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Someone told me its a turn off that I have money and flaunt it! I don't think I flaunt it. I well for the sake of this question say I have a new corvette convertible, a new chevy truck(completley stock base 4x4 nothing special plain jain white) a 70k boat, several hot rods, and a classic 1926 ford truck, and I have a monster truck and 4 motorcyclesand a motorhome. I also own three homes and have a successful business. Now I am 27 years old and was never given a handout or leg up from anyone, I've worked hard to get everything I have. I don't try to be flashy, in fact the only people that know of my toy collection are my closest friends. My daily driver is my pickup, it actually looks like a farm truck! But they say because I buy gas for my boat and have one, or because I took all my friends camping it looks like I'm arrogant! I thought it looked like I was nice for taking care of my friends that can't afford to do what I do. What should I do? Should I live like a homeless person?

2006-08-03 17:39:38 · 23 answers · asked by Robert m 3 in Family & Relationships Friends

23 answers

There is nothing wrong enjoying the fruits of your labor. I don't think that is arrogant. You only have one life to live and if you live this one happy joyous and free then you have live a well worth life. I know it is hard sometimes but we have to live our life according to the way that we see fit and not worry about what people think of us. Now if you was doing something horrible they would be talking about you too. But now that you are living the way you are they have something to say about that. I say keep doing what you are doing. As long as you are not making other people feel bad or putting other people down because they don't have what you have I say LIVE ON DUDE!!!!

2006-08-03 17:46:58 · answer #1 · answered by princess4u 2 · 3 1

I don't mean to sound harsh or anything, but you do sound like you are bragging though out that entire list of possessions. Do you even realize that you used the possessive I nineteen times. You sound like you want to be a generous person, by taking your friends camping. You do, however seem to be overcompensating for something in your life by owning all these processions. Why would anyone need to process over one dozen vehicles? The insurance money you pay out for all of your "toys," as you put it could probably support a family of four for one year or more. It is wonderful that you are only 27 and have your own successful business. Have you ever sat down and figured out how many of your friends would still be your friends if, God forbid, you were penniless tomorrow???!!! When you get a bit older, and wiser; we all get there you may find that you will want to use all this material wealth to help out other people in the world, not just take your friends camping. Do you have a family? You did not mention any family? That seems like you may be trying to replace something that is missing in your life and your heart and soul with a lot of material belongings. Have you ever heard the old saying about the person who protests too much??? If you were truly at peace with all of these material things; and felt completely at ease about it; you would not have to be coming on an open forum and questioning total stangers about your choices in life. You absolutely do not have to live like you are a homeless person, you did say you owned three homes so that's impossible (a bit of comedy relief...I really have not meant to lecture you.) Seriously, think about if you are living a life that you are proud of, or are you walking around looking at all these material things and hoping that the next car, next house, next whatever is going to fill up your life and heart. Do you have a girlfriend, a wife, a significant other to share some of this with? Do you have or want children??? That is what you will be remembering when it is your time to go off of this Earth....the people, the friends and family. You cannot take any of these material pocessions with you, but you can take joy and memories and love. I hope you give this some thought. It was meant in the best of intentions. You are young and deserve many great decades of life ahead of you. Have a good night!!

2006-08-03 18:18:52 · answer #2 · answered by Sue F 7 · 0 0

I am not quite sure you are going to want the God's honest truth even though you asked. In reading your question, I couldn't help but notice how you went into detail about all the items you own. It gives the hint of arrogance. And then when you talked about the "pity trips" you take friends on that they couldn't afford, the arrogance became alot more noticeable. I don't even think you are realizing that you are doing it. You may not mean to, but put yourself in their shoes. They aren't on the same playing field you are and nobody likes to feel as though they are sub-standard because they don't have all that you do. Rather than taking your buddies on these trips, why not give them a job, take them under your wing and make them just as successful. Spread your wealth around, donate to some charities, use it for the greater good instead of hoarding all this junk you can't take with you when you die anyway. I'm sorry if that was a little brutal, you asked for honesty and you got it. Arrogance is a huge turn-off. I never understood the concept of being materialistic. There are so many more important things in the world going on and it's a shame to see that you've turned a blind eye to them.

2006-08-03 18:08:48 · answer #3 · answered by Hollynfaith 6 · 0 0

You may not think that you flaunt it, but others may think differently. Even in your post: instead of saying, I have several cars, a boat and a couple of homes, you specified that you have a Corvette Convertible, that you paid $70K for your boat, and you specified exactly how many cars, motorcycles and homes you have. To you, that may not be flaunting it, because I'm sure you've seen worse behaviour than that. But to people who will never own even one new car in their lifetime - it does sound like you are bragging. That doesn't mean that you didn't work your butt off for your money - it just means that....you like others to know exactly what your assets are.

2006-08-03 17:46:31 · answer #4 · answered by They call me ... Trixie. 7 · 1 0

well to be honest ...you just flaunted it all over yahoo answers...you could have just used your first line.....we would have gotten the point. I personally don't find it attractive...to me there seems to be a sort of...."
THis is what I have ...so will you like me""""
Have you ever put too much salt in your food? what happens ...go's from good to bad....some people ar eworking thier behinds off trying..and just can't make it...others works as hard and have everything...I like quiet guys...that don't tell who they are and what they have....some people don't like the pitty act...although you are being nice....it it looks like a hand out...and they get it from the flaunting that you do... I am sure you are proud of what you have done...you should be...but sometimes too much of a good thing is a bad thing...be humble my friend...it's just material things....it wont be fun riding in your fast boat all alone

2006-08-03 17:52:42 · answer #5 · answered by Chocolate_Bunny 6 · 0 0

If you got it Baby enjoy it! I know 2 young men who fell into an extremely profitable business after eating ramen noodles throughout college (if they could afford them). They too have the things they like and want. If your friends are OK with you providing things for them in order to have time to spend with you, then do it. If they're your true friends, then you all know the real picture anyway. Anyway enjoy your success!
And I would love a BMW Z3 (or a Z4 would do)! hahaha

2006-08-03 18:27:26 · answer #6 · answered by cat lady 5 · 0 0

i dont think its a turnoff so much as a golddiggers dream come true lol i think its more of you showing off your hard work and taking care of your friends and it is pretty cool, and im sure they dont mind being pampered just a bit!:) i think it also all depends on your attitude if you walk around talking about all the great stuff you have 24/7 and how much money u have and flash it around alot then its a turnoff but dont worry about what other people say just do what makes u happy and usually if it doesnt feel right then it isnt:)

2006-08-03 17:49:27 · answer #7 · answered by b308camie 1 · 1 0

These people who are knocking you are simply jealous. You're young and you have money. There's nothing wrong with that. Whenever you have something that other people don't, someone's going to be nasty about it. Just shrug it off and keep taking care of the people you trust and care about. Your true friends will stick by your side and be there for you regardless of the money. And, if they're not, they weren't really your friends to begin with.

2006-08-03 17:47:54 · answer #8 · answered by halo27 1 · 0 0

No way you should live like a pauper, if you earned it, you deserve it. Other people get uncomfortable when you aren't like them anymore. But maybe you are being too boastful, just be cautious, maybe you are doing it unconsciously. Ask one of your closer friends to give you examples of when they thought you were being arrogant, it might give some more insight. Good Luck

2006-08-03 17:48:49 · answer #9 · answered by Theavatar 2 · 0 0

Truth: It's not the toys, it's the boy. Who are you when you're not surrounded by your stuff? Would people like you if they didn't know you have all that? You might want to try presenting just yourself for a few weeks and see what happens...that is, if you're not already too well-known to pull it off.

2006-08-03 17:50:37 · answer #10 · answered by Babs 4 · 1 0

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