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I cite this video as a source: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-7828123714384920696

First they illegally occupy Gaza and West Bank, terrorizing and oppressing the Palestinians and stealing their land. Not only do they ignore the U.N., they try to occupy the American media (and succeed), so most Americans don't know this is going on (I didn't, before I watched this video). When we hear about Palestinian suicide bombers in Israel, we think, "Poor Israel, they're being attacked by those evil Palestinians." No, poor Palestinians! They're being controlled by foreign tyrants.

Now they terrorize Lebanon (yes, Hezbollah started it, but they are being completely ridiculous and using far too much force), and we (the U.S.) support them! We need to cut these terrorists off! And if Hezbollah destroys them, there'll be a lot less terror in the world.

2006-08-03 18:49:18 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

riddsridds, you're the sick one. Why don't you watch that video? The Israelis often won't let laboring women pass through checkpoints to get to the hospital, so they give birth at the checkpoint and their babies often die. They charge the Palestinians just to pass through the streets, and sometimes they won't even let them go home. They set strict curfews on the places they're occupying. If you get sick after curfew, too bad. Deal with it. You can't leave the house.

2006-08-03 19:22:41 · update #1

15 answers

Ummm.. the Israeli's were already out of Lebanon, they were out of Gaza and eventually would have been out of the West Bank. The simple fact is that the only "peace" that most of the Arab world will accept is the destruction of Israel.

If you want the real story, it is rather long, but it is the true story that has been eradicated from our PC history books:

2006-08-06 13:06:52 · answer #1 · answered by at_window 3 · 0 0

Because the alternative is supporting the terrorists who are attacking Israel.

As far as Gaza and West Bank, don't forget that those territories were claimed during a war that Israel won, but that Israel didn't start. Israel was attacked, won, and held some of the territory that they had gained. The same as hundreds of other countries over the past few thousand years.

The Palestinians have been given multiple opportunities to have the own country, all to themselves. All they have to do is disarm Hamas, which has vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the map. Instead, the Palestinians elect Hamas as their primary leaders. So, no real sympathy for those who openly support terrorism and genocide.

Same problem with Hezbollah, which has also vowed to wipe Israel off the face of the map. The alternative to attacking Hezbollah in Lebanon is to not attack Hezbollah. Which means that Hezbollah can continue launching rockets into Israel and killing Israeli civilians with no reprisal.

In fact, Israel has been offering a cease fire since about day 4 of this conflict. Under two terms. First, Hezbollah returns the Israeli soldiers who were kidnapped. Second, Hezbollah stops launching rockets into Israel. Hezbollah refused.

Israel has no other choice, except to either attack Hezbollah where they hide, or to stand there and be attacked, because nobody else will stop Hezbollah. Not even the Lebanese government, which has agreed to stop Hezbollah under UN orders after all of the previous times that Hezbollah attacked Israel, and has continually refused to stop the terrorists from attacking Israel.

As a side note, the US certainly has no right to complain about Israeli action. US forces have been responsible for hundreds of thousands of Iraqi and Afghanistan civilian deaths in the past several years. Far worse by several orders of magnitude, and for far less justification since the US started the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, while Israel is again only fighting to defend itself.

War is a tragedy. Especially so because civilian casualties are inevitable. But Israel didn't start any of the wars that it's been in, and has no real alternative but to keep fighting them (now or later) as long as they continue being attacked by terrorists. And I can't feel sorry for those countries being torn up in the process, when they actively choose to stand up and support those terrorists.

2006-08-03 18:52:30 · answer #2 · answered by coragryph 7 · 0 0

Poor Palestinians eh.... lets look at that... were they forced to be slaves by the Egyptians... no, were they forced to be slaves by the Babylonians?.. no... did they have their homeland taken away from them for thousands of years? Yes. Forced to go to Europe and then later on in time we had the Nazis.. and guess what happened next to the Jews... over six million of them were murdered... So then in 1948 the U.N makes the State of Israel so the Jews have somewhere to go but oh no the Muslims with there hate of the Jews won't allow them to live in peace.. they have to attack them. Funny how Israel never starts any of these conflicts.. like the six day war back in 1967 and to the recent conflict they are facing now. I don't see Jews strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up things, only Muslims... I don't see Israel kidnapping solders, only Muslims... Israel doesn't want the destruction of anyone but when they are attacked time and time again, they are forced to defend themselves just like any other would. As for them using too much force, they arn't using enough because they keep getting rockets fired at them. For you to say that you want hezbollah to destroy Israel is sick, you're a horrible human being.

Why does Israel have to do that? Let's see, how about they can't be trusted.. Now a days it's not just the men that strap bombs to them it's the women too... now if they didn't blow themselves up and kill civilians then they would be able to be trusted and wouldn't have any curfews, but you are only interested in you own uneducated ways, you're probably a Palestinian which would explain a lot. Here's a finial thought for you perhaps when Palestine goes though what the Jews have had to go through, maybe then will they be entitled to something.

2006-08-03 19:16:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Trying to fix the discussion about who was there first, is one that will take you on a long journey with no end. There's no way to prove who was there first. Even before the great migration back to Israel in the late 1800s and early 1900s, Israelis lived in the region. The early ones who migrated back legally purchased land.

It's when the numbers started increasing rapidly did the local Palestinians start to have issues. I'm not defending Israel entirely, but that doesn't give anyone the reason to purposely kill innocent men, women, and children for land.

2006-08-03 18:56:05 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Bush administration is dominated by Jews and Zionists, that's why. And our national government has been increasingly so for the past 30 years. Did you know that our nation has been sucked so dry by the Jews that our national economy is on the edge of collapse and dispite this, we are BORROWING money to GIVE to Isreal? During 1948-2000, the USA GAVE $105 BILLION to Israel in direct aid--not counting the uncalculable BILLIONS of indirect aid, such as the "smart bombs" Bush is rushing to Isreal right now at $250,000 to $1.2 million apiece so the ISD can kill civilians with them.

And we wonder why America suddenly so hated?

Go see the files at this website and the two linked to it, especially the "Jews Run America" folder at CitedSources3, the third site in the series of three.

Oh, want a quickie reference to the above with everything laid out on the table with no qualifications or "fine" details? Check this fact out--Sharon admitted in a open meeting of the Isreali "congress" that Jews run America. That's the second website I provide below.

IThe first website provides the background for the terroristic birth of Israel as an unlawful rebellion against the British Mandate authorities and the effort of the NATION of Palestine to accommodate displaced Jews after WW2, why even genetics and Bible history don't support the existance of Isarel today, why TRUE biological Jews curse and pray against today's Zionist state of Isreal and why the US has NOT BENEFITS WHATSOEVER from supporting Israel's criminal and war-crime-status activities. The three sites have more than 550 files of high-quality sources from national-status newspapers and magazines and academic papers to support all the above AND MORE.)

2006-08-03 18:58:33 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most of the Israeli leaders have no real plan for lasting peace. Peace to the Israeli leaders means the end of Israel. Israel is living on aids from the USA. Israeli lobby in the USA is more hard liner than the Israeli leaders on most positions. The Israel Lobby gets for Israel
4 billions $ each year from American taxpayers . how can Israel live without that lobby its true poor Jews and poor Arabs are getting killed everyday so can some lobbyist make his living in the USA and look most of that money go to war business. So Israeli leaders made the Jewish state a war zone forever.

2006-08-03 18:54:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is the New Worls Order, called by Bush father's, the 9/11, 1991, strangely 10 years say for day before the 9/11. The New World Order called by the president od Russia, and other's....

They control the curncy, the economy, the industry, the science, and far so more, look at this your future depend of the investigation you will do, the Patriot Act is far too real, the Martial law, at our's steps......It is not a joke...

2006-08-03 19:23:07 · answer #7 · answered by The Patriot 4 · 0 0

don't you get it! Hezbollah is a terrorist organization! and Israel DIDN'T illegally occupy Gaza and the west bank. and the "suicide Bomber" Palestinians are actually children ok so, who really are the evil ones. think about it. hazbollah attacks israel and you dont expect them to use force back? and it looks like israel is winning anyway.

2006-08-03 19:14:11 · answer #8 · answered by thomasR 2 · 0 0

Well I lived in Israel (no I'm not Jewish, but I did stay them for a while - I was stuck there during the Gulf war because I went to go see my friend, long story), and one of my friends is Israeli so I think I know a bit about the situation in the middle east. For starters, the Palestinians were given many resolutions by the Israelis. They were offered land, more land than they had ever owned in the past but they didn't accept this offer because they, in simple words, stated that they didn't want "that" land, even though it would have been enough for all of their population, because they wanted "all" of israel and absolutely refuse to share it with the Jews because Israel is apparently no place for Jews. Second, they were only in Gaza and the West Bank in order to protect their own country which was being completely shattered by suicide bombers. Imagine this (I've seen this with my own eyes), you're fourteen and you go to this local teenage hang out spot and it gets blown up and all of your friends die along with hundreds of other *children*. That's pretty devestating too. That's not saying that what's happening in Lebanon isn't devestating either but yo uhave to understand that Hizballah is a terrorist organization. As many casualities as they can create and report, they will. They do not even play sirens before attacks (and they have a lot of opportunity to) because they don't mind sacrificing innocent civillians to make their point. Israel, on the other hand, does in fact play sirens hence why most of the northern population is sitting in bunkers not having seen light for a very long time. Hamas is also a terrorist organization. They *kill* people and they shouldn't be governing a population. They shouldn't be teaching MATH like this: 1 dead jew + 1 dead jew = 2 dead jews, which they do. Third, the Israelis are out of the West Bank and out of Gaza which most of Israel supported. They have absolutely no need or desire to occupy those terrortories but they're donig it in order to defend their civilians because if those soldiers weren't there, hundreds of more terrorists would sneak out into Israel and kill thousands of innocents. Israel is a free country, *modeled*, after the US. They're not terrorists. How can you call Israel a terrorist nation without accusing the US of the same thing in Iraq?! is Bush a terrorist? no. He made some mistakes, of course, but who doesn't. Plus, the Hizballah kidnapped innocent soldiers and they are probably dead by now, slaughtered, with their heads cut off and god knows where their other body parts are, and most likely it'll be sent on video for all of us to watch soon. That's terrorism. They were provoked, they were harmed, and they have a right to defend. They have a rgiht to defend their FRAGILE existence. I know this isn't probalby what you want to hear but if tomorrow Canada kidnapped American soldiers, we'd be on their asses too. Furthermore, there's so much the media isn't capturing. There are so many pictures of Jewish soldiers rescuing civilians (I don't see Hizballah helping those children from the wrecks but I have seen hundreds of IDF soldiers carrying them and taking care of them). I've been in one of those bunkers, with a gas mask covering my face, wondering when I'll ever be able to take it off or whether it would actually work if one of those countries decided to gas where I was staying, I've seen bombings, and blood, and ambulances, and sirens. I've experienced people that I know having their limbs blown off and dying and that, my friend, is terrorism...Defense is just a defense because honey, if they don't defend themselves, who else will? and I'm just depressed so I'm going to stop.

2006-08-03 19:05:12 · answer #9 · answered by MysteriousStranger 3 · 0 0

the US became into the 1st united states to renowned Israel, in basic terms minutes after it became into formally created in 1948, consistent with a 1922 Congressional decision backing the League of countries mandate for a Jewish native land in Palestine. in view that then, the two worldwide places have stepped forward a rock-good friendship that doesn't remember on the events in potential the two in Washington or Jerusalem. on a similar time as there have fairly been united statesand downs, the hassle-free bond between the US and Israel, the only united states interior the middle East that resembles the US in its values and democracy, is amazingly sturdy. the two worldwide places have long-recognized that their mutual hobbies of deterring conflict, merchandising stability and finally achieving peace are in basic terms attainable if america maintains to stand firmly at the back of Israel. Un

2016-09-28 21:35:48 · answer #10 · answered by geddings 4 · 0 0

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