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i really dont understand why this happens. everyone thinks that animals change and adapt to their environment to survive. thats bs. theres so many different kinds of species frogs and stuff because THEY WERE MADE THAT WAY! they dont think, "hey, this whole life thing isnt working out. i think i'll work on growing into a lizard" thats bs. it doesnt happen by mistake either. where in their DNA would the gene get scrambled to produse that stuff. it cant happen. not over 5 billion years can it happen. DNA can get scrambled to put an arm where it doesnt belong, but it cant create a whole new code! even in darwins book of evolutionism it says their is absolutely no proof for evolution. AND the idea of evolution was shot down so many years ago. it makes absofreakinlutly no sense!

oh, and im sorry if you believe in evolutionism, but stop being stupid. if you think you can prove me wrong about this, send me something and i can prove you wrong

2006-08-03 10:47:16 · 18 answers · asked by jointhedots610 1 in Science & Mathematics Biology

my estimate of half the world my saying too many people believe in it

2006-08-03 11:34:44 · update #1

the diversity in life is caused by the billions of species of animals that God created, not by adaptation

2006-08-03 11:37:13 · update #2

the appendix is part of your immune system, you can live without it but it helps problems like lukemia and other diseases

2006-08-03 12:31:18 · update #3

what good does a wingless fruit fly serve? how is that evolution?

2006-08-03 12:34:20 · update #4

how is it that carbon dating can work to tell unknown times, but it doesnt work to tell known times? does anyone understand? the only guy who stumped me is ronin with the clever dino bones thing. i have no clue about that, but to say they lived before humans is bs. there are plenty of writings and drawings of men with dinosaurs from around noah's time (cant remember exact date)

2006-08-03 12:39:35 · update #5

evolutionism promotes racism too by stating that some humans are more evolved than others, and pretty much all the totalitarian leaders in the 40's were evolutionists.

2006-08-03 12:43:48 · update #6

dinosaurs are not birds, i am so glad no one brought this up yet. reptiles grow their entire life, and since before the flood animals lived extremely long, that makes dinosaurs old reptiles. and just because some birds have teeth and claws, etc. doesnt not mean they evolved. it means some birds can have those things

2006-08-03 12:51:46 · update #7

evolutionism is no longer a "theory". it has turned into more of an athiest belief if that makes sense.

2006-08-03 12:57:37 · update #8

i never called anyone stupid, i said stop being stupid

2006-08-03 12:58:16 · update #9

i am not trying to make people ditch their beliefs, the whole point of this is to show there is no proof of evolution so it is obviously a religion because you have to have faith that it happens.

2006-08-03 13:01:46 · update #10

18 answers

Because people around the World has no Faith. They Just can't understand How God Crated everything, and prefer to believe in something created by men.

2006-08-03 11:08:18 · answer #1 · answered by amazona 3 · 5 15

I've seen the ridiculous arguments made by Creationists. These arguments apparently make sense to them but only because they have no understanding of how Evolution actually works.

If you honestly feel that there exists somewhere some compelling argument that explains on a scientific basis why evolution cannot work I would love to see it. Perhaps too you could explain why it is that all green plants have cyanobacteria DNA in their chloroplasts. This really doesn't make much sense if God created plants separately but makes a lot of sense if chloroplasts used to be separate cyanobacteria. Basically, if Creation were correct than the DNA for chloroplasts should be in the nucleus with the other DNA.

Then maybe you can explain where allotropes come from. They make sense in an Evolutionary sense but don't really make sense if God created all plants. Then maybe you could explain the flawed sickle cell trait. Again, it makes sense in Evolution but not creation. You could also explain why large snakes and whales have bone remnants from hind legs. And, explaining the fossil record shouldn't be too much trouble.

I've seen these arguments before by people who didn't understand thermodynamics, physics, chemistry, biology, quantum physics, or astrophysics. Yet they would proclaim that there was no evidence for Evolution. However, ignorance and no proof are two completely different things. I can refute every single Anti-Evolution argument that I've ever come across. Maybe you'll be the first.

2006-08-03 11:50:23 · answer #2 · answered by scientia 3 · 0 0

I really truly pity your ignorance.......

Evolution is not a concious choice, it happens. If we were created the way we are, howcome our appendix has no function, why do we have a caecum thta we dont use, and why do we trail around a little toe that aids us in no way other than getting stubbed when we walk through the doorway.
If you believe that everything is as it was created, then you must also beleive the earth is only 6000 years old right, well fossilized dinosaur **** is thosands of time older than that, kind of difficult to find bones in an earth that apparently didnt exist until 65 million years after they were killed off....strange how that happens?
If you knew anything at all about evolution, you would certainly have read about the foundry cove worms. When we began dumping nickle and cadmium ito the water ways, the worms went form being long and mobile to becoming short robust and almost sedentary. this is because all of the worms were killed off except for a chosen few who had mutations thta allowed them to be immune to the poisoning. These "resiststant" strains filled the waterway and were the only species found there. This adaptation, by natural selection chose these individuals to survive in this environment. When all the chemicals were cleaned up 20 years ago, the entire population reverted back to the longer worms, which becuase of their own adaptation could survive better than the mutatnt and were allowed to take over again.
That is just one example, there are countless axamples, look it up. You can even grow wingles fruit flies if you isolate the mutation for the wingless variety.

Anyways i wont even get into this with a child, you are obviously trying to get a rise out of people, and i wont let it get to me. Life is filled with proof of evolution, look at the ignorance you inheroted from you parents, your children will be just as ignorant and so on, there oyu have it evolution in the making.

Life will be cruel to you my friend, science is what drives this existance, and the sooner you accept it, the sooner yuo will be able to post intelligent questions on yahoo for a start!

Chucky D would have made such a monkey out of you, but considering you are closely related, he wouldn't have to hahaha

I am a christian, i believe in God, but I believe that we are here as a product of natural descent and millions of years of adapation and survival of optimal genetic stock.
God Cant be credited with everything, how did he create the earth, Magic maybe or was it pixie dust, at least evolution gives us something we can see happen before our very eyes, what one act of God have you seen.....
Maybe creationists should stop trying to blast evolutin out of the water and actually come up with some ideas for the origins of life on the planet....There isnt one yet is there other than "poof!" here we are.
You know whats funny, even the bible leaves holes that only evolution can answer, if Adam and Eve were both white, how is it possible that there are so many different skin colors. If evolution didnt exist in the bible, was there an Adam and Eve of every color, or is it just some typo in the bible...Oh wait maybe evolution has the answer to that to, but well I digress....

2006-08-03 11:33:20 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

OK, you know what? Believe in whatever the f*** you want to believe, but don't blame the world for your lame ignorance.
If you knew what the word "evolution" meant, maybe you wouldn't think it's true (and that's your own problem), but you wouldn't ask such an ignorant question.
Yes, evolution is a thing that takes time to understand and "swallow", but god is so much easier and more rational - there's a super-powered being we cannot see or sense in any way, and it decides everything and it created the world and everything in it (including all the bad things - like cancer and hate between humans and lions eating their offsprings etc. etc.), and everything happens for a reason and we should be thankful for our kids dying 'cause god decided they should die.
Come on. If you choose to believe in that, you cannot blame anyone for trying to find a more reasonable explanation.

The theory of evolution - and I will highlight the word "theory", 'cause in one thing you're right, it ain't proved. What you can't understand is that we don't "believe" in it, we know it's the best explanation given until now by far, and if we'll find a self-contradiction in it we'll change and improve it - anyway, the theory of evolution is the most reasonable and established theory regarding the way species are created, and if you don't "believe" in it, leave this info to yourself next time.

And if you do choose to ask this ridiculous question once more, I will kindly ask you to do that in another forum (such as "religion and belief" or however it is called), because biology is a SCIENCE, and that ain't for people who believe in ludicrous man-made stories from 2000-5000 years ago.


2006-08-03 13:05:37 · answer #4 · answered by OR13 2 · 0 0

well if you look at it, it does make sense. the species that evolves dosent necessarily chang from one species to another overnight. now say that you have one large popluation of squirrels. some natural disaster happens where the squirrels get seperated. one part of the squirrel remain in their origional enviornment. however the other part moved into a more desolate area where their now in an area that they are not fully capaible to survive. so when a female has babies, there is a mutation in the DNA strand. now if this is an unfavorable trait then it would not carry on, however if it is a favorable trait then when they mate it will be passed on. thus this type of squirrel will change into something that is more adapted to survive in this area. sure, it isnt like snapping your fingers, but with each new adaptation that helps the animal survive it slowly changes. if you do not believe in evolution or adaptation, where did humans come from? did one just appear out of no where and then another and it was those two who populated the world? i think not, the early caveman slowly evolved into what we are now. and we are two different species. however we can trace our genetic code back to them. so did they just die suddenly and then the neanderthals appear out of no where? sure there may not be much proof that there is evolution but where is the proof that species just suddenly appear on earth? if you are going to shut one down because there is no proof, and post something that totally talks smack about peoples beliefs at least add some information that will work in the defense of your belief, because after reading this, you only tried to get them to ditch their beliefs because you think it is stupid and there is no proof, however you didnt add anything to get them to believe your side of it. this is like arguing about faith and religion with a christian, each side will try to convert the other, but wont change their beliefs. so this pretty much a pointless argument.

2006-08-03 12:54:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your perception of evolution is very misguided and uninformed. Evolution is the idea that organisms that are more adapt to surviving in their environment create more offspring, while organisms that aren't don't. Over the course of thousands to millions of years, genetic properties of an organism change to best fit their environment. Sure evolution is theory, but theory in the same way that the Earth revolving around the Sun is theory. Both theories are overwhelmingly supported by scientific evidence.

Accepting stories passed down for thousands of years by people who thought the world was flat and the Earth was the center of the universe as scientific fact is stupid, if you ask me.

2006-08-03 11:37:13 · answer #6 · answered by sgp19 2 · 0 0

You are scaring me
Not that it'll help but what the heck:

LOL, since nobody else is answering:
What about the fact that dinosaur bones are NEVER seen next to human bones, lion bones, elephant bones, etc...
What about the fact that geologists, biologists, astronomers, physicists, etc.... agree on the age of the earth?

Perhaps you're an OE creationist so that won't matter.

What about the fact that there are clear developments of modern ears and other structures that were not present in animals further down in the strata? And that we have transitional forms showing these ears developing from other structures?

2006-08-03 10:53:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

40 9 % of those human beings did not look the observe up interior the dictionary. Evolution ability exchange. it quite is not a opposite opinion as to if God exists, or that human beings developed from apes. Darwin on no account wrote something of the form. That ballot effect tells me this... media propaganda is physically powerful and maximum everybody is intellectually lazy... actual led sheep to the slaughter...unhappy...

2016-12-11 06:11:44 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I guess us "stupid" evolutionist believe the same about you sad little unevolved Christians. Evelotion makes sence. That is not to say that a god doesn't exsist. I believe there is a supreme being>GOD. I believe that we are ALL, even evolutionist, jews, mormons and every other religious sect... even Atheist are part of something much bigger. Think in terms of an ant. We are so small compared to god... so stupid compared to god. That we are like little ants when it comes to knowing what the "real"bigger picture is.

2006-08-03 11:54:02 · answer #9 · answered by dingydarla 3 · 0 0

I cannot tell you why half the world believe in evolution. I am not even sure if your estimate of 50% of believers is right. But I do believe in evolution, not as the ultimate true, but as a very interesting and plausible explanation for the diversity of life on earth.
If you can give me a better one, I´d buy it, (but please, do not mix religion in here, which is a matter of faith and please do not call stupid people who believe in things that you do not understand, sorry).

2006-08-03 11:07:03 · answer #10 · answered by Francisco C 2 · 0 0

"Darwins book of evolutionism"---lol
It's obvious you have never read Darwin. You are just shooting off your misinformed opinions. Two books by Darwin that you should read are:
The Origin of Species
The Voyage of the Beagle

Read these (especially the section on the Finches of the Galapagos) then come back and claim that is it "bs".

2006-08-03 11:26:10 · answer #11 · answered by Tim C 4 · 0 0

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