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I have now seen three ghosts - The first was a teenage boy in the street who disappeared when a car went by. The second one was a lady in a blue rain coat walking along the highway and disappeared when I pulled over to offer her a lift. The third was an old man in my car - he was the scariest. Sometimes I'd go out to my car at night and he'd be in the driver's seat, but he'd always disappear when I knocked on the window or opened the door. A couple of times the radio or windshield wipers would randomly turn on or off or the rearview mirrors would move and twice the radio dial kept turning. Every time one of these weird things in my car would happen, it would stop when I yelled at the old man.
I'm not lying. So do you think the ghosts are real or am I going crazy? I really don't see any other option.

2006-08-03 08:26:54 · 35 answers · asked by crazylittlewriterchick 2 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

35 answers

I am a ghost hunter and I have looked at your question carefully. Without knowing any other info, it is possible they are ghosts. The first two can be explained or researched. If you can go to you local library and look into books about the history of your town. See if there is any other sightings like yours. You can also go to your local newspaper and ask to see their morgue (it is where they keep an issue of every paper they ever printed). This is the longest but it will list accidents and fatalities. Also the obits will have pictures with them and you may see the same face. You didn't mention if you bought your car new or used. I am guessing used and if that is the case it is possible that the old man that likes to get a ride in your car died in it (ghost stay where they died). As to the windshield wipers and radio, check the wiring and fuses. If they are alright and there are no shorts then he is having fun. To get rid of him permanently it is simple. All you do is get in you car (he doesn't have to be seen for this to work) and say firmly and with a commanding voice (don't yell, do it like you are giving instructions) "This is my car now, go to the light your loved ones are waiting. This is not your time anymore". This usually works for this type of situation.

2006-08-03 10:23:49 · answer #1 · answered by ldyrhiannon 4 · 0 0

Well, you're not crazy. Arthur C. Clarke (2001: A Space Odyssey, etc) made a good case for seeing "ghosts". He suggested that the subconscious mind throws images into our waking "mind's eye" (the stuff you normally see) sometimes. There can be a lot of reasons for that to happen, but often it's an unusually vivid imagination hard at work, or even the stress/loss over a loved ones death (which is why a lot of people claim to see there g-mother--or whoever-- days after they passed away). So, the range is pretty wide here. Anyway, your conscious mind forces the image to try and obey the "laws of reality" so to speak, up to a point---but, since it's not real, it naturally vanishes.

The business with the car might just be a glitch in the car's electrical system. If you're disposed to "seeing ghosts", then that's what your mind makes of it, and weaves it all together into a neat tapestry of perceptions.

But, your not going crazy.

2006-08-03 09:25:43 · answer #2 · answered by stevenB 4 · 0 0

Was this real? You experienced it, therefore it was real. It is part of your ongoing reality.

There are many different things that can cause the experience of seeing ghosts. The most common being residual vibrations. I could get into that, but SInce it doesn't apply here I won't.

Did you buy your car used? If so you may want to get a history of the vehicle. I would suspect that it was owned by an old man who either spent a lot of time in it or who died in it.

Why are you seeing them now? Either you have gone through a trauma right now that has made you more sensitive or somehting is about to happen.

A ll your visions are car related. If it was the trauma I would suspect it happened in or near a car. If there has been no notable traumas in your life before these visions, well, I would be really careful driving in the near future. Perhaps get a bus pass...

2006-08-03 08:39:35 · answer #3 · answered by No Drama 3 · 0 0

No you are not crazy. Your clairvoyance is really beginning to open up. Seeing ghosts is a regular phenomenon, especially those who have psychic gifts. Relax and call your Angels in. Every person has at least 2 guardian Angles. Ask them to come close to when your scared. Call on them often. You can call upon Arch Angel Michael to protect you and help release your fears. If you don't want to see these things anymore you can ask God to take away the visions. Get into a quiet space, close your eyes and relax and ask Him to block any visions that are not helpful and beneficial to you. Ask that the visions and insight you receive are only helpful and positive. This should help quite alot.
Go to the Divine with all these types of issues. Be proud of your gifts. You intuition and psychic gifts are opening up. These types of occurrences are happening an exponential rate because the veil between the two worlds is slowly thinning everyday. Get some books by Sylvia Browne, Doreen Virtue and John Holland.
Ask the Divine for assistance with your new Gifts. Call upon Arch Angel Gabriel often to help you adjust and refine you psychic sight and intuition. Be proud and ease into your new life.
You are a beautiful shining star of light in this world, that is why the spirits are attracted to you.

2006-08-03 08:48:32 · answer #4 · answered by magdalenamagick 1 · 0 0

The phenomenon that you are perceiving I am sure seems real to you. That is not the question: the questions are; 1] when did it begin and what was happening, 2] what do you associate with these images.
I can not know if it is something that is 'really there' outside your mind or not. I do think that before you attribute a supernatural element you must rule out the natural. Seeing this, BTW, doesn't mean you are 'crazy.' Just speak to psychologist and take that as a first step to finding the answers that no one on Y! Answers can really give you.
Good luck.

2006-08-03 08:39:45 · answer #5 · answered by wehwalt 3 · 0 0

I personally havent had any such encounters, and Im not a big believer in such things. But I do know that things happen to some poeple. If what you claim to see is true, I dont think you are crazy. Maybe you had some unresolved issue with someone who died a long time ago, and they are coming back to find a solution or to get your attention. Everything seems to associate with your car, maybe it is something with the car. Have you considered getting another car, if this is freaking you out?

2006-08-03 08:34:03 · answer #6 · answered by RedLamaya 4 · 0 0

No, you're not crazy, in fact, ghosts are real, it may be that you are naturally born with the third eye opened or you developed/opened it without noticing it. Those souls are lost they need some medium or psychic to go/cross to the place where they need to go e.g. heaven or hell, and also that those ghosts either died withouth justice or died but they still have some things to do. What you do is try to ignore them, do not entertain them when you don't have the skills or ability to protect yourself from them, e.g ouijaboard. Also some ghosts grow in people's fear. watch out for poltergeist, the ones who could move stuff and may possible kill you. :]

2006-08-03 08:39:47 · answer #7 · answered by -PaRadoX- 3 · 0 0

you're not going crazy. Ghosts are real. I've seen two so far and they were real. One was the ghost of a librarian wholoved her library so much she never left. I saw her at the library in an empty room. She was very helpful. She found the book i was looking for and she put my books away for me. I saw her many times. The other one i saw was not a nice one at all. Well he didn't seem nice. He was basically a dark shadow that you couldn't see anything behind him at all. He had these flaming red eyes that were glaring at me. I was at a slumber party with my girl scout troop at our scout leader's house. I was the only one awake and that thing was coming straight for me and i hid in my sleeping bag hoping it didn't see me. That one terrified me. You really aren't going crazy it's just tht you're a person who can see spirits like other people including me.

2006-08-04 09:40:00 · answer #8 · answered by animallover868 2 · 0 0

could be real, ive seen ghosts before too, your car could even be haunted.

Ghosts are just left over energy or a "memory" that nature has. from what i've read i understand that only about 10% of ghosts are actually harmful to you.

next time you have one of these encounters try snapping a quick picture, usually an entire being won't appear in the picture but orbs and ectoplasm probably will.

2006-08-03 08:32:39 · answer #9 · answered by Fluffington Cuddlebutts 6 · 0 0

I don't think you are crazy at all. I have seen spirits many times. I managed a group home for 10 years and the very first day I went in the house (which was still under construction and I was alone) I felt the presence of a spirit. For the next ten years he (we named him Lurch) was a constant presence in the home and seen by several people, both staff and residents. My dog also saw him on several occasions. My daughter has seen her daddy and I saw him too one time.

2006-08-03 08:36:04 · answer #10 · answered by missingora 7 · 0 0

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