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Ok, I am not racist, and I take my hat off to all the minorities who work hard for a living and live like normal people. But I am getting tired of hearing about opression. Nobody hires blacks men because they're black? No, nobody hires you because you come to the interview in a Lakers outfit and a dew rag speaking ebonics. Not to mention your car stereo was rattling the windows from 10 blocks away. Women are oppressed because men stare at them like a piece of meat? Quit showing your chest off and we won't stare at it so much! And gays? I am sorry, but any man who is more feminine than my wife deserves to be made fun of. Everyone wants EQUAL RIGHTS, just with a few benefits on the side. Yeah, really equal, let me tell ya. You know what? I am a straight white male in good physical shape, making me the most oppressed minority of them all because I have to hear the others whine non stop and pay for them to get prefferential treatment. Where the hell is my damn handout?

2006-08-03 18:48:35 · 9 answers · asked by tuner1981 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

I want White history month, a white TV Channel, and a white college fund scholarship program!

2006-08-03 18:49:24 · update #1

Guys, i am not stereotyping anyone, and I don't mean working hard as manual labor, I mean earning what they have, not demanding it for free. As I said, when I see a black man, or a mexican, or anyone living like a normal human, I have nothing but respect for them. I just think it is wrong that they think they should get special benefits for being a minority. Yes, whites did treat them unfairly in the past, but wasn't it a white man who freed the slaves? Abraham Lincoln? Case in point, they should not get special handouts. Just because they were enslaved a few hundred years ago doesn't mean we should worship them today. If they want to be equal, they should go out and earn their living like the rest of us. The only minority that DESERVES the right to complain are indians because we came and took their land, forcing them onto reservations, yet they are the ONLY minority who doesn't cry for free handouts. Just the right to build casinos and buy cheap cigarettes on their land.

2006-08-03 19:15:12 · update #2

and el68niou1 had a very good answer, that whties are still racist. But aren't blacks equally racist? If i moved into the ghetto in Harlem, I wouldn't expect to be welcomed with open arms and barbecues. I think it is wrong that people do this kind of crap, but that still doesn't mean we should pay minorities just to sit around the house, and we should give them a job over someone better qualified because they are black or female or gay or whatever. I simply say if you want to be treated equally, quit wanting to be treated better than everyone else.

2006-08-03 19:21:06 · update #3

9 answers

LOL it's funny, but I noticed that you had to preface your question with "I'm not racist". Why is it that I only hear caucasian people using that phrase? We have " white guilt" over things we are not responsible for. Most other races never feel the need to excuse their rascism ( or comments that could be considered rascist) Which brings me to your point. As a woman, I am not offended by what you have said, in fact, I agree with your points. (I have never, though, whined about not getting ahead because I'm female, just FYI) I believe that the civil rights pioneers would be angry at their children and children's children for sitting around whining when they were never allowed HALF the freedom that the kids these days have. Can you imagine? Equal should be equal, I agree. Problem is, what I don't understand is why don't these people, if they have such a problem with " the man" in charge, vote for another man? Or a woman? A vote from any race smells as sweet. I digress. In short, I'm glad you said something, I applaud your bravery in such cowardly times.

2006-08-03 19:09:28 · answer #1 · answered by Alysianna 3 · 2 2

Since you are not racist that means you are open minded so let ne become the educator. We deserve special treatment for 400 years of oppression. Oppression that did not go away with slavery. It was just 40 years ago when Dr. King marched for equality and things are better but they still are not what they should be. I live in Alabama and I am here to tell you racism is not dead. It is just very well disguised. The KKK is not wearing robes anymore they are wearing business suits and carrying briefcases they are doing the hiring and the firing. I live in a majority white neighborhood and the FBI had to campout in our neighborhood for almost a month when we moved in because us and a few more black families were welcomed with hate mail and broken bottles on our driveway. And you may think that black families are getting all of the public assistance but if you knew your facts you would know that you are mostly paying for single white families and mexicans now. There are scholarships for black only because we had to provide help for our children when no one would, we have our own month because we had to take the initiative to teach our children that we weren't just slaves and criminals when we realized no one else cared. We have taken the initiative to lift up our own community that is why you see more and more blacks in congress, the senate, and in the presidential cabinate, as drs, lawyers, and leading big businesses successfully. We take care of our own which is why I am going to call you a lie because I haven't heard that sad, tired cry from one of my brothers or sisters in a long time.

2006-08-04 02:11:22 · answer #2 · answered by el68niou1 2 · 0 0

Ok. Well I don't even own a lakers jersey and a do rag. I am a black female. I live in a heavily populated by asians and white people type city. I follow the rules of etiquette when going on job interviews and i have more experience then alot of the other people who apply. I dress properly for every interview. I speak proper and perfect english. I can read, write and enjoy learning. I have never in my life done drugs, drank alcohol or smoked anything so passing a drug test would be too easy for me. All of this and nobody will hire me, not even McDonalds. I have never had a real job before because of this and I know why. Its not a theory, its a fact, I am discriminated and disregarded because of what I look like. Period.

2006-08-04 03:04:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Chiquita G, people like you are the ones I spoke of that I take my hat off to, and if you were in this town and qualified for a job at my business, I would give you a job any day. Let me point out there is a huge misconception in what I said. I am not attacking the poor. If somebody actually needs assistance, they should get it. It's a very blurry line, indeed, but it is there. I have a difficult time finding work, even at gas stations, and I am a top computer tech. I don't believe it is because I am white, I think it is because someone more qualified applied. In today's economy, it is VERY hard to find work. And I admit there are racist employers out there, and that is crap. But so are the ones who are total idiots going around applying for administrative jobs and saying they didn't get it because they're not white. If you have a hard time finding a job in your area, you should relocate. Wether it is from racism or whatever, you're better to go where the money is than to stay and fight the system. I live in a town that is about 50-50 blacks and whites, and blacks can find jobs easily, most of them just don't want to because they are oppressed and us whitey's need to pay for them to slouch around selling crack to grade schoolers and getting 14 year old white girls knocked up. I have utmost respect for any minority who wants to get out and be a productive member of society, I just don't believe in unequal treatment, giving aid to one race because of their race. Unemployment is there for the poor, and so is welfare. Whites, blacks, mexicans, they should all be entitled to the same benefits, nothing more, nothing less.

2006-08-04 03:17:21 · answer #4 · answered by Rick M 1 · 0 0

No, you are not racist. You are a prejudist and loves stereotyping. You should take some spelling and grammar courses. "Preferential" has only one f. Your third sentence should say, "Nobody hires black men..." without the s. "Opressed" has only one -p. This message was written by a Mexican who grew up in Mexico and who "does not work hard for a living" because I am a professional.

2006-08-04 02:01:16 · answer #5 · answered by pepe 3 · 0 0

Guess you never heard of or remember Wounded Knee? The Indians raised hell in the seventies and people died in that incident.
If white men would quit being such fallices we wouldn't ignore their so called plight so much.

2006-08-04 02:24:22 · answer #6 · answered by midnightdealer 5 · 0 0

you are right in some sense but there are people who's whole lively hood comes from the funds and grants and other things that for people with out anything to lean on get Little upset about but their are also people who will grow up on the government and never get off there money..... when you want to acknowledge the poor it aways acknowledges the rich first.

2006-08-04 02:53:48 · answer #7 · answered by masha g 1 · 0 0

I have been saying that for 15+ years. I isn't going to happen. We (white American males) are the sponges and we are being sucked dry by the moochers

This would be my vote for the best question ever asked on yahoo

2006-08-04 01:55:58 · answer #8 · answered by ML 5 · 0 0

Well White men have controlled the world for many years. They try to control Sexuality, Women, African Americans, Asians, Latinos, and our religion.

2006-08-04 01:55:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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