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23 answers

I voted for him (the 2nd time) and I feel bad for doing so. So, better question for you...

Is there anything that ISN'T?

High Gas Prices?

Terrible FEMA Response for Katrina?

I could go on and on!

2006-08-03 18:02:54 · answer #1 · answered by jokerscard692000 4 · 1 3

Yes. He is not perfect. I don't agree with his stance on immigration.
I don't want Amnesty, or a guest worker pass! I want legal citizens!
No exuses! He jumped to fast on Iraq before he got all the facts
back from the bogus reports. He listened to the UN and all of the
people Clinton and John Kerry who supported the war before
he voted against it. Everyone was saying that they had Chemical weapons! But a lot of good has come out of it. However don't expect to see good news on Iraq on tv. Good news doesn't sell!
He didn't have a back up plan for Katrina. Sure Legally he couldn't
do anything until the Gov of Louisiana officially asked for help, but
he should of second guessed the situation that could occur (plan for the worst) and at least done what he could do legally to prepare on his end for when he got the green light. He is not perfect. He is not God. He is human. However he has done so
many good things for this country if people only did their homework. Look up the different bills that have been signed into office since he was elected. He has accomplished alot. He has
stood up for what he believes is right in this world, (Spreading
Freedom just the tip of the ice berg.) without caring what the polls
say or what other countries think. He is doing what he was elected to do,.his job. Clinton wasn't perfect either mind you, but
we did not call him Hitler! Just because our president has a backbone he is not Hitler. We are not slaves in the US. We have
our freedoms. We are not beat and tortured. He is not a tyrant.
I'm ashamed at how the US doesn't stand up for their president for better or worse. It makes us all look like a bunch of idiots!
It only makes the others countries opinions seem real because
they hear people bashing Bush. If people really cared they would
educate themselves, vote, and get involved.

2006-08-04 00:46:27 · answer #2 · answered by sally 3 · 0 0

To the Bushbot spineless automaton. He is God. He say do this or that, they don't question. they say how high, and can I do it again. even if it means leveling homes with innocent women and children in it. By these brain dead schmo neocons Schindler was no hero. He was a traitor. He went against his fuhrers. His fuhrer and the government was right. And he, who dared to defy them was wrong. like a liberal. Anyone who dares to have a mind and a spine in 2006 America is a liberal. And the neocons try to make the term equal to a political n****r. Question Lord Bush? How dare they? He is going to safe all America from the boogie man he made up. Jeez, I have seen standing rusty tap water with more independence than the Bushbot drones in America

2006-08-04 21:09:37 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

yes, he shouldn't have dealt with you liberals for so long leading up to the iraq war, we could have better secured the explosives they are using now to kill our guys, cut off the flow of insurgents into the country from iran and syria.
He should have recognized the complete incompetence of the state and local leaders in LA before Katrina.
And he should have ran in 1996 before Clinton completely dismissed our army, lost track of Bin Ladin, and completely flushed the economy down the crapper. Not to mention he could have came in the picture before the Monica fiasco.
At least Bush never went on national television and straight up lied about something he knew for sure was true. Everybody in washington thought there were WMD's in Iraq, and I think they were there, but Bush was acting on information he was given.

2006-08-04 00:40:46 · answer #4 · answered by fbislife2005 1 · 0 0

How's it Clinton's fault? The country was in the best shape in years with Clinton at the helm. The only good thing Bush has done is impregnant Laura so she can give birth to two HOT daughters.

2006-08-04 00:34:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

He didn't plan the aftermath of ousting Saddam worth a sh*t. He hasn't been tough enough against the far right members of Congress who repeatedly give him sh*t for being more moderate, and letting them block most of his domestic programs. His choice of words at the outbreak of hostilities was too harsh and lost us some much needed help in the planning of the war. None of which is reason to just quit supporting him. I believe in giving each President their full 8 years. I'll talk sh*t if, in the future, it has been proven his plan did not work.

2006-08-04 01:34:33 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

YES, Becoming a President in the first place...he bloody well should be a dog catcher but I'm thinking that might be over his head....he'd probably have the dogs kill the cats and say the cats were terrorists and were a threat to Iraqi freedom and he was on the front line of terrorism!!!

2006-08-04 00:38:19 · answer #7 · answered by Damned fan 7 · 0 0

I'm not a Bush supporter but had to chime in that I heard he made a great cheerleader and looked striking in his coolotts.

2006-08-04 00:49:32 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes. He has not taken a tough enough stand with foreign countries and traitorous U.S. citizens who support, either verbally or by other means, enemies of the United States. He also is at fault for not securing our borders and taking a tougher stand against illegal aliens (who become criminals upon entering the U.S. illegally, like it or not it is a criminal act). What part of "illegal" in "illegal alien" is confusing? For clarity on the word "illegal" try www.dictionary.com

2006-08-04 00:55:47 · answer #9 · answered by Cool Breeze 1 · 0 0

Hi Agenda dog...(ur funny)
well he got us into a stupid war and there's no weapons of mass distruction.
and he lied...
and he is not even very smart...
should i go on?
Oh yeah...he's a "bo-bo head"

but noooo...if you ask the republickins they just love the king of their other stupid klub!

by the way...will u pleez pick this answer as the best! U Rock if u do! thin-Q vry mch!

2006-08-04 00:36:40 · answer #10 · answered by whoopswhatever 4 · 0 0

Yes. I totally blame him for flushing out all the liberals from hiding. Now every board, this one included is just swarming with liberal bias. Wish there was a spray or something to get rid of them.

2006-08-04 00:35:20 · answer #11 · answered by Huevos Rancheros 6 · 0 0

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