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remember no iranian money no weapons and more expensive oil

2006-08-03 09:04:36 · 7 answers · asked by joseph m 4 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

7 answers

YES!!! I would have sanctions against Iran for their Human Rights record alone.

Case in point - a recent BBC documentary "Execution Of A Teenage Girl" about a 16 year old girl in Iran who was hanged for Crimes Against Chastity, after a forced confession, although she had been raped. This is apart from the fact that this VIOLATES the United Nations Convention on Human Rights for Children - that it is illegal to Execute Children, which Iran is a signatory to.

Judge Haji Reza'i, who was also the local mullah, prosecutor and head of the city administration, personally obtained permission from Iran's Supreme Court to execute her. He put the noose around her neck himself before she was hoisted on a crane jib arm to her death.

Just as shocking - but not surprising - was the fact that the local Morality Police who charged her also ran the local drinking hole and brothel.

Aljazeera.Net: 3 August 2006 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said the solution to end the conflict in Lebanon was the "elimination of the Zionist regime."

Evening Standard 2 August 2006: Hezbollah has said "Israel is Useful because it is Easier to KILL ALL JEWS if they are in ONE place".
"But the hysterical Anti-Israeli media and NAIVE Protestors here Miss the point that, for Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, Jews are the personification of the West and Enlightenment - they are Us and We (The West) are Next".


The Hebrew Hammer a.k.a. Mordechai Jefferson Carver

Fighting For Peace and Justice

"I'd Rather be a Hammer than a Nail" -- Simon & Garfunkel

The Spectator 5 August 2006:
Hezbollah Cells Await Iran’s Orders in UK.
At a recent Stop the West rally (yes, I know, but that’s their real agenda) demonstrators waved placards proclaiming ‘We’re all Hezbollah now’. Really? If so, why were they allowed to parade in Trafalgar Square? In a sane society they should surely all have been arrested as a self-proclaimed army of holy warriors whose explicit aim was to murder untold numbers of innocents, destroy Britain, America and the free world and subjugate them to the dictatorship of the Ayatollahs.

Because that’s what Hezbollah is. Literally designated the Army of God, it is a military force funded, trained by and answerable to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iran that is pledged — as it has been since the Khomeini revolution of 1979 — to the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews, as a prelude to destroying the West and infidels everywhere. The Iran that is steadily developing nuclear weapons so that it can achieve these aims.

Many on the British Left mistakenly believe that Hezbollah is merely another Muslim liberation movement to add to its collection. (The thinking which leads the Left to classify genocide as liberation is a story in itself.) As a result, the comrades of ‘Stop the War’ march behind placard images of their new hero Nasrallah, while George Galloway MP proclaimed at the demonstration, ‘Hezbollah is not a terrorist group and I am here to glorify the Lebanese resistance movement.’

In Britain there are thought to be relatively few Khomeinists compared with Sunni terrorists. But there are enough to form a serious potential security threat if Iran decides to unleash Hezbollah against targets in the UK. And that is now a real possibility.

According to German and Israeli intelligence sources, Hezbollah sleeper cells are present.....Margaret Beckett has told the Commons that ‘there are indeed concerns’ about Iran-backed terrorists attacking the UK.

And now Iran has explicitly singled out Britain as a target for attack - not because of Lebanon or any other recent event.

In an Iranian TV interview on 23 July, Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed that ‘England was the founder of this sinister regime’ Israel and, like America, was ‘an accomplice to all its crimes’.

Interesting point: The word "Assassin" actually comes from Arabic. It was coined from a secretive extremist Shia Arabic-Iranian Terrorist organisation based in Lebanon and Iran called the Hashisham (Assassins) of Alamut. They were founded by Hassan i Sabbah of the Persian Ismai'ili sect in 1090. Their Mission was to kill Western Infidels and Crusaders, but they also killed a lot of other Muslims they did not like. They also conducted lots of Suicide Missions. They were major players in the international Drugs trade. The Assassins of Alamut, it is said liked to imbibe copious quantities of Hashish before they assassinated someone. Hence the origin of the word "Assassin". The Assassins were finally destroyed by the Mongols under Genghis Khan. This was greeted with much joy by orthodox Muslims. The Assassins have been a blue print for many of the modern Terrorist organisations such as Hezbollah. No change in the Middle East there then!

2006-08-03 09:12:19 · answer #1 · answered by Hebrew Hammer 3 · 1 0

No, and that is not the answer, if you had been in contact with the military you would realise how they regard people from that part of the world as inferior beings, the word used to describe them is Wops.
That attitude together with the thirst for Black Gold ( Oil ) is the root cause of the problems in the middle east and is not likely to change so long as Zionists infiltrate governments in the NATO block.

2006-08-03 16:27:58 · answer #2 · answered by Renewable 3 · 0 0

Only if sanctions are also imposed on Israel. Otherwise the grievances of the Middle Eastern Arab countries will increase.

2006-08-03 16:10:29 · answer #3 · answered by Jude 7 · 0 0

I don't think sanctions would worry Iran, they have lived through them before

2006-08-06 18:04:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes and Iran would have to give up any nuclear develoment on their own.

2006-08-03 16:13:29 · answer #5 · answered by pretzgolf 5 · 0 0

I support sanctions against IRAN! period, no ifs,buts.

2006-08-03 19:53:21 · answer #6 · answered by deed 5 · 0 0


2006-08-03 16:11:15 · answer #7 · answered by Vagabond5879 7 · 0 0

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