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A numerology sample report for you, it is all in the numbers lol
January 24, 1979

Personal Year: 6

Marriage, family, and community are highlighted now. Your feelings are your focus at this time, and your intuitive abilities are much easier to access now. Creativity is also at hand and redecorating or remodeling the home often occurs during this time. This is also a time when you may be asked to make commitments; marriage, children, partnerships of all types are forming. You are emanating love and nurturing, and many will be on your doorstep during this time.

Personal Month: 5

Fly! Be free! Go somewhere exotic or at least rent the video. Fall in lust! Eat Thai food. Sell yourself, or your product. Play with kids and animals. Play hooky. The idea is to do something different from the "norm".

Personal Day: 9

Clean house. Go on a one day juice fast. Take someone dear to the zoo and have eye contact with the gorillas. See the interconnectedness of all things. Be grateful. Wear any color that makes you feel good.

Destiny: 33

The Destiny number describes the life lessons that we have come here to learn. It reveals to us the path we must take, and the role we must play to fulfill our mission. Often our choice of career is based on this vibration, and if not, then it will manifest through avocational pursuits. We may attract people and experiences into our lives that mirror the traits of this number for us, so that we may develop into our highest potential. We don't always welcome our life lessons, so it is a possibility that we may even feel an aversion to the characteristics of our Destiny number in other people, and we may ourselves act the opposite. In spite of the many ways we may choose to react to this force within us, we have been gifted with all of the talents and energy needed to fulfill our Destiny. As the higher octave of the number 6, "master number" 33 is the number of compassion. It is called the Christ vibration and requires self-sacrifice, courage and unwavering commitment to reform , truth and healing. You are on a "mission", and other teachers will learn from your honesty, discipline and bravery. You are here to provide sustenance for the hungry, whether it be through food, beauty, education, ministry or medicine. Yours is the path of "savior".


The destiny is divided into 3 great cycles, each governing us for specific durations throughout our life. The Seed cycle begins at birth and colors our experiences through childhood and adolescence. During the year nearest our 28th birthday, we move into the Fruit cycle which remains throughout the middle part of our life until the year nearest our 56th birthday, and the Harvest cycle carries on from there. Taken all together, the cycles show us our particular path that will lead to the fulfillment of our destiny.

Seed: 1

When 1 is the seed cycle it is more difficult, as the child is surrounded by other people guiding their life, and the inner desire for independence, freedom and self-motivation can lead to conflicts with authority or withdrawal.

Fruit: 6

This cycle is about responsibility, duty, and serving one's fellow man. This nurturing is usually begun at home, as domesticity gives the 6 much pleasure. Beauty and harmony are sought and even fought for. The 6 may have a career as a decorator, beautician, chef, nurse or landscape architect. The most important thing during this cycle, however, is the maintaining of a happy and harmonious home life.

Harvest: 8

Manage all that money wisely! This is the time of either reward for wise choices in the past, or hard work, usually to maintain all of the success. It is important to use discernment at this time, especially when finding someone to manage the very important things to you, like your finances. You could easily start a new company now or diversify into a new field or project. Luck and assistance are with you. It's not likely that you'll consider "retirement", however, it is important to find a lot of time for rest and maintaining emotional relationships for your health.


The four pinnacles reveal the high spots or heights of attainment that we are likely to encounter as we move along the path of our life. The 1st pinnacle lasts from birth to around age 28. The 2nd pinnacle lasts for 9 years after that. the 3rd pinnacle lasts 9 more years, and the 4th pinnacle carries on through the rest of our life. The peak of the pinnacle is reached during the next 1 personal year. Pinnacles are like sudden inheritances from a benevolent aunt, they can transform the prevailing energies completely and suddenly. It is useful to look ahead and prepare for our pinnacles so that we can maximize their gifts to us and shape them into the most positive manifestation.

First Pinnacle: 7

You are wise beyond your years. It's a good time to study and contemplate life and yourself. Spending a lot of time alone is necessary to search the depths, analyze, and attain knowledge. You may be very drawn to spiritual subjects now.

Second Pinnacle: 5

The 5 pinnacle will bring opportunities for freedom in any area that there has been stagnation, so changes in job, relationships or residence are common. If there is a resistance to change, it may be manifested through something or someone seeming to force it. Either way the change will occur.

Third Pinnacle: 3

Words are extremely powerful now and literary talents can blossom. You are center stage, and are magnetically attracting allies. Appearances are important and efforts to improve and/or maintain them will be easier than ever.

Fourth Pinnacle: 9

Some call the 9 vibration "payday". All of the experiences before now have accumulated into a sense of understanding or knowing, and it is a good time to share your knowledge with others.


The three challenges show us the major influences demanding our attention during specific sections of our lifetime. The 1st challenge influences the years from birth to age 28. The 2nd challenge takes over from age 28 to 52, and the third affects us our whole life. Challenges shape our attitudes and can affect our health. These vibrations that challenge us, cause either an exaggeration of the associated qualities or a lack of them, both of which are extremes which need to be brought into balance.

First Challenge: 5

As children, 5's are sometimes raised in non-traditional settings or by parent's with non-traditional values about sex, freedom and stimulants. The child either learns by example to explore and "go with the flow" or they are stifled or abused in some way that makes them want to block the experiences out or run away. In this way the 5 teaches themselves to detach from people and situations when they begin to feel stifled. A way to balance this is found in the 4 and the 6, focus and depth with the willingness to trust in the power of love.

Second Challenge: 2

This is the challenge of sensitivity and self-sacrifice. Two's look for needs to be filled in others and attempt to fill those needs while ignoring their own, all with the hope that someone will take care of them in return. It is possible that a two challenger can manifest just the opposite as well and be preoccupied with their own needs, feelings, desires, beliefs to the point that other people are only here to fill their endless requirements. Balance is found between the independence of 1 and the self-expression of 3.

Third Challenge: 3

The 3 is the challenge of expression. It is telling us to stop standing in the corner and to get out in the limelight. Dance, sing, paint, write, act, laugh and shower our gifts of creative inspiration on all the people around us. Those with the 3 challenge are usually shy or unsure of their talents and afraid of criticism. Personal appearance is also an issue with this challenge, as insecurity about one's appearance can lead to too much or too little emphasis upon it. A balance needs to be found between extravagance and mousiness, and it helps to remember that other people are much too concerned about themselves to be judging our looks or talents very seriously.

Love & Blessings

2006-08-03 22:55:50 · answer #1 · answered by milly_1963 7 · 1 0

I would look 24 hours into the future

2016-03-26 22:38:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have enough ability to say that you are a dreamer and lately you have been trying to get organized. You want better things for yourself but you are uncomfortable where you are now and need to start making plans for the future. -You like change: it empowers you....

2006-08-03 21:55:17 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


Input your birth data (date, place and exact birth time) under "My Astro"

Select "Free Horoscopes".

Select "Astro Click Portrait" for a Natal Chart Interpretation.

This is accurate and free. Enjoy!

2006-08-04 13:12:44 · answer #4 · answered by astroleolady 5 · 0 0

OMG, you guys are killing me. are you serious. give me a break

2006-08-03 21:51:28 · answer #5 · answered by ♥BUD or BUD LIGHT♥ 4 · 0 0


2006-08-03 22:42:13 · answer #6 · answered by cool gal tanvi 2 · 0 0

Rising Sign is in 02 Degrees Cancer
Very sensitive by nature, you prefer to be in your own familiar surroundings. Cautious and conservative, you make changes in your life only very slowly, if at all. You do not open up easily to strangers. Friendships are made for life, however -- once given, your trust is forever. Your mother, your home as a child and your early family life in general are very important to you. You are also very sentimental. When you feel self- confident, you are gentle, giving and protective of the needs of others. But when you feel insecure or threatened, you become overly sensitive to criticism, shy, withdrawn and moody. You have a strong need for security -- in the sense that you are being loved, nourished and protected.

Sun is in 03 Degrees Aquarius.
You get bored with the status quo and are generally open to new things and ideas. An individualist and a free spirit, your friends are quite important to you as long as they do not try to tie you down by making too many emotional demands on you. Your thoughts are offbeat and you're a bit eccentric, but not always very changeable. As a matter of fact, you can be quite stubborn at times. Very fair-minded when dealing with large groups or broad issues, you are not always emotionally sensitive to the needs of individuals. Extremely objective, with good powers of observation, you would be qualified to study technical and complicated subjects, like science, computers or maybe even astrology.

Moon is in 12 Degrees Sagittarius.
An idealist, you prefer the grand, the beautiful, the good and the noble. You get very disappointed when your high expectations in life are not met. Very curious by nature, you enjoy traveling and learning about other peoples and cultures. Try to avoid your tendency to ignore the small but important details of living. You are independent and free, and you want others to be that way, too. Optimistic, buoyant and cheerful, others like to have you around. You have an incessant desire to learn as much as possible about metaphysics, religion, philosophy and any other broad, deep subject. Your life tends to be punctuated by bursts of energy and frenetic activity.

Mercury is in 23 Degrees Capricorn.
You are a careful thinker, very cautious and conservative. You are quite skillful at organizing, directing and planning activities. Practical and useful things interest you -- you are not attracted to abstract thoughts or ideas. With your tendency to be highly focused and very goal-oriented, you have a good head for business. But beware of a tendency to be narrow-minded and dogmatic. Your sense of humor tends toward being earthy and slapstick crude.

Venus is in 17 Degrees Sagittarius.
You are very aware of the need to maintain a high sense of morality in a relationship. Your loyalty and interest will remain constant in any relationship (either friendly, personal or business) that is based on fairness, honesty and justice. But you will become greatly hurt and disappointed if the other person takes any but the high road with you. Also, you cannot tolerate anyone being overly emotionally possessive of you. You are known for your friendly, outspoken manner.

Mars is in 03 Degrees Aquarius.
Your ideas and opinions are usually inventive and original, but sometimes they are merely eccentric and offbeat. You are altruistic -- you will work hard for the attainment of group goals, as long as they meet your high standards. You tend to resent traditional authority figures because you think that your ideas are better thought out and more valuable than theirs. Very idealistic, you are a rebel WITH a cause!

Jupiter is in 04 Degrees Leo.
You must be proud of all that you do in order to grow and develop. You enjoy being totally honest and aboveboard and you revel in the admiration and respect you receive from others due to your high- minded, upright way of life. Make sure, though, that your natural tendency to boast and show off is based on your actual accomplishments. Don't fall prey to self-exaggeration or arrogance. You truly do like outrageous spectacles and grand jolly times and will go out of your way to make them a reality.

Saturn is in 13 Degrees Virgo.
Your life must be orderly and practical and full of known and familiar routines in order for you to feel comfortable with yourself. Be careful, however, not to let "order" become the be-all and end-all of your life, or you may become cold, crass and unfeeling. Doing useful, practical things boosts your self- esteem. Abstract concepts and reasoning seem frivolous and a waste of time to you. You are very critical of yourself (and others), indeed at times quite self-deprecating. Try to relax a bit and allow yourself the freedom to fail once in a while. However, you probably won't fail very often because you are such a perfectionist.

Uranus is in 20 Degrees Scorpio.
You, and your peer group, demand to confront life at its deepest and most meaningful levels. Very compulsive and obsessive in your approach to everything, you will avoid anything that is casual or superficial, especially when it comes to relationships. You will seek out and explore new methods of healing as well as different ways to deal with deep-seated emotional problems.

Neptune is in 19 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and your entire generation, are heavily involved in investigating and idealizing foreign and exotic intellectual systems and religious philosophies. The most extreme ideals will be pursued with gusto. You will be at the forefront of humanitarian attempts to improve the lot of those who are in need of assistance. You will be comfortable with the concept of the "global village."

Pluto is in 19 Degrees Libra.
For your entire generation, this is a time of radical changes in society's attitude toward marriage and interpersonal relationships. There is a general fear and awe at the power inherent in making emotional or contractual commitments -- they will not be entered into lightly.

N. Node is in 18 Degrees Virgo.
You're usually quite at ease in leaving leadership roles in the hands of others. You would rather tend to the thousand and one details that need to be accomplished to keep any group going. Although you're very fussy and high-minded when it comes to choosing your associates, once your loyalty is given you can be trusted with many of the practical aspects of any project that is being undertaken. Usually quite unselfish, you will toil long hours in the service of any worthy cause that demands your attention. But be careful that your perfectionist tendencies don't get in the way of making real progress. (In other words, don't waste your time dusting clean shelves!)

2006-08-06 04:27:39 · answer #7 · answered by fabmaster6 3 · 0 0

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