Your name is UN. The sons are named America, Britain, and Iraq. All three of them go out and get air guns, America and Britain play with them responsibly, shooting at paper targets but Iraq goes outside and shoots the neighbour's cat. You promptly find out and take the air gun off of Iraq. You let America and Britain keep theirs as they only shoot at paper targets, not cats.

2006-08-04 06:16:21 · answer #9 · answered by genghis41f 6 · 0 0

Because those countries being attacked does not really have WMD. A country with real WMD, I dont think U.S.A will attack it.

2006-08-04 06:05:59 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


that USA has attacked.??

USA does not have the balls to do such thing !

Any country they have attacked or intend to attack, they consider as soft targets, without mentionable weapons to defend themselves, and even then they can not win !!

This is to Randy C :

Wake up Child, ... you've been dreaming ... it's OK !

2006-08-04 08:01:20 · answer #11 · answered by Morbeous 3 · 0 0

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