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What about Darwin's theory?
What about God?

2006-08-03 06:22:43 · 15 answers · asked by williamcito 1 in Science & Mathematics Physics

15 answers

Evolution is a theory, because one can not simply go back and watch evolution take place.

However, it is a theory supported by a great weight of evidence both in the fossil record and in present day observation. Basically evolution is a theory accepted by nearly the entire scientific population (except for a few religious fundamentalist 'scientists') and most of the educated world.

There are a few subsections of Christianity that deny that evolution, or sometimes just human evolution, ever took place. Many deny the evidence for evolution, rejecting it as a massive hoax played by humans, or even by God Himself. Many prefer a literal translation of Genesis as an alternative 'theory' for human origins. I.E Adam and Eve were created in the Garden of Eden and all of humanity stems from the two of them and their children.

As a side note, there is not a great weight of evidence to support just about anything from the book of Genesis. If one chooses to believe what is written there, it is a matter of faith, not scientific inquiry.

Darwin draws a lot of heat from some religious sects, because he was the first well known scientist to publicly say that he did not see a reason that God was necessary to explain what he observed in nature.

There is no 'faith' in science. A true scientist questions what he or she sees, sets up experiments and makes observations.

There is no experimenting in religion. A person either has faith in God or does not and no observation of the world will change his or her mind unless he or she wants to have it changed.

All this being said, admitting that evolution is basically the only scientific explanation for the origin of the various species of the world does not invalidate any faith. I mean, who says God didn't create humans via the process of evolution? He's God. He can use whatever process He might like.

2006-08-03 06:42:10 · answer #1 · answered by cailano 6 · 2 3

Evolution is Darwins theory that states that all living things have evolved and are "continuing" to evolve. It does not disprove God in any way, but it does contradict the bible. To begin with, evolution is a scientific theory and DOES have proof, and religion is simply based on the past and has no proof. Science has proven that things do evolve and bones have been found dating back millions of years ago of people and animals evolving. One of the most famous of these skeletons is Lucy. I have also read that evolution is only a "Theory" and therefore has a strong possibility of being false. I want to remind you that everything in science is a theory, even our Earth orbitting the the Sun is a theory. I could type so much on this issue, but i don't have the time. Therefore i will give you a website that has much information on this. http://www.answers.com/evolution

2006-08-03 10:15:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Many old earth and new earth creationists are going to argue steadily that: evolution is false, there is no evidence for evolution, the old "second law of thermodynamics" thing. The fact is that evolution is the best scientific theory we have for explaning the origins. It has been confirmed in many different ways. By saying "its just a theory" is meaningless. In science, theories are descriptions of phenomena. In this regard gravity is also a theory, but try jumping off a building and see if your faith is going to save you. Theories can be well tested like gravity or evolution, or they can be untested like string theory. But the common ground of all theories is that they make predictions and they are falsifiable (i.e. they can be disproven) In that regard string theory is actually closer to what is called a hypothesis at the moment (soon it may be, however.) But I digress, evolution is real, because you can go to a museum of natural history and see the bones of ancient creatures and anylyse them. Just like if you jump up in a gravitational field you will eventually come down again (unless you are travelling fast enough.) Darwins theory simply states that organisms adapt by natural selection. It just means that organisms that are fit for an environment survive, those that aren't die off. Pretty logical eh? There's more too it than that, but thats the easiest explanation.

There is plenty of evidence for things having evolved.

And as for the second law of thermodynamics argument thats simple to resolve. The second law of thermodynamics states that order proceeds to randomness. Order is unlikely to come from randomness. However it refers to a SYSTEM as a whole, not individuals. So even though living things are ordered, the waste products of thier metabolism, execretion and formation, create far more disorder than the order organisms exibit. Therefore on average the second law is satisfied.

Oh, and as for Intellegent Design (ID), it is not a theory. You cannot falsify an opinion. For example the premise of ID is irreducible complexity. If something (in the opinion of the author) is too complex to have evolved then it cannot have evolved. That is an argument from ignorance, a major fallacy of reasoning. Saying that something is untrue because you cannot understand it is not scientific theory at all.

God cannot be proven to exist in ANY scientific way. Maybe in philosophy the question can be bounced back in for with the telological arguments and such. However, how can one make a falsifiable theory about testing for the existence of something that cannot be detected?

Hope that helps and see the link for some STRONG evidence that evolution took place.

2006-08-03 06:47:56 · answer #3 · answered by caffiene_freek 2 · 0 0

Evolution refers just to the fact that species evolve. That's a fact. Ask any animal breeder. Or take a tour to the local paleontological museum and see how the species that gave rise to the more ancient fossils gradually evolved into more modern forms. Or ask any microbiologist about bacteria and viral that have changed to acquire resistency against therapies.

Darwin's theory is that evolution can be explained by natural selection. Natural selection is just the trivial fact that those individuals have the best genes in terms of producing offspring, get the most offspring. You can hardly disagree with that.

In theory, one could imagine additional forces driving evolution, other than natural selection. For example, it could be that mutations were directed towards more beautiful, intelligent, morally superior animals etc. But there is no evidence that suggest such.

2006-08-03 06:35:53 · answer #4 · answered by helene_thygesen 4 · 0 0

we've information of dinosaurs, so as that they are actual. Evolution (the thought each and every thing stepped forward into some thing thoroughly different from the unique) is a synthetic thought. Evolution or diversifications interior of a "type" is attainable and does ensue. Dinosaurs died in the previous the 1st human exchange into created, subsequently they weren't alive whilst Noah walked the earth, no longer to point whilst he outfitted the ark. Dinosaurs have been created on the 5th day and died on that distinctive day, which lasted a minimum of 7,000 years. (Genesis one million:20-23) All cutting-part animals and guy have been created on the 6th day, which additionally lasted a minimum of 7,000 years. (Genesis one million:24-26, 31) those time figurations do no longer tournament with what scientists theorize with the aid of fact they use relationship approaches that are no longer very precise the older the article is that's being dated. Carbon-relationship is likewise immensely laid low with how water impacts radioactive decay of be counted. Scientist fail to contemplate the water harm from the flood (aka the ice age(s) of Noah's day. whilst there's a dicrepency between the bible and technology that's constantly greater smart to flow with the guy who has been there from the beginning up of the earth's history.

2016-10-01 10:38:01 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Darwinian Evolution provides the only current scientific (peer reviewed) model for the formation of species.
With regards to the person who answered with a question;

On the absence or rarity of transitional varieties. As natural selection acts solely by the preservation of profitable modifications, each new form will tend in a fully stocked country to take the place of, and finally to exterminate, its own less improved parent or other less favoured forms with which it comes into competition. Thus extinction and natural selection go hand in hand. Hence if we look at each species as descended from some other unkown form, both the parent and all the transitional varieties will generally have been exterminated by the very process of formation and perfection of the new form.
Charles Darwin, Origin of the Species, 1859

2006-08-03 06:48:27 · answer #6 · answered by Red P 4 · 0 0

Evolution is real. All species have evolved from single celled organisms. Darwin's theory was true. God exists - is also true.What colud be the logical reason for God creating millions of species, when he is believed by only humans. If people believe that humans are different and superior to animals then why do we care for them? Why not just treat them as our slaves? God definitly exists. But we humans are animals also. WE must learn to live in peace and harmony with all other living things on earth.
The true meaning of god will only become true if we live in harmony and 'symbiosys' with others in nature.

2006-08-03 07:25:53 · answer #7 · answered by tuhinrao 3 · 0 0

hey dumbass talking about the half and half still walking around?

there is MORE differences amoung humans than between humans and chimps. That is a FACT...so, yes there is still reminace from evolution. THE REST OF THE LINE DIED OFF!!!

That's exactly what Darwin was saying...if nature produces a more "fit" animal...the more "fit" animal will survive and the less "fit" animal will die out. I just saw on CNN that there was a baby born in China with three arms...if that would have been more "fit" that mutated trait will be passed on and the two armed poeple will die out.

It just BIOLOGY, not religion. BIOLOGY never trys to discount God, ever.

Do you believe that dinosaurs? why are there no dinosaurs running around? Because they were not "fit" enough to survive whatever happened to them, that's why!

Now where in the bible does it talk about dinosaurs?

Biology does not try to disprove God...EVER!!!!!!!

These are two completely different subjects period...end of discussion.

2006-08-03 06:44:30 · answer #8 · answered by kmclean48 3 · 0 0

I'll answer a question with a question. If there is such a thing as evolution where are the creatures that are not quite human yet? For example where is the half ape half caveman and where is the half caveman half human? Shouldn't or Wouldn't there still be creatures still in this "Evolution" process around?

2006-08-03 06:32:00 · answer #9 · answered by iamiandme 2 · 0 0

Actually, there is plenty of laboratory evidence for evolution. Any experiment involving selective breeding is an evolutionary experiment. God has nothing to say about it. Only ignorant people waving books do.

2006-08-03 07:16:08 · answer #10 · answered by Benjamin N 4 · 0 0

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