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I will have links going to other websites and if someone buys something from there i get comission. So my question is how do I ask other website for there business. And how much should the commisson be? The website that i'm starting is links to porn website. Where if people are looking for paysites so if anyone know about this business help me. Thank You for your time.

2006-08-03 07:25:04 · 5 answers · asked by texasbobcats 1 in Business & Finance Small Business

5 answers

Well you've already got one good, lengthy answer with quality information. I'd like to add to that by saying that if you want to build multiple lasting sources of income, then avoid porn sites like the plague. With the exception of "adult-specific" programs, no advertiser is going to approve you for their program if you've got adult content, or even links to adult sites. And the non-Adult income has far greater earning potential. Specifically, look at the terms and conditions for Google AdSense and Commission Junction before considering the adult route. Besides, when people ask you what you do for a living, you want to be proud of your answer, right?

2006-08-03 08:02:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Associations may be a good avenue to explore. These organizations will address many of the thoughts, questions and concerns you'll inevitably have as well as many you haven't anticipated yet. See the source box for some relevant links.

Hope that helps! I wish you much success & happiness in all your ventures!

2006-08-03 09:18:48 · answer #2 · answered by TM Express™ 7 · 0 0

Referring businesses to another website and getting commission from the business you refer is common on the Web. That is called affiliate program

Check if the website you want to refer your visitors to have an existing affiliate program. If so, join them.

If not, contact them and work an arrangement with them on how you can get commission every time you refer a customer to them

2006-08-03 07:38:14 · answer #3 · answered by imisidro 7 · 0 0


Here are the absolute essential steps that must be followed to create your own website. Don't just create a Web site. You want a Web site that stands out. One that works.

Will “free” Web sites work? Yes, they perform as a Web site, but they do not produce any real income, therefore, they do not work if you assume that a Web site that works produces income for the Web site builder.

If you follow these steps you will create a Web site that works. A Web site that will produce income, build equity, and create a financial fortress for you that can be sold for real money, if you desire.

This is how I built my Web site, but I can’t tell you what tools I used because I would be in violation of community guidelines that prohibit advertisements. But here, in genera, is how to build a Web site that works, not some toy Web site that if “free”.

Step 1 - Master the Basics by understanding the difference between "preselling" and "selling". People do not like to be sold. There is no “magic” or “secret” methods like the "Gurus" would have you believe.

People use the Web as a searching tool. Success on the Net begins with a critical mindset shift. This means replacing that well-known offline strategy of “location, location, location” with …

“Information, information, information”.

You attract free traffic with credible information related to the theme of your site. You need a niche so step 2 is…

Step 2 – Develop the best site concept. Find a niche, a theme that interests you, a passion, a hobby, special knowledge you may have.

Step 3 – Explore keywords to find the best site concept. Get demand for your keywords, Get supply for your keywords. Pick the keywords that have greater demand than supply. These are the keywords that will allow you to monetize your Web site. Your best site concept must be in demand, not be too broad, and should excite you. (Something you know and love).

Step 4 – Create a list of potential site concepts and pick the top three for further research. Guidelines for picking the best candidate are: Number of keywords, overall profitability, knowledge, passion, and monetization potential.

Step 5 – Weave a wide-web of keyword-focused content pages, topical pages of interest that will attract and catch the surfers most interested in those subjects related to your site concept.

Step 6 – Each keyword should “fit” into an evolving 3-tiered site blueprint of your content. Tier 1 is your homepage, next are your tier-2 hub pages. Next, your tier-2 pages link to tier-3 pages (the mass of content), so if you have 15 tier-2 and 15 tier-3 pages for each tier-2, that 225 tier-3 pages. Take your time – you don’t have to do them all this week.

Step 7 – Investigate and plan your Monetization mix. Learn how to apply Google AdSense to your site. Remember: monetization comes last. Make every visitor to your Web site contribute to your bottom line. If they don't want to buy something, they'll submit a lead via a form. Or they'll click on a Google ad. Or they'll click on a contextual affiliate text link that recommends the product of a related merchant (weave affiliate links naturally into your content -- do NOT "pitch"!).

Step 7 – Refine Site Concepts and Register Domain Name. What is your VPP, “Valuable Selling Proposition”? What specific and high-value information does your site deliver? What is your unique positioning for this delivery? Don’t mix themes. Remember both types of visitors: humans and Search Engine spiders will visit your Web site. What does your Web site provide? Outline the key benefits for your surfers. Identify your unique benefit that makes you stand out: Summarize all of the above into one tight, powerful motivating phrase that will persuade you clients to do business with you, to trade their money for the benefits you deliver.

Step 8 - Ready? Name that domain. A good domain name is: short and sharp, meaningful, easy to spell, easy to remember, unique, solid, contains your VPP for human visitors, contains your Site Concept keyword, attractive to humans, ends in the class “.com”, “.net”, or “.org” (by far the best regarded by surfers). Make sure it’s legal.

Step 9 – Congratulations! Your good to start building your Web site. Eliminate any “Get Rich Quick” (GRQ) that the Internet may have put into your head. GRQ does not exist, never works, and lures your away from reality. Get real. The search engines like domain name with dashes, but human, real life, surfers prefer no dashes.

Step 10 - Continue to build high-value, credible content. Content is King. What is content. It’s information that surfers are looking for.

High-value content, content that gets found, is the critical lynchpin for building a viable, profitable, vibrant Web Business.

Anything else is a waste of time and money.

Hope this helps,
Walter A Brown, Webmaster

P.S. Cost is under $300 for a quality Web site based on the above principles and steps.

P.P.S. Do not make the mistake of picking a "free" Web site builder. They will just take your money and you will be left with an empty shell that does nothing and has an Alexa rank equal to "no data". You end up in the purgatory of the Information Highway.

P.P.P.S. Do not hesitate to ask me any other questions about creating your own Web site.

2006-08-03 07:51:30 · answer #4 · answered by wabboc 4 · 0 0

^^that guy is spamming^^

2006-08-03 07:29:12 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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