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All I want is a reason. "well, i'd rather give a democrat a chance to fix things before letting another republican get in office just to mess things up even more" is not a reason. "to fix EVERYTHING the REPUBLICANS screwed up!" is not reason. " What plan do the Democrats have to make you want to vote for them?

2006-08-03 07:46:32 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

17 answers

1.) Pull out all troops from Iraq if they haven't pulled out already.
2.) Enact a single payer health care system that provides complete and total health care to all citizens of the United States and bring them up to the standards of the rest of the world.
3.) Bring the United States in the Kyoto Treaty and reduce our massive contribution to global warming and pollution.
4.) Help to reverse the recent trends toward the inclusion of religion in our secular government.
5.) Bring the United States back into line from its isolating unilateralist stance in regards to the rest of the world/
6.) Fix our economic problems to include our massively bloated budget, our significant military spending, correct the social security, medicaid and other government programs before the baby boomers retire and the economy goes bankrupt.
7.) Reinitialize government funding for higher education and reform welfare to provide a reasonable standard of living for those in its programs instead of subjecting them to borderline slavery conditions.
8.) Raise minimm wage to a standard befitting the wealthiest nation on the earth.
9.) Raise taxes on the rich and lower the taxes on the poor.
10.) Impose a tax on stock market exchanges in order to limit trade speculation.
11.) Impose strict corporate accountability laws on companies above and beyond the minor laws passed with Sarbanes-Oxley.
12.) Impose hard time for white collar criminals.
13.) Institute a guest worker program for immigrants from south of the border. Do not impose any restrictions on immigrants to come and go freely as long as they identify themselves. THis will help to equalize the benefits of NAFTA and bring Mexico into a more developed state.
14.) Lift the trade embargo against Cuba
15.) Renormalize relations with Russia and apologize for accusing them of being anti-democratic.
16.) Institute a full, formal inquiry into voting fraud and the digitization of our electoral system. Specifically cal lfor an inquiry into the connections between the republican party and voting machine manufacturers.
17.) Impeach the president of the United States for lying to Congress, deploying US troops into harms way in violation of the war powers act under false pretenses, lying about the presence of weapons of mass destruction, using illegal tactics to eliminate his opponents through leaks and outings, illegally wiretapping and spying on Americans at home and abroad, violating the Geneva conventions, violating las through the use of riders and addendums to congressional bills and through treason against the United States.
18.) Actually fund American committments to poorer nations.
20.) Pay all UN dues in full.
21.) Stonewall any attempts at neo-conservative radical right wing political efforts by the present administration and make his last months as a lame duck president useless.
22.) Revoke federal weapons funding for Israel under the grounds that it violates Export-Import laws prohibiting the use of American made weaposn for offensive purposes.
23.) Do you need more...?

2006-08-03 08:40:25 · answer #1 · answered by rmartin1978 2 · 3 4

As a democrat I wish I could give you a nice easy answer, part of the problem is that there are many things wrong, and many things that need un-screwing up. I won't even blame the republicans much for a lot of the messes, just point out that some of the policies they are putting forward are not working, and in some areas making things worse. However, some issues that democrats do indeed have a plan, and are vocal about building the plan on a more complete level:

Campaign Finance reform (as much as McCain at least, although none of the bums really want to change anything).

Universal Health Care-The system is broken, the longer we avoid a true fix the worse it gets, the more it hurts the country at all levels, and the harder it will be to fix. I would like ot see a plan honestly debated, not struck down with scare tactic politics.

Fighting terrorism, real prevention, not attacking isolated countries that might in ten years be able to re-develope weaopns, but actually take steps to end terrorsim at its root, whatever that might be.

Acknowledge all the science pointing at global warming and do something. The Kyoto pact was not perfect, but dropping it without honest debate, will go down as one of W's dumbest mistakes (and there have been many). Gore had plans, there was policy in place that has since been dismantled, there are steps we can take, republicans have no will to take those steps.

Re buildig forign relations, it took bush less than 1 year to destroy all the good will and piolitical capitol from 9/11, a new leader (or in this case new congress) may be able to do something.

Accountability. I am not so naive to think that Dems are clean in all this Aberomoff crap, but lets face it the republicans have been in complete power for long enough, the corruption is on thier side of the aisle. At least at first there could be moves twoards cleaning things up. Of course in 5 years the reverse will be true, and the dems will be the corrupt leaders...maybe we just need to scrap all of them.

2006-08-03 07:59:17 · answer #2 · answered by Steven K 3 · 0 0

This isn't the answer you want, but Do You Like The Direction This Country Is Going? Do You Like Seeing Americans Die Everyday For No Reason Other Than George Bush's Vanity? Do You Like Paying $3 Or More For A Gallon Of Gas? Do You Agree Stem Cells Are People And Shouldn't Be Used For Research? If you answered "yes" to all those questions, you're a Bush-loving Republican and there's no hope for you. If you'd like to see some of those changed to "no" then you owe it to yourself and others to vote Democratic.

2006-08-03 08:03:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a Rep....I don't vote based on party lines, if vote based on the candidate, which most times is the Rep but I would not be afraid to vote Dem if the could do better. Like last election we had Bush who I don't agree with most of the time but I feel that Kerry would have been worse. If the Demecrats have a candidate that I feel is better that the rep. I will vote that way. However, look at it this way, right now the country is heading down a bad road and the reps are in power so its their fault and if the Dems were is power it would be theirs. Just remember that no matter what happens people spend more time blaming other people than they do trying to fix it. Both parties included,

2006-08-03 07:59:47 · answer #4 · answered by yetti 5 · 0 0

If you don't like what he says based on political party, then no reason will ever be enough for you.

Democrats often believe in equal freedom for everyone (Christians, Jews, Whites, Blacks, Rich, poor), getting a time frame in place for Iraq, balancing the budget (again), and diplomacy. I can't tell you details of specific party members, so perhaps you should try reading up on them rather then rush to judgement based on party. Each candidate will probably have a website - why not try going there and learning instead of asking the people on Yahoo! answers?

2006-08-03 07:54:10 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its really going to depend on what your views are on many of the issues that normally separate these two parties. Your question leads me to believe that you vote Republican so I have to assume that your views on abortion, gay marriage, social security....ect. are going to coincide with your party. Change on these issues should be your main motivation for a switch. Both Republicans and Democrates know something has to be done to fix the problems that the Bush administration has created. Let us all hope that Dem. or Rep. these things will be fixed. But when it comes to your question we have to look at the fact that our country is pulling itself toward two polar sides. The left and the right are getting farther and farther apart. While I feel that the Republicans have many good ideas when it comes to the economy and industry I cant look past there unified denial of some of our most trusted human rights (ie gay marriage, women's right). Their outlook on people that differ from the standard white family honestly disgust me and if this is just a precursor to the rights they feel they can limit (patriot act and banning what i have already listed) I have to look to the Democrates in order to protect these rights.

2006-08-03 08:08:22 · answer #6 · answered by leprikan6 2 · 0 0

It is obvious that we need a change. Energy costs have sky rocketed, health care is worse then ever and the Middle East policy is a total disaster. Housing is getting beyond the reach of the average working family. We are the laughing stock of the rest of the world because this administration is so determined to rule rather then govern. Want another plus 2000 reasons. All the solders who gave their life valiantly by a policy brought forth by liars.

2006-08-03 08:00:04 · answer #7 · answered by Thomas S 4 · 0 0

Who would have the time and the money to conduct such as study? Would private enterprise fund a study on the correlation between politics and intelligence? Gee could it be that only a University would fund such useless research? Considering college professors are mostly liberal and smart I wonder what the conclusion of their research would find? Perhaps the smartest people are a lot like the researcher?

2016-03-16 13:04:35 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Maybe people vote on the politician's views instead of what party he represents.

I'm not a democrat, but maybe that's why you're not getting answers. Or maybe you're just being ignored.

2006-08-03 07:49:27 · answer #9 · answered by Pitchow! 7 · 0 0

we don't know WHO will be running on any side, and we don't know what ANY plan or platform will be. People vote for all sorts of reasons, and literacy tests and the such were ruled out. Unless you are willing to restrict our rights, I guess people can vote for whoever they want , for whatever reason they want. And they don't have to tell you why. Kind of makes you mad that enough people hate Bush that they will do anything to get him and his cronies out of there, doesn't it! See you in November!

2006-08-03 07:56:45 · answer #10 · answered by hichefheidi 6 · 0 0

The problem with your question is that honesty is subjective. Just because I think an answer is honest doen't mean you do.
I just ran into this same predicament with a religion question.

2006-08-03 07:50:52 · answer #11 · answered by Brooke 3 · 0 0

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