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4 answers

Yes, and I'll try to be civil and not bash the other side. It seems today that if you disagree with certain policies or decisions made by the administration, then you are deemed as unpatriotic or anti-American. Likewise, if you oppose immigration or welfare, you are racist. Both parties are guilty of this idiocy. It has gotten out of hand. What made this country so great in the past was that we could all come together and work on something that helped the nation. Now, we just get bickering and finger-pointing. The majority of the people want the Dems and Reps to put aside the differences and focus on getting this country back to being the great nation it once was instead of the wreck that it is slipping into. That is why there are other parties being formed and becoming more visible. They are usually the ones for the people who cannot decide whether they are Democrat or Republican. Perhaps that is the way to go, but then again, they would end up being torn apart as well.
If you look at some of the answers that you will probably receive, you will see how the parties have spread the propaganda about the other side being "evil." They usually have the terms "Neocons," "Demoncrats," "Repuglicans," "CONservatives," "DemocRATS," etc...

2006-08-03 09:10:25 · answer #1 · answered by bluejacket8j 4 · 0 1

It is because of the rising influence of Fascism in our country. Fascism is reactionary and dictatorial, and that's the form of government that we seem to be heading towards (if we aren't there already). Historically, Fascist leaders in Government have targeted a certain portion of the population and have singled them out as being the greatest threat to that country.

Hitler used Nationalism to divide the people into those that supported him and those that were opposed. He labeled anyone in the opposition as being unpatriotic, and those were the people that were victimized by the various concentration camps.

Fascists use wedge issues to define who will be on their side and who will be "unpatriotic". Those are the issues that causes the opposing sides to seemingly despise each other.

With Hitler, it was Communism, Homosexuality and Judaism (the three most common targets of his policies). With the BOOsh Regime, it is Gay Marriage, Abortion, the Pledge of Allegience and Flag Burning.

BOOsh also has another wedge issue, in the so-called "war on terror". Which he repeatedly refers to in order to justify just about every Unconstitutional action that he and his cronies commit. Anyone that questions his policies are labeled as "unpatriotic", much like the Nazis questioned their opposition's patriotism.

The effort is to use a napoleonic policy of "divide and conquer". If they divide and discombobulate the populace enough, then they'll deter any real challenge to their grip of power.

2006-08-03 16:16:10 · answer #2 · answered by Daniel C 2 · 0 0

Yes. On the average, people are growing less educated and more ignorant with each new generation. Neither party even knows what the other stands for (very much like Christians and Muslims). Their hatred is based mostly on extreme generalizations like calling each other "commies" and "fascists". Both sides are shouting insults at each other too loudly to listen to anything the other side has to say.

2006-08-03 16:12:39 · answer #3 · answered by ConcernedCitizen 7 · 0 0

Yes. Al Quaida is working to divide us idealogically, so that we become totally ineffective as a nation...

Or, more likely, ever since Reagan let the crazies out of the psycho wards, they've been running for office.

2006-08-03 16:07:03 · answer #4 · answered by ye_river_xiv 6 · 0 0

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