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is there really any hard proof that there is a god.. and if there is wut is it ...and how u know for sure????

2006-08-03 16:52:15 · 16 answers · asked by CHOOZEN 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

16 answers

no but i have proof he doesn't exist


2006-08-03 17:56:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There is no HARD proof that there is a God. But for me there is no doubt that there isnt a God. I firmly believe that there is someone out there watching over me. Now I dont know if its a God an Angel or some guy named Julio all I do know is that there is someone watching over me. And if more people would look back at there lives and see the things that could have happened and realize that those things didnt happened because something of a higher power intervened for them they might change their minds about God. This world is becomming more and more populated with people who dont believe in God and want to bash those who do and want to take away everything that refers to God because of their own disbelief. It is not right. We should all be able to believe what we want to and not have others try and destroy us for it.

2006-08-03 17:16:43 · answer #2 · answered by tysha30 3 · 0 0

There is no hard proof. There is man's desire to ascribe reason to the unknown. There is man's need for control, to feel in control, and when man does not feel in control, he is more comfortable believing that someone else is. There is the limitation of our minds to comprehend anything without borders and boundaries, so there must be a beginning and an end in our comprehension of time. We know we were born and we know we will die. These boundaries are too small for our hearts and souls. So, we want there to be more. Life can be harsh for some and cushy for others, cruelty received by some doled out by others. We want justice and equity, and when it is not to be had in our lifetime, we want it thereafter.

There is no hard proof that a higher power by any name exists. Instead, we have faith. Some confuse the words of esteemed others as proof. Others argue that without hard proof, there must be nothing. Many others simply have faith that there is something. Nobody has difinitive proof that God exists. Instead of arguing and fighting over whose faith is "right," it'd be a welcome change if all simply appreciated the commonalities shared and focused on improving all of our lives.

2006-08-03 17:57:34 · answer #3 · answered by Alex62 6 · 0 0

Very simple.

There are two possibilities of we being here. Either we are here by Chance or we have been Created.

What are we made from? Cells. Let us now put aside the question of "how the first cell originated" and ask a much easier question: How did the first protein originate? The theory of evolution has no answer to this question either.

Proteins are made up of molecules, called "amino acids". There are 500-1,000 amino acids in an average protein. The important point is that amino acids have to line up in a certain sequence to form a protein. There are 20 different amino acid types used in living organisms. These amino acids do not combine at random to form proteins. Every protein has a certain amino acid sequence and this sequence must be precisely matched. Even the deficiency or the replacement of a single amino acid renders that protein a useless lump of molecules. For this reason, every amino acid must be just at the right place in the right sequence. The instructions for this sequence are stored in the DNA of the cell and, according to them, the proteins are produced.

The theory of evolution claims that the first proteins formed "by chance". Probabilistic calculations, however, show that this is by no means possible. For instance, the probability of the amino acid sequence of a protein made up of 500 amino acids being in the correct order is 1 in 10^950.
10^950 is an incomprehensible figure formed by placing 950 zeros after 1. In mathematics, a probability smaller than 1 over 1050 is considered to be almost impossible.

Even a single protein cannot form by chance, and there are billions of Protein in human body. and there are billions of people here in this world. Calculation would be [ 10^950 x Number of protein molecules in human body x number of people in the world ever existed ]. Can you imagine this figure. The probability that human life can form by chance is nothing but 0.

Finally, the time necessary for the molecule to form was 10^243 billion years. This was far greater than the supposed age of the universe - only about 2 billion years. It was impossible for the universe to have created itself, and for life to randomly form.

The only answer left is that there is creation, and when there is a creation , there is a CREATOR.

"Say: ‘Call upon Allah, or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong the Most Beautiful Names....‘"
[Al-Qur’an 17:110]

"Say: He is Allah, The One and Only. "Allah, the Eternal, Absolute.
"He begets not, nor is He begotten. And there is none like unto Him."
[Quran 112:1-4]


2006-08-03 17:08:19 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Think about this.There is an all powerful God that says let there be light,life,planets,etc.... . OR Imagine this.A print shop suddenly explodes and every single book ,piece of paper,and all the ink goes high in the air.When it all falls back to Earth.The explosion has created every known book on Earth today.They are all in Alphabetical order and appear in perfect condition.This is LESS complex than the Big Bang theory.You tell me which is the more likely the truth.

2006-08-03 17:08:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If there was then humanity would have no choice but to believe. Even from the very beginning God gave us the ability and responsibility to choose. He's not going to take that back now.

2006-08-03 17:20:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

There's actually no really hard proof for anything. None of us have infinite knowledge to say with absolute certainty anything 100%.

2006-08-03 18:28:16 · answer #7 · answered by Source 4 · 0 0

Its a feeling you get. Its like a feeling you get when you are passionate with something or someone, that there had to be a spirit greater than you who created this pleasure/joy you are getting.
Its a feeling you get when there is a happy ending for someone who deserves it.
You just know. You just do. You don't question the power, you live with it. Its called Love.

2006-08-03 17:00:06 · answer #8 · answered by lilfroggy992 2 · 0 0

when you read this read it all the way through as it may seem foolish but there's a verse that says God uses foolish things...

You cannot know unless he reveals Himself to you, then you will have no evidence except your faith. He will not reveal Himself to you unless you approach Him, remembering you should approach Him as God, with no disrespect, malice, cynicism, mockery or anything unworthy of His Presence, asking with humility and admission that you are totally powerless to open the heavens and see and knowing that the only way you can ever hope to see is only if He reveal it to you. Then look and wait on Him. (I even looked to what I thought was the east knowing the Word says something about Him coming from the east) This is how I saw, I looked toward a crystal clear sky and thought, of any day that I could see into heaven, it would be through a sky as clear as this. I was discouraged in knowing I could not 'rend the heavens' but I knew, if there was a God, He could. A voice(inaudible) told me 'look, I will show you' and a cloud drifted in with the form a man on it and then another form of a woman, I was amused, 'awesome, cloud sculpturing' the same 'voice' said(not audibly) look in the clearing and I directed my eyes in the clearing and beheld(I can't help but speak the king's english when touching on things of God) a face...I asked (not audibly) who is this? The 'voice' said (none of this audibly) Todd. Todd? an angel named Todd? the face smiled, he had a missing tooth, an angel with a missing tooth? I later met Todd with all his teeth, who later stumbled into my house after a drunken night out and smiled at me with a missing tooth, just like in the vision. I also saw Mark who started a new job as my complexe's maintenance man, and Aaron...it was strange I knew their names before I was told ...at first thinking these faces were the saints by the same names. But after all these faces I saw, I knew they were not God, and I confessed that was my desire, to see Him, and when I saw His Face, there was no question 'who is this?' I could not help but lower my eyes in reverence, as much as I wanted to look on Him forever, because of His Countenance,a loving but stern countenance, as I realized my own mortality and helpless humanity. His Face was the last vision I saw, after that another 'cloud sculpture of His Right Hand in a position as if it were holding the sun (which had a cloud covering it just enough that I could look on it) I will not tell you His Name, If you want to know more, look for yourself keep your heart open to the true God and ask Him His Name, He has, is, and will revealed it. Cast aside all the traditions and interpretations and what not that might have been drilled into you, be more afraid of offending God than offending your pastor*(religious leader), most will say you cannot see God and live (and this is true if it weren't for His Love and Mercy to spare you) but the Word says "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God"

*don't rule out pastors completely, God uses them to give you His Word in appropriate times. Judge their words whether they be of God.

2006-08-03 18:09:19 · answer #9 · answered by Nancy D 1 · 0 0

I know there's a god because I've seen miracles happen Jesus christ is my god and I've seen an angel too. She lived to be 16 but she was my cousin and she touched my heat and just looking in her eyes you could see gods love that's why I know there's a god

2006-08-03 17:16:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Albert Einstein was the possibly the smartest man to walk this earth and he believed in God

2006-08-03 17:12:02 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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