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Americans (politically speaking) only ever do what’s best for THEIR global interests and as such are making the Globe far less stable. For example: Israel, Iraq, Afghanistan, Global Warming and World Trade. What do you people think?

2006-08-03 07:55:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

21 answers

The American people will solve these problems of energy and pollution. They are waking up to it.

The Mid East needs to stfu and accept Israel and solve their own problems. America will never back down from this. Keep fighting and they will become extinct. Just ask the native Americans.

2006-08-03 07:59:53 · answer #1 · answered by GJ 5 · 1 0

There are thousands of reasons why the USA is the biggest threat to global stability. Just look at their military bases worldwide for a start. Or ponder on the 246 wars they have been involved in during their short history. But perhaps the greatest evidence is even more simple. The USA now has a government that is truly unaccountable, even to its own people. On issue after issue this is proved true. Guantanamo Bay. The American people didn't want it. And who is actually responsible ? Nobody. The whitewash of the 9/11 report. Who is actually responsible ? Nobody. The Patriot Act. This too bypasses democratic government and creates a virual state of military rule. Who would be responsible if mass arrests started on dubious grounds of 'war on terror suspects' ? Nobody. If a person wished to arrest somebody and they happen to be committing crimes as employees of the USA that would be impossible. Why ? Because again there is NO accountability - such people are immune from prosecution. The greatest threat to global stability is the example now, today, being set in the USA. Unelected Robocops who act as it they are heroes. They are villains unless they are accountable. THAT is the great threat to global stability and we see the USA preaching the same everywhere.

The good news is that the American people themselves are just as sick of these things as everyone else. Too bad the mass media don't reflect the views of the American people themselves. But it too is unaccountable.

Therefore the USA IS the biggest threat to global stability and it is daily demonstrating this in its policies and actions both in the USA and worldwide.

2006-08-03 09:03:11 · answer #2 · answered by democracynow 2 · 0 0

Well yeah, I mean it's no secret that all countries do what they think is best for them in political terms. But what it really comes down to is economic power. And if they're democratically elected they'll be voted out if the electorate think they messed up. Many European countries allowed the American military to use their civilian and military airfields to transport prisoners, there was obviously something in it for them. So those governments didn't do much for global stability either. The french built 2 nuclear reactors in Iraq in the 70's because it was good for them, ( the Israelis subsequently destroyed one in 1982 because it was good for them ) + the french sold the Iraqis Mirage jets and Exocet missiles. We know what the french got out of those deals. We all contribute to global warming in our own way. Look at all the crap that's happening in Nigeria, but the west doesn't care because we get the oil, which in turn keeps our economies turning. No one country is to blame for the mess in the world and if anyone feels they are absolved of responsibility then they don't belong on this planet. The Israelis are doing what their doing now in Lebanon because they believe that's good for them.The IRA had a bombing campaign for 3 decades in an attempt to achieve what they thought was in their best interests. I could go on and on but I won't bother . It's a vicious circle and we're all involved. By the way I am not American. Personally I'm glad the the Americans, the British and the French amongst others are in Afghanistan. Iraq is a different story, but it's not as simple as blaming the US.

2006-08-03 09:45:12 · answer #3 · answered by lushlyfish 1 · 0 0

Completely agree. One thing i've always found ironic is that America is forcing democracy upon the world eg iraq!! Some say you can tell alot about a nation by who leads them. Well, America have got the biggest numpty ever as their leader...

Though i#m not convinced its SOLEY for their economical interests. Look at teh russian pipeline dispute a few months ago. Didnt affect America in the slightest. Pipe runs through ukraine to france and GB among other places. Washington tells russia it better turn the gas back on. What the hell?! t's just america trying to control the world, using their economical weight, to force their culture on everybody and create their own empire with the rest of america and the world being too dumb to realise it. Bush talking about the sit. in Iraq. THey want the iraqi gov to be able to 'govern themselves and become an ally in the war on terrorism' Well, reading between the lines the ally on the war blah i think means that America will always have a little control over iraq; Iraq gov will have to listen to america, do what they want etc. Basically its going to become an american colony. Britain vitually is. There will be an american empire, must liek hte british empire in the victorian era, but much more subtle

2006-08-03 08:37:32 · answer #4 · answered by Master Mevans 4 · 0 0

Yes and if we had a government that truly represented the people of this country the American government would be told to keep within their own hemisphere and not to interfere with the autonomy of other countries. Note how they distort geography and call most of Europe the west when in effect we are on the east of the globe and they are on the west, this is a deliberate ploy to keep the supposed great alliance of the US and GB together and we have to meet the cost of this continuing charade.

2006-08-03 08:37:22 · answer #5 · answered by Renewable 3 · 0 0

I think that the American Politicians seem to forget that other countries have their own laws and form of ruling and that if it does not conform to the American ideal then they have to step in and change it. Can you imagine a world heavily influenced by the American government- what would happen to cultures? I do not agree with a lot of what is happening in the world but is it not worse to force countries to conform to the 'Western Ideal'. I would say however that the British government is as much a threat seeing as the current leader has already decided to jump into bed with Bush.

2006-08-03 08:08:29 · answer #6 · answered by Female Alert 1 · 0 0

Either your are jealous of the success of the United States or one of those socialistic types that think everyone should have the same amount of wealth no matter how hard they work and try.

We are not the biggest threat - we are the biggest SUPPORTER of the globe. We help when its not even in our best interest, we fight when it is in our best interest, and just how did the earth warm up the last 5 times without us?

2006-08-03 08:00:53 · answer #7 · answered by netjr 6 · 0 0

Dont be silly. The biggest threat is from the terrorists in the world Iran, Hizbull, Hamas, Syria, Alquaeda. The Us is there to create global stability. Look out the window not in your room. Wake up!

2006-08-03 08:01:28 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think they're right up there with a few other countries
North Korea
I think these are all crazy and dangerous countries. By that I mean they all have leaders that pose a big threat to this world and it's stability. They are all what money can buy.

2006-08-03 08:05:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This is a gross over simplification of the problems facing our world. One could argue water shortages in the mid east are just as destabelizing.
That being said, I do believe that a lot of what the US has done post cold war, and more specifically post Nov. 2000, has been damaging to peace in the world. Just remember, our leaders are not our people. I think Americas biggest problem is apathy, we ahve let our leaders do to much crap in our names. As individuals, we are incredibly generous, caring, peace loving, and all that.

2006-08-03 08:04:02 · answer #10 · answered by Steven K 3 · 0 0

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