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According to reports surfacing in the mainstream media, some people want to question the veracity of the HOLOCAUST that 'israel' is conducting against the Lebanese and Palestinian people. It has become painfully clear that 'holocaust' and 'Semite' are words confined to interpretation by zionists and their representatives. But who wants to listen to people that perpetrate death, destruction, and oppression? Not to mention racism, hate, and perpetual lies.
The British web site flinging the accusation suggests that these events were staged for effect, a criticism echoed by talk show host Rush Limbaugh when he directed listeners to the blog on Monday.

2006-08-03 06:53:00 · 13 answers · asked by freindly asian 1 in Politics & Government Politics

The article has me dumbfounded. Can anyone else see the blatant double standard that exists? Mel Gibson, who hasn't got a clue as to what he's talking about, is chastized for uttering the incomprehensible, "Jews started all the wars. Are you a Jew?" Yet, Mr. Limbaugh's statements are not only acceptable but but he is allowed to spew his venom publicly. While Mr. Gibson scrambles to save whatever may be salvaged from his career and gratuitously slavers at their feet, Mr. Limbaugh continues his HOLOCAUST DENIAL unabated.

These events are subterfuge for the REAL issue, which is classifying ALL opposition to zionism as 'hate speech' and 'anti-Semitism' so as to prevent people from seeing the truth. Can you imagine the repercussions if this was someone saying the deaths in WWII internment camps were staged? Oh yeah they already do... that's why they have jailed people for questioning it and passed law to prevent people from speaking opposition to their version of history.

2006-08-03 06:53:36 · update #1

Please explain to me why it is that Americans allow such inconsistent standards to exist. How is it that Americans allow another state to determine the definition of what constitutes a 'holocaust' and whether those deaths quantify the act itself? Why is America cowed into fear at offending these people that have countless times revealed their true nature with countless acts of hostility toward us? A state founded on the principle of,"By deception thou shalt make war' SHOULD be a warning indicator, but most of us know that the tumor lies in much deeper tissue.

2006-08-03 06:54:04 · update #2

In a world that is being exposed to such inhumanity and such abberant and necrotic behavior it would seem that perhaps a few would desire an alternative to the road they see that lies before them. That's why I'm glad that a site like this exists. We are the voice of dissent people. My faith precludes me from violence but protest we must in whatever manner we are afforded. They will try to supplant the message with hate and violence but that is NOT the message. They will try to infiltrate and initiate hate but ultimately we must overcome through peaceful resistance. In time it may cost people their lives and their freedom because when people begin to awake they will realize their ability to maintain power has diminished and just like zionist 'israel' their true face shall come shining through and reveal their hearts and the evil that they have commited.

2006-08-03 06:54:19 · update #3

The zionist holocaust movement is meant to dissuade people from investigating the truth and taking a stand and speaking out. There is proof to expose the truth of what actually happened during WWII and it has nothing to do with accepting Hitler or 'neo-nazi' ideas or being 'anti-Semitic'. The people that are dying in Lebanon and Palestine are more Semitic than this group of people that visits a holocaust on these innocent people, and yes I know all about Khazars and Europe. We are hating the godlessness that these people conduct themselves with and their racist policies to everyone not of themselves. If you hate them, they have won; if you fear them, they have won; if you remain silent, they win. But, in the end they will surely NOT win.

Freedom is the message.
Freedom from their desire, freedom from their oppression, freedom from their ways.

2006-08-03 06:54:39 · update #4

look at this site:

2006-08-03 06:58:07 · update #5

13 answers

What nonesense! There is absolutely no systematic attempt to kill Arabs. Israel is fighting for its survival, and has absolutely no interest in getting on its neighbors lands so long as they protect its borders and does not allow a terroris group to attack Israeli citizens.

Lets me remind you how this current situation began: BUT FOR Hezbollah going on Israeli soil, killing 8 and kidnapping 2 soldiers over 2 weeks ago, Israel would not be on the offensive to destroy Hezbollah. This is not a war on Lebanon. It is a war on Hezbollah and its backers (Syria and Iran). Since the Lebanese army that numbers about 150,000 soldiers is unwilling and/or unable to remove Hezbollah's 5,000 terrorists, Israel will.

The situation is tragic in Israel and Lebanon, but it is Lebanon's fault for not protecting itself and exercising its sovereign right against have a militia, a terrorist group in control of parts of its country.

Unfortunately for the Lebanese civilians, Hezbollah embeds itself, and launches rockets within residential areas. Israel has warned in advance to allow people to leave, but Hezbollah uses many civilians as human shield. Israel tries as best as possible to avoid killing civilians, while Hezbollah and other terrorist groups are intentionally targeting Israeli civilians, and only apologize if they killed Arab-Israeli civilians.

It is time for the Muslim world to take some accountability and handle its exterme element that is numbered in the millions of people.

For those who believe that the extremist element in Islam is small, the numbers are staggering. There are 1.2 billion Muslims in this world. Lets take a very liberal view that only a very small percentage of Muslims are exterme, while the rest of the Muslim world is very peaceful. So if only 10% of Muslims have extreme point of views, and may be a threat, and must be dealt with, meaning dealing with 120 million Muslims! How about 1%? Then you must deal with 12 million Muslims. How about 1/10 of a percent? Then you must deal with 1.2 million Muslims. The numbers are staggering! How do you propose dealing with even the "very low" figures of 1.2 million Muslim extremists?

This is a grave and dangerous situation, but it has to and will be dealt with. Whether by global support or only by Israel. Israel has no choice but to destroy Hezbollah.

Deal with Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria and Iran, and you shall have peace in the Middle East. The extremist element of Islam MUST BE and WILL BE dealt with. So it is written, so it shall be.

Your hate is so strong, and your words are based on emotional fantasies, not an ounce of facts.

2006-08-03 06:59:59 · answer #1 · answered by EDDie 5 · 0 0

my friend, visit my friends360 page pritty_pussykat,and find the link to the disinformation site,it might say disinfo. I do not know what you are talking about,forgive my ignorance but I am not familiar with jewish issues or Israel issues or Zionist issues.
I do know that our mainstream media is owned by a few corporations and there is alot of news that is heard all over the world and in independent media but it does not exist in mainstream corporate media, so issues like this happen all the time where there is a monopoly there is bias, and propaganda, nothing new, just getting increasingly worse, he who has the gold makes the rules and while protesting we must remember this and take actions like boycotting certain establishment or hiring lobbyists, and using the same weapons of economic powers, form corporations for humanity or interest groups, dont picket somewhere with a sign to be a target of police brutality, yes we must give peace a chance but it must be done by looking to others in our past who may have opposing agendas, and copying their effective strategies and learning from their mistakes rather than reinventing the wheel or being an ineffective sign waver ,I am not implying that you are, I am merely offering suggestions for finding solutions
and at the end of the day it really is not about jew,israel,zionist,democrat,republican,american,lebanese muslim,christian versus each other, it is about humanity versus inhumanity, we need to train our children to use their heads and resist being manipulated into dehumanizing,vilifying,hating or fearing others that are different by the tools of ignorance and apathy. fear and hatred are evils that lead us on the path to inhumanity ,justification by vilification such as labelling one as terrorist, patriotism,ethnocentricity,God,racism and classicism ,etc,is something we as individuals have the power to withhold and remain resistant to, having an open mind and open heart is half of the battle

2006-08-03 07:19:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

A holocaust is the systematic destruction of a people. The sovereign state of Israel is trying to destroy Hezbollah, a terrorist organization which poses a threat to her security. Hezbollah unfortunately chooses to hide behind innocent civilians to protect themselves, because they are cowards. This explains the high civilian casualty rate in Lebanon. Once Hezbollah is dismantled, the Israelis will leave the Lebanese in peace. Thus, I hope you reconsider your misguided views using the true definition of Holocaust as a paradigm. The Israelis do not want to kill all Lebanese, they want to kill Hezbollah to ensure the tranquility of their nation, and it is at that point where Israel is not engaging in genocide, but rather self-defense.

2006-08-03 07:07:49 · answer #3 · answered by FiatJusticia 3 · 0 0

There are nonetheless eight hours left in Hawaii however I critically doubt it's going to occur at present. A holocaust is outlined as Destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, esp. brought on via fireplace or nuclear struggle: "a nuclear holocaust". It occurs and the scoop does not file it. Why could not it occur on a significant scale in a giant nation these days of enlightenment? People are insane and could get at the back of any one regardless of how insane they're. Anything might occur. It's only a topic of while.

2016-08-28 13:17:15 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No matter how articulate you appear to be it only masks the same hatred espoused by others for Jews or, as people of your ilk refer to them, Zionists. The land of Israel is the land of the Jews and predates the modern era. Palestinians as a "race" did not exist 20 years ago and are a people of no means, no ability and no productivity; their only expression of creativity is hatred which can be said for most of the Arab world against Israel. What the Jews and millions of other "unfit" people suffered under the Nazis (who you seem to find acceptable) is in no way comparable to the defense of home that the Israelis are undertaking against the Arab terrorist organizations supported by Iran, Syria...and you. The fact that Hamas has embedded their tools of war among civilians seems to escape you. You won't find an Israeli hiding behind a baby carriage. The Israelis warned people to leave. If a tsunami is coming you don't hang around unless you are forced to or are ignorant; I don't think the Lebanese are ignorant, therefor they are forced to stay by Hamas. Heroes? Pathetic. Do I decry civilian casualties? Yes I do. I've also seen the havok in Israel caused by suicide bombers on school children and people out for dinner; in other words, civilian non-combatants. I notice that you don't refer to that in your diatribe. I also notice that Hamas and the other terrorists don't werar uniforms - all the better to hide amongst civilians. If you're proud of your cause and you want to fight for it be proud enought to wear the uniform of your "country".

In the end, however, Israel will prevail and persons such as yourself and Mel Gibson will be consigned to the dust bin of history. Mel Gibson's comments, by the way, are unacceptable just as if he espoused hatred for gays, blacks or even, heaven forbid, Muslims who's very religion seems to espouse the hatred you would delegate to others.

2006-08-03 07:18:41 · answer #5 · answered by canela 5 · 0 0

completly aware of the media coverage and its ability to create world opinion jews used the images of victums of ww2 to create for them a sense of entitlement .
This has allowed other groups to seek a similar feeling and desire for better treatment like the blacks .
THEY were after all property of whites .
THIS means today anytime a black man is arrested it is ratial profilling and not because he is a crack dealer .
this leads to 65 year old women in wheel chairs being detained in airports to be searched .
WE should profile it is an accurate tool in defending america period.
ALL males 15-50 need to be checked who appear to be anything but wasps .
ALL arabs need to be checked period it was not chineese terrorists so why waste a minute checking them .
I am always shocked when a see an asian american detained for additional searches and questions .
THIS does not make me feel safer . PEOPLE are right to associate groups with things they have done in the past .
I have no problem saying the crusades were wrong and i would never support this today .
JEWS need to say we are sorry for white slavery and the murder of many black people in our past .
THEY seem to get an automatic pass when it comes to past crimes .
ITS like a sex offender surviving a back lash against all of them and millions being killed to end assalts on kids and then one day it stops and all sex offenders get a free pass .we let them in play grounds and to teach and never look to see if they are up to the same old crap .
JEWs have killed thousands of people in the past and still do today but they have this thing called the holocoust to toss out everytime one even looks funny at a jew.
I do not buy it and hope one day the truth is learned and the world is made aware of the real numbers of jews killed in the camps .
IT was wrong but many people where killed by soldiers that were not jews.

2006-08-03 07:32:44 · answer #6 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 0 0

are you a Jew, what about the arab suicide bombmer. you know most issues have 2 sides to them. maybe you should get off your leftwing news sites and learn the information independally without having to rely on someones talking points. rubbish.

2006-08-04 11:56:56 · answer #7 · answered by Chris W 3 · 0 0

You completely ignore the fact that Palestinians walk onto busses with the purpose of killing everyone on board.

2006-08-03 06:57:14 · answer #8 · answered by Black Sabbath 6 · 0 0

I dont care what those people think, I have seen plenty of photos. and video clips to see the Holocaust, those people are just iggnorant

2006-08-03 06:59:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Get a life bud.

2006-08-03 06:57:26 · answer #10 · answered by Mick 2 · 0 0

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