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I understand that it's not a good thing to see hatered and racial views come from a celebrity. But what really is the diffrence between a movie star and a regular person having anti-semantic views? Why is it such a big deal. There are millions of people who are biggets, but we don't hear all about them. Why is that?

2006-08-03 06:35:04 · 56 answers · asked by MadHatter 1 in Entertainment & Music Celebrities

56 answers

Jews are very big in ther film industry

2006-08-03 06:37:40 · answer #1 · answered by dwh12345 5 · 0 0

Because he has an extremely high profile and because of this there will be people who have worshiped him for years who will easily jump on his bandwagon of anti-Semites because their hero believes this to be true. This is dangerous.

Common, normal people don't get so much media attention for saying something horrible when they're drunk. However, having dealt with many alcoholics over the years as a bartender, and daughter of an alcoholic, and a friend to an alcohol/drug addict, the one thing I can tell you I have learned is what people obsess about when drunk is what is really in their hearts. Those secrets leak out when under the influence. It's ugly.

Anti-Semitism is a horrible blight that is hate-based by insecure people who believe in propaganda that have been set-up to cause mass-hatred of Jews. The "Protocols of Zion" were not written by Jews in Russia as it is set up to misrepresent. This document has been studied and studied, and there is no foundation for that concept. It is propaganda, period. Besides, it was written over 100 years ago. Would the Jews accused of writing it still be alive today?

Ask any Jewish person if they want to "Take over the Earth" and there is no such plan. And if there was such a plan, from what I've seen of Jewish life, it's pretty positive. The families can be fiercely loving, is that a bad thing? Many are taught to value education, is that a bad thing?

Mel Gibson has made a huge mistake by spouting off his dumb anti-Semitic mouth when he works in an industry that employs and is run by a lot of Jewish people. Gibson's drunken tirade shows all people what is in his heart. He's a jerk, a dangerous jerk. A dangerous jerk who has been more popular than Hitler ever was in his lifetime.

There is a need to be concerned about Mel Gibson. Frankly I think he should be run out of Hollywood, and he might be, but oftentimes Jews are the greatest at forgiveness.

I have talked to Holocaust survivors and forgiveness is the greatest quality in common of those who survived. Incredible people. No wonder Jesus was born into their fold. As for Jews not going for "Christianity": No group is going to believe that one of their own group is that special. They're simply not going to buy it. Besides, the crucifixion needed to be done in order for Christianity to work. The only way Jesus could get heard was to die for his purpose.


2006-08-03 07:19:19 · answer #2 · answered by Polly 4 · 0 0

I don't think he really meant it. I think he has an alcohol problem, he was drunk and said things he didn't mean. I don't think he could have made a movie like "The Passion" if he had hatred for anyone in his heart. God blessed him to make that movie, and I believe in forgiveness for everyone. I do think Mel needs to get help for his apparent problem. I agree that it's not that big of a deal as far as that goes but you are hearing more about it because he is such a big star. You are right its just as bad coming from anyone else as it is coming from Mel Gibson, it's just that regular people don't make the news when they do something like this.

2006-08-03 06:52:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Soemtimes we don't know why something is happening until after its over and we see the results. It could be a good thing for both Mel and millions of others that anti-semitism among otherwise respected people comes to light. Especially since Mel has no real reason to be anti-jew. I suspect its an attitude he was taught growing up and tried to deny, or some sub-conscious product of his making the film Passion of the Christ. It was after all jews who wanted Jesus out of the way and had him crucified. Mel's uncontrolled tirade while inebriated may have actually come from his deep love of Christ. Its obviously something he's going to have to look at in himself, and he seems to be the kind of guy that will share his results with others if he thinks it will do some good, and he's in a position to do it.
It also may be that many have a deep rooted anti-semitic vein in them, and for similar reasons (love of Christ). THAT's why so many people are making such a big deal of it. We often tend to accuse others of what we are guilty of ourselves. This whole event around Mr. Gibson could shed light in a lot of dark closets. Think positively.

2006-08-03 06:49:15 · answer #4 · answered by water boy 3 · 0 0

It's a big deal precisely because he IS famous, and when he says something bad more people hear it. The local drunk can rant on a street corner and only reach a small audience; a famous drunk can rant to the cops and reach a national audience. It lets the hatred spread that much further. The public outcry is a good thing - it shows that most people have good hearts and don't approve of hate speech.

By the way, the word is anti-Semitic (anti-semantic means you are against words); and bigot, not biggets - I assume the rest are just typos.

2006-08-03 06:47:56 · answer #5 · answered by teresathegreat 7 · 0 0

People are probably making a big deal about it because Mel was the one who made The Passion of the Christ, which shows Jews as the bad guys. Plus the fact that he's a famous actor doesn't really help him either. It seems like everything they do is so much worse than what regular people do.

2006-08-03 06:39:04 · answer #6 · answered by Kahne Fan 3 · 0 0

Well I think someone saying something like that in a bar is one thing. But when a star like him says it in public lots of people hear it. It's the same as Bush when you're famous (Whether you're a political figure or just a movie star) there are certain things you shouldn't say because it's not politically correct.
Like in a classroom. You're welcome to have your opinions but the teacher will punish you if she hears it.

Anyway I don't care if he hated all the race in the world. I'd still go watch his movies not because I don't care but because I enjoy the movie. Mel Gibson as a person doesn't mean squat to me. I'm sure there are other directors / actors who "Think" the same thoughts but are just keeping these thoughts to themselves.
The only difference between the "thinkers" and people like Mel is our ignorance.

2006-08-03 07:01:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's a big deal, because, like it or not....Mel Gibson is a Big DEAL. He's a star and the media love to jump on anything like this. Yeah, You and I can say some sh!# and it doesn't mean a thing, but since he's in the public it IS made into the source of media frenzie.

2006-08-03 06:45:48 · answer #8 · answered by Flyleaf 5 · 0 0

Because celebrities should be seen as role models. And you don't want people to look up to him and say "gee, I want to be just like Mel Gibson, so as of today, I hate jews"... it has nothing to do with Jewish people... but celebrities (actors, singers, etc...) should be portrayed as role models with positive things... that doesn't mean that all celebrities are perfect, far from that, but at least they keep their personal opinions to themselves and not be so public about it.
Another example is celebrities and politics... some don't want to be associated with politics because they don't want to have someone not see their movie because they are a democrat. If you are a public figure, it has to be because of what you do and what you can prove you can do. I hope I make sense.

2006-08-03 06:42:46 · answer #9 · answered by Kat 3 · 0 0

as a celebrity he can not afford to be so verbal about his political views. People will react. I don't think that this will hurt his career however because a lot of people like him enough as an Actor to overcome this incidence. Also he is a very wealthy man and he could retire at any time...
I still like him but I do not agree with his views on jews and I think he was out of line.

2006-08-03 06:41:23 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Its cause he cursed at the arresting officer who was jewish... the police didnt say anything about what he said only the press.... Thats the same thing im saying, People all over the world hate Jews and just because mel does too lets stop the world....

2006-08-03 06:41:19 · answer #11 · answered by chitownreppin312 2 · 0 0

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