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2006-08-03 19:11:53 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Other - News & Events


2006-08-03 19:24:02 · update #1

Khanzadha perhaps YOU know some terrorist, I don`t, but your answer terrorizes me, and terrifies me! hope these 2 pts. will satisfy your greed.

2006-08-03 19:30:49 · update #2

9 answers

Any city or nation is vulnerable. The concept of terrorism is forign to the US. For people here it is unthinkable to comit such acts. We are still struggling to digest 9-11.

Fertile ground for terrorism requires a few things. Fanaticism and hate are the two most important ingredients. Second they need a bedrock of support from a group(s) which hate another group so badly that they will happily hide and supply terrorists. As long as these terrorists kill thier enemies this support will continue.

Here is the situation though. Arabs due to severe religious oppression over the last 1,000+ years have the technological equivalency of a 3 year old. Before Islamic fanatics assumed power the Arab nations were leaders in science, math, astronomy, achitecture and many other fields. This continued even in the early days of Islam so it has nothing to do with the religion itself.

Americans have created a culture that prizes inovation. We find ways to do things. The American cival war advanced technology more than any other single event in the history of man. Even WW II did not see so many dramatic revolutions in technology and warfare. Millions of Eurpoeans died because they failed to see the mistakes made in the Cival war. Though they used warfare pioneered early in the US Cival war. They also used weapons mostly invented during and for the US Cival war.

The US is a fractured society right now. Political moves have suceeded in deviding us on many ways. Smokers and anti-Smokers hate each other. Fanatical Democrap and Repugnican are literally ready to take arms up against each other. Anti-abortionists have comited small acts of terrorism already. Thier views hardening each day. Environmental extremists also have comited many small acts of terrorism. They while not doing much for the environment are a very militant and politically devoted faction out of touch with the rest of the nation. So out of touch that the seething hatred is palpable just from the average lititure put out by them.

Ethnic supremist groups are on the rise. Black Panthers, Ayran Brotherhood, Azetlan/LULU, and even some Asian groups are now forming up ethnic organizations which will enevitably ally with one or another ethnic faction. Stirred on by the likes of Jessie Jackson and Falwell these groups continue to erode racial harmony for personal political gain.

Cival libertarians are up in arms at the total trampling of the US constitution going on. Various groups formed to protect specific rights like the NRA and groups formed to protect rights in general like the ACLU are getting more and more alienated from society as a whole. The EFF is a very vocal and objective group yet it is now falling into a level of dismay at some of the laws passed over the last 20 years.

Various seperatist groups who have had it with the US over one reason or another are springing up everywhere. Texas, Alaska, Puerto Rico are just a few states that have noticable seperatist movements. Often these are linked with MIlitia movements. Another group of seperatists want to grab the Western states and make them part of Mexico. There are several groups but they are currently solidifying right now.

We have a very strong forign prescence in our nation in the way of gangs. Hispanic and Russian gangs are the ones who get the most press but Vietmese gangs are just one of many out there which are carving out thier own peice of the pie.

China is waging an active cold war with the US. It's minions are spread out in key places taking cues from inroads made by the KGB.

Disaffected political factions such as the Greens and Libertarians are increasingly disapointed by thier inability for reasons of thier own and many not of thier own to get political exposure. The US Gov uses represive measures against such independent parties. So the boot heal is creating some rather disturbed people in these camps. People that often show up in more militant organizations because of these repressive actions.

Athiests are a tiny minority in this nation but have come to be a very militant minority. While they havn't blown anything up, a string of reversals in courts and that could easily change. The fanatical mindset they deploy is the kind of mindset it takes to blow up a church full of people. The hatred they have of Christianity is rabid. Christians feeling this barrage of hatred are starting to rouse and it will not be long before the hatred is mutual. Continued court decisions sideing with Athiests will alienate hard core Christians to the point that they begin to strike back. This group is generally already frustrated enough on issues like abortion that it will not take much prompting to start seeing militant groups form up. Pagens tend to root for the athiests and could easily be drawn into the fray if the war of words turns to something more.

There are more but I think I've made my point on that respect. The political manuverings of the Democraps and Repugnicans and thier base support groups have splintered the nation. We are no longer Americans. We are hyphonated Americans. We put heritage, religion, social groups, political parties, and a host of other issue in front of American. We are obsessed over single issues, ones that often have easy solutions but are stirred up by corrupt politicians who benifit from fanaticism, that we become our own worst enemy.

In an America where to Americans the US comes first, terrorism has to come from abroad. That means it has to come through checkpoints. That certain nationalities can be watched more closely and thus have a more effective use of manpower. We can wall off borders and each and every individual citizen is a sentry against such an attack. The simple fact is that an attack against one American is an attack against us all. The reality is that we actually have Americans siding with forign interests. Why? Because they hate a political/religious/other group so much that they are no longer Americans but one of the hyponated Americans I was talking about. They hate so strongly that all reason has left them and they wish to kill off fellow Americans.

An example, the fact is that currently when a plane is hijacked it is almost always a Young Arab male who does it. There is no racism involved in this decision. It is just a simple fact. As such Arabs, and secondly Islamics bear closer scrutiny than the average person. That is not discrimantory, that is just trying to make the most effective use of manpower as possible. When Arabs quit blowing up airplanes then it would be discrimantory to continue the practice. However in an attempt to be as fair as possible we rush to protect the rights of people. Understandable sentiment. The US Constitution is about rights. If we fail to adhere to the concepts of it then terrorism is a minor problem and our own Gov becomes a bigger problem. Example of this is the Patriot act. Fear of terrorism has been politically used to create repression which does nothing to solve terrorism. It does quite a bit to incite it.

So we trample on our most sacred rights but fail to do the logical thing and inconvience a few people of a given nationality or religion when we have truely justified reason to do so. This to me seems backwards. I would be more worried about repealing the Patriot act and I DO worry about flying because they do not screen people based on profiles. This means that the people I do NOT want to fly with are not as likely to be checked out. Instead little ole granny is getting her suitcase checked while a guy who just reeks of Islamic fanaticism scoots right on through.

If it seems I have shot off on a tangent I havn't. Remember the first thing I said was terrorism needed a good place to exist. We have successfully created such a place in America. We continue to feed that soil with the nutrients terrorism needs so badly. Just look at half the YA political answers. Some of these people could be shown anything disproving thier beliefs and they would rather shoot you than even look at it much less consider the fact they are wrong. How can I be sure they are wrong? We are ALL wrong when it comes to something as subjective as politics. That is the nature of that beast. You cannot be totally right as there is no such thing. People are people and very few issues are cut and dried when it comes to people. Even I am wrong, but I try to be as right as I can. That is all anybody can do. The fanatic is no longer interested in truth. They have no room for facts in thier hearts. Thier heart belongs to a cause. I see alot of fantics on here and I feel that this is an accurate represnetation of the stratification going on in the US today.

That stratitifcation is what will cause home grown terrorism. We got a taste with the OK bombings. We had a near miss again in OK when a young college kid tried to blow himself up. We had a rather incompentent attempt in Miami. Almost comical actually. Thier hearts were there though and that is what is scary. Had a more compentent group attempted such, that is cause to worry.

No longer can we just guard the ports and airports. We have streaming throngs crossing our borders. The alliance between Chavez and Arab terrorists and China is a truely scary spectre. No longer to we have the inept Arab terrorists who blow themselves up as often as they do thier target. We have a joining of Anti-US Hispanic organizations with very well funded and organized China. This means strong technology. Cohesive groups capable of extreme organization. Fantical purpose. So anywhere that has a large iliegal population. Anywhere with a large Islamic population. These are obvious places where terrorism can and will soon occur if nothing changes. The less obvious will be the Christian fanatics and incidents from the seperatists and militias. All it takes is a match on this powder keg. A terrorist action by one group at the wrong time and place will spark reprisals. The US Gov will quickly lose control. This will be used to furthor reduce our cival liberties.

Unlike one poster. I do not see a global conspiracy in the same way. Globalism and the NWO do exist and do have some fanatical proponents. Corporations are the big driving force for this. However many smaller factions are I feel unconciously aiding this such as the zero population group. Cabalists, Satanist, Illumaniti, they all exist as well but the cooperation is on a much smaller scale and there is much conflict between these groups.

What is to blame is good ole fasion human greed and lust for power. Jessie Jackson doesn't believe he's helping the Black people. He might feel proud of an event or two, he knows he is harming his race more then helping. Jessie Jackson also knows that without racism he goes back to a nothing nobody. Without abortion these telivangelists have to find another issue to rally thier crew. The Feminists, and all the other fanatical organizations out there are in the same boat. What if all the anti-gun laws went away? I think that scares the leadership of the NRA more than gun banners. So all these group formed with good intentions and populated mostly by people with good intentions have become much of the problem. Now that they are armed and militarized who is going to want to stand down first? There is no trust between groups. Everybody feels if they disolved thier particuler fanatics club that whatver issue(s) it was formed to fight would fall the way that they do not want it. Groups that succeed in thier goals then find new life. MAD for example. The drunk driving laws are about as tough as they are ever going to get. MAD has now turned to a subtle attempt to ban alchohol. No longer against drunk driving they are against drinking period. DAMM is still a joke (Drunks against mad mothers) but the idea is starting to take root with those that drink and people who remember the disaster prohibition was in the past. Who are living in the wreckage the "war on drugs" created.

So I see terrorism where you least expect it in the coming years. Arabs won't be the ones doing it either. It'll be in small towns and large cities. People will be afraid to run over objects in the street for fear they contain a bomb. Already freeway shootings and sniper attacks are starting to become something of a fashion. These people graduate to mass murder if they go about the petty stuff long enough.

Solution? Good luck. It would take the imediate dismembering of both Repugnican and Democraptic parties. It would also take a major shake up of our poltical system. Otherwise we'd just change the name on the two heads of the monster but the monster would remain. A huge start is to remember we are Americans. Drop those hyphons. Boot those one issue wonders out the door and give the press an ultimatium about fairness and non-political bias. That would be a start. I am pessimestic. In fact I have probably offended every single person reading this tirade. I play no favorites and have even attacked institutions that I personally cherish. Why did I do that? Because I too am part of the problem. I too am unwilling to stand down until my enemies show a willingness to do the same. I am yet another American choosing the lessor of two evils, but aiding an evil greator than either in doing so.

So the target will be ourselves and it will be Americans or illegals posing as Americans doing the damage. Unlike Arab terrorism with extended and vulnerable supply lines combined with a complete lack of technological sophistication or even a rudimentary understanding of American psychology. The next generation of terrorism will be technologically sophisticated and even inovative. Weapons never seen or used before will be born. Americans are never satisfied with just doing something. We have to do it bigger, better and throw a parade while we are doing it. It will come in ways we are not expecting it. It will also come from our own Government at times. Both thorugh infiltrated agents and because the Gov will, actually already has assumed too much power against it's own people.

2006-08-03 21:03:37 · answer #1 · answered by draciron 7 · 3 0

Clearly New York and D.C. Possibly Seattle, because it was a target during the Cold War, and Chicago, because there's already been a foiled terrorist attack against it. Hollywood, for what it represents and most likely any cities that are very dense, population wise. And then the ten largest cities in the nation.

2006-08-03 19:21:46 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The problem is that the terrorists are in the government, all over the world, in the senate, the industry, everywhere...

They forged your terror, to weeken you to accept thing like the National Id, that will traces all your moves, all the time, and more....Investigate, and discuss about it. The govenment lied...

2006-08-03 19:40:16 · answer #3 · answered by The Patriot 4 · 0 0

Short Pants Ark.

2006-08-03 19:15:03 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Any of them. Believe it or not, on the news here in Nebraska, they said we are guarding 8 different "potential" terrorist targets.

2006-08-03 19:16:05 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ask a terrorist

2006-08-03 19:17:11 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

New York, San Francisco, and L.A.

2006-08-03 19:15:35 · answer #7 · answered by franky198666 2 · 0 0

The big apple.

2006-08-03 20:54:25 · answer #8 · answered by acid tongue 7 · 0 0

All of Them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-08-03 19:14:45 · answer #9 · answered by Israel G 3 · 0 0

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