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Israeli refusal to end its occupation according to the UN 242 resolution and Israel want to keep Palestinian and Lebaness land that was never part of Israel.
For the last 56 years the Palestinian Refugees are living in a United Nation Refugee Camps waiting for UN to implement the UN Security Council resolutions.

For the last 56 years Israel conducts collective punishment and state terror against the Palestinian Refugees.
See what real Jews say about it:http://www.nkusa.org

2006-08-03 19:13:08 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Education & Reference Higher Education (University +)

No one could NOT change his mind unless he has no mind.
Occupying other people by force is losing policy in the past and now and has no future.

2006-08-03 19:18:54 · update #1

If the Messiah is coming today who will he save the Palestinians whose lands was taken by force and living in a Refugee Camps for the last 50 years. Or the Israelis forces, which took the Palestinian, home and land and cities?The Messiah is fare and justice and love and peace how can he stand on the occupation side. God laws are very clear unless you created new laws in God name remember not to kill and rest

2006-08-03 19:46:11 · update #2

13 answers

same reason Azerbajian and Turkey want to keep land that do not belong to them (belongs to ARMENIA)...


plus...it appears that the Jews conquered America...
should Europe be concerned...Again?

2006-08-03 19:15:40 · answer #1 · answered by Schizm 3 · 0 0

Although there are many Israelis who want to keep the West Bank because it is part of the traditional land of Israel, the main reason that Israel has justified the occupation of these lands is for security. Israels has always been willing to end the occupation in return for peace. As soon as Egypt made peace with Israel, Israel withdrew from the entire Sinai. If Israel could make peace with the Palestinians, it would leave the West Bank. Even without being able to make a deal with the Palestinians, Israel unilaterally withdrew from Gaza. If Syria would recognize the right of Israel to exist, and make peace, Israel would probably be willing to relinquish the Golan Heights. If militants were not attacking Israel from Lebanon, Israel would have no interest in Lebanon.

2006-08-03 19:22:35 · answer #2 · answered by rollo_tomassi423 6 · 0 0

Have you ever thought about Israel's security issues? Haven't you noticed that the U.N. does not have very much power over an issues these days. Look at the whole nuclear power in Iran. They gave Iran a deadline to suspend its program and yet, it's still going. I am more worried about Iran than Israel occupying Lebanon for its security. Maybe when Lebanon TRIES to keep Hizbollah out of southern Leb. then Israel will leave but untill then, they are there to stay. They don't want to occupy it, they just want security. The Palestinian refugee's left in 1948 in gratitude towards the countries that attacked Israel. They told them that once they killed all the Jews, that they would have their land back so they fled to Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and so forth. To their surprise, Israel whooped on all those Islamic countries and survived and never returned. Not due to Israel borders, but because they never tried to. After a while, Israeli's just bought the land from the government and started creating kibbutzim.

2006-08-03 19:20:26 · answer #3 · answered by tgolper2000 1 · 0 0

I am sorry to tell you this ....but all that is happening is foretold in the BIBLE. I'm sorry to say...it will only get worse for anyone who will try to go against Israel. They have been promised the land. So are you from Israel.???....you need to get some of your facts straight. Why are you trying to get people to hate Israel if you are a Jew ...all Jews are Gods chosen....Something doesn't make sense ???? I am not a Jew...but I know what God says about them....I personally would not mess with any thing that God has already foretold.

2006-08-03 19:42:40 · answer #4 · answered by light2 1 · 1 0

I tell you why in the past Israel had no place to go so Palestine in and Lebanese gave them the worst land as possible for the to look good in front of the UN but because Israel has progress so much in the last 56 years in the worst land now the Palestine in & Lebaness fill so jelest because the can so they whant to kike the out so they can kip all the goods for them self ( for an Ex: you are given this house by your brother or some one and you work so hard to make it beutifull and riperet but your house lookes better than your brother and now he is jelest so he tells you to move out you tell me if you would move out of the house that you work so hard to revild and your money and life savings have gone to will you give back wide out a fait ) ask your self and don't get to mushin to what you read you are not geting the hall storry you have to learn their storry and historry from bout parties as one of you sead that the U.S shoude give them land in the U.S how can dea if this land is not their in the first place the U.S.A was stollen from the Natieves of Ammerica (Indians ) By eastern people from spain, engalnd france and othe white contryes so they don't ave a land to give out 2nd of all in the all map the map was made durring ww2 doring that time germmany had taking the jewis (Israel in control as well true out the histery all does countryes in cluding Rome and Egyep had at one point in history taken the jewish like slaves and taking their land so in realy ty all that land is right forly theirs from the begining so where do you think they came from a space ship or frome out of space they had to come out of some where so read the all testament of the old emperos or rulers of your land from (BC AB) beffor you open this conversation lernd and be more humand you animals

2006-08-03 19:32:13 · answer #5 · answered by joel m 1 · 0 0

click on discover ....I answered this question three times in the last week.

Abreviated answer: Arabs interpret any sign of peace or peace offerings or land returned or withdrawel of any sort as weakness. Just like when the jews exited lebanon...WHAT happend where they happy
NO!!! YOU CAN NEVER APPEASE greedy military facists like hezboloah and other nazi like groups. APPEASEMENT equals weakness in their eyes. SO I DON't BLAME the jews for using force its the only thing you freaken middle age mentality understands. The sad thing is arab accomplised alot and were a great civilization but while the west evolved the arabs remained tribal and bloody and regressed. IF you people don't get with the 21st century or at least the 20th then I don't blame the jews if they do stomp you all but good....and maybe EUROPE will wise up and heklp them kick *** your asses just like they stomped nazi germany. THEN YOU WILL WISE UP JUST LIKE NAZI GERMANY DID. NOW THEIR A PRODUCTIVE MEMBER OF THE E.U.. SO MAYBE WE ALL KICK YOUR ARAB ASSES EDucate you in the ways of the 21st centuray Then once your civilized we'll help you rebuild and become a productive members of the New world order.

2006-08-03 19:23:36 · answer #6 · answered by rache001 3 · 0 0

If you are referring to the latest fighting going on in Lebanon, You must remember why the fighting began. I consider the fist attack; an attack against the Israeli military. Kidnapping a soldier is the equivalent to an attack against the people of a nation. EXAMPLE: If your father was a border guard at the Mexican border and the Mexican police kidnapped him and your uncles, how far would you want the president of our country to go, to get them back? I would support Israel until they get their kidnapped soldiers back, dead or alive. I submit a question to you: what would you do if you were the president of Israel? would you do nothing?

2006-08-03 19:39:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

forget all the nonsense you have written, this is one goddamn planet, people need to live somewhere - when I read stuff like this I wish we have an alien invasion (no I am not 12, I am serious) and then everyone will realize the worth of what we have, coz frankly if the $hit hits the fan we guys have nowhere to run, may as well live the 60-70 years we get ... decently and peacefully.

2006-08-03 19:19:06 · answer #8 · answered by noogney 4 · 0 0

Don't forget the US keeping land belonging to Indians. And which means all the Western Hemisphere. And wasn't Neanderthal here before us? Should we have taken their land?

2006-08-03 19:16:39 · answer #9 · answered by trafficer21 4 · 0 0

Uhm, technically speaking, NONE of israel was israel before 1948.

2006-08-03 19:16:35 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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