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I can't find the actual personality meaning for my sign and don't remember what it is. Also I'd like to know what everybody's opinion of a cap and cancer being together, on all relationship levels.

2006-08-03 05:45:08 · 16 answers · asked by Jaye 2 in Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

16 answers

compatibility: of capricorn& Cancer

In many ways the two of you are opposites. Cancer needs a lot of domestic and family activities. Nurturing others and personal involvement with others is a necessary part of life for Cancer. Family and close friends are extremely important for Cancer, while Capricorn often becomes emotionally detached from personal affairs and may fail to fully appreciate Cancer's more personal, emotional responses to situations. Capricorn may seem dry and emotional inexpressive to Cancer.

Your differences can serve to complement each other only if you really understand and appreciate each other. Both of you do seek security, consistency, and fidelity in relationships, so there is a reasonably good chance that over time you will develop a greater appreciation for each other's opposite qualities.

Your instinctive emotional responses and your temperaments are very different and, in fact, quite opposite much of the time.

Cancer is emotional, tender, sentimental, easily swayed by moods and appeals to sympathy. The need to be deeply connected, a desire to be taken care of and/or a need to be needed are very strong in Cancer. Caring and closeness are of primary importance to Cancer.

Capricorn is as committed and loyal in relationship as Cancer is, but Capricorn is uncomfortable feeling or expressing softness, neediness, vulnerability and emotion in general.

Capricorn has a certain crustiness and emotional distance, which seems cool or cold at times. Personal emotional needs are often ignored or put aside in favour of work, practical responsibilities and duties. Capricorn eschews dependency or "babyishness", expecting capable, responsible, no-nonsense behaviour at all times. Highly demanding of self and others, Capricorn often neglects the playful, feeling, childlike side of life.

Cancer's emotionality and neediness often conflicts with Capricorn's emotional detachment and dry realism. Secretly, however, Capricorn needs tenderness as much as anyone, though admitting that and asking to be held or comforted is very hard for Capricorn to do. Cancer's softness is much needed and appreciated by Capricorn.

And Cancer, thought sometimes frustrated by Capricorn's inexpressiveness or unresponsiveness, is also drawn to Capricorn's strength and emotional stability.

Although your tastes and preferences are often completely opposite from each other, you love and admire each other very deeply. There is almost a maternal tenderness that you feel for each other, and the warm sympathy and caring that you feel for each other fosters a close and lasting relationship. There is a "soul kinship" between you.

Both of you have a tremendous romantic imagination and feeling for beauty. You also enjoy a certain aura of mystery and/or wish to maintain an idealised image of your beloved. Positively, you seek to see only the good in others, and to forgive their departures from their best selves. Compassion and spiritual understanding are an important part of love for you, and you both seek friends and lovers who have these qualities. Other people may think of both of you as saints or "angels" because of your loving hearts and your kindness.

Sexual expression has a wonderful compatibility, you "spark" each others imagination and the bond is strong. When the dam beaks during sexual intercourse, it releases a flood of physical passion that takes you both by storm. Erotic cries of verbal happiness will always be expressed in this relationship.

The depth of love which you will be able to experience with one another will have a transformative, healing effect on both of you. Through your relationship, you'll realise the power of love to change lives and mend the broken places within you both. This certainly is part of the purpose of your being together. Even if other aspects of your relationship are difficult or frustrating, the intensity of your feelings for one another and your desire to be together will be very strong. IN fact, it would be very difficult indeed for you to let go of one another.

Wonderful good fortune and blessings on many levels come to you both as a result of being together. Yours is destined to be a very felicitous relationship, one that promises both happiness and growth. You will bring out the finest in one another, and contribute to one another's success, as well as one another's joy.

Personal Traits
The Capricornian is generally a serious character possessing a wry sense of humor. Independent, steady as a rock, Capricorn reflects earthy qualities that range from clever to vacuous. Mostly cautious, confident, strong willed, reasonable and hard working, Capricorns are a rock upon which to build. They are often aloof, shrewd, practical, responsible and persevering. They are capable of great endurance Reliable in any profession they undertake, but lacking in originality, they usually excel in following up on what someone else has started.

Within prescribed areas, Capricorn is a resourceful, practical manager. These folks set high standards for themselves and others. They are self critical, and work well in a disciplined environment, demanding equal measure from their subordinates.

A careful, ambitious planner, Capricorn moves forward with quiet, deliberate persistence. They can be frugal, possessing the ability to achieve results with minimum effort and expense. Highly organized, they excel in managing several projects simultaneously.

Capricorn will often vie for a position of authority. Once attaining control, they are demanding and exacting in leadership. Although firm, they are usually fair to people they deal with. They value tradition.


Positive Traits
A person born under the sign of Capricorn will have a tendency to be goal oriented. They seek positions where they can have great control and authority. They don't function well in subordinate positions. If they believe they can succeed in attaining a goal, they will perservere until it is reached.

Capricorns tend to be profound thinkers. To them life is a serious business, and the need to be in control of it is paramount. They are seekers after knowledge and wisdom. Rational, logical and clearheaded, they have excellent concentration, and delight in all forms of debate but will maintain these bonds their entire life.

They are loyal to intimates. Never impetuous, they consider business and personal relationships carefully before becoming involved. These are family people, and family usually comes first, except where business is their primary concern.

Main positive traits: Ambitious, hard working, responsible, practical, perserverance, self-discipline.


Negative Traits
Their naturally pessimistic nature explains their wry sense of humor, which some think is no humor at all. They can spread gloom and tension in a minute and are quite capable of depressing everyone else around them. Never really up, but often down, they need a positive environment to enliven their spirits.

In personal relationships they tend to be uncomfortable. Rather self-centered, they are wary and suspicious of others. They often have few close friends,but indifferent and sometimes callous to those outside their circle.

Main negative traits: Stubborn, overbearing, unforgiving, inhibited, fatalistic, condescending.



The occupations Capricorns usually choose are as doctors, lawyers, accountants, and any endeavor that deals with maths or money. They excel as bureaucrats, especially where projects demanding long-term planning are concerned.

Capricorns also make excellent politicians due to their skill in debate, and good teachers . They do best in an environment wherein they can exercise their desire for authority and organization. They are good with their hands, and may choose to be engineers, farmers or builders. The wit and flippancy so characteristic of some Capricorns allows them to consider entertainment as a career. Many are also strongly attracted to musical pursuits.

2006-08-03 07:35:58 · answer #1 · answered by Danny D 1 · 1 0

As you see above, all the people are giving you the positive stuff about Capricorn. You can check always in astrology books or the internet but if you want the other side (the negative) read the book "Born on a Rotten Day" by Hazel Dixon-Cooper. My sister is a Capricorn and agrees with both kind of sides. The book is also funny because it is somewhat true what you read.
About the relationship part, it is all in the book it will show you signs and say what person is good for what sign. It shows in the positive book usually that Capricorn and Crab are a perfect match. Hope this helped you.

2006-08-03 06:18:15 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Capricorn is represented by a mythical creature who is half goat, half fish. In Greek mythology, the god Bacchus was sitting by a river when he was threatened by a monster. Fearing death, he dove in and transformed himself: underwater he was a fish who survived by swimming; above the water he was a goat with horns who could fight the monster. Jupiter (who, by the way, rules Sagittarius) was impressed enough to promote Bacchus to the heavens, where he remains as the constellation Capricorn to this day.

Capricorn is symbolized by the Goat. You're motivated, determined and practical. You see no need to take unnecessary risks. Career is a major concern for you; advancement and recognition are alluring concepts. You are ambitious and strong, but also somewhat conservative.

December 22 - January 19
Capricorn, the tenth Sign of the Zodiac, is all about hard work. Those born under this Sign are more than happy to put in a full day at the office, realizing that it will likely take a lot of those days to get to the top. That's no problem, since Capricorns are both ambitious and determined: they will get there. Life is one big project for these folks, and they adapt to this by adopting a businesslike approach to most everything they do. Capricorns are practical as well, taking things one step at a time and being as realistic and pragmatic as possible. The Capricorn-born are extremely dedicated to their goals, almost to the point of stubbornness. Boy, those victories sure smell sweet, though, and that thought alone will keep Capricorns going.

The Goat symbolizes Capricorns, and an apt mascot it is. Goats love to climb to the top of the mountain, where the air is clear and fresh. In much the same way, Capricorns want to get to the top of their chosen field so that they can reap the benefits of success; namely fame, prestige and money. Getting to the top isn't always a walk in the park, however, so it's likely that Goats will ruffle a few feathers along the way. These folks can indeed be domineering, even egotistical, on their route to the top. They'll tell you it's part of being a leader with bright new ideas (in keeping with the Cardinal Quality assigned to this Sign).

Capricorns are industrious, efficient, organized and won't make a lot of waves. They are scrupulous with details and adopt a rather conventional posture in business and in life. These folks feel best playing it safe, since this is a fail-safe way to get to the top -- eventually.

Thankfully, Capricorns are patient, too, and are happy to wait for their ship to come in. The flip side to this staid behavior is that Goats can become quite unforgiving of those who aren't as diligent or ambitious as they are. Capricorns need to remember that they do need allies along the way, ambitious or otherwise. In any case, once Capricorns receive the recognition and social status they so fervently crave, it's likely that all will be forgiven.

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2006-08-03 05:55:57 · answer #3 · answered by woman38 5 · 0 0

Capricorn Personality - Zodiac Sign - ruled by Saturn.

Your Sun Zodiac sign may not best describe your personality features, your characteristics and general qualities that you bring to life. For many people, their Ascendant or its planetary ruler is the more obvious characteristic, or sometimes the Moon sign. Your Sun sign, rather, says more about the direction you should be moving in, to make the contribution to humanity you were born to make, and thus achieve a degree of personal fulfilment.

The Capricorn personality witnesses to the importance of the social order in which one lives, its proper functioning, and the personal fulfilment which can be found through finding ones true place within it. Capricorn follows Sagittarius in the zodiac. Sagittarius is concerned with finding a philosophical or religious framework in which life makes sense, but is not necessarily interested in the practical implications.

All the earth signs, of which Capricorn is one, give substance to the ideas of the preceding fire sign. For Capricorn, it is not enough to have a grand idea about the meaning of life. The meaning is lost unless it can be contained within the social order in which people live. Ethical ideas (Sagittarius) must be worked out in terms of socially responsible behaviour (Capricorn).

Personality Traits of a Capricorn:

Good organizational skills
Neat & tidy
Strong work ethic
Materialistic tendencies
Respects authority
Cruel taskmaster
Excessive perfectionism

Simple food
Not being pressured
Unconditional love

Being teased
New ideas & paths
Being useless
Public embarrasment

and on you and Cancer being together:
You seem to encourage each other to be grouchy. If that's the only encouragement you get, it won't work, but if there's a genuine attraction happening, you have enough in common to succeed.

2006-08-03 05:50:48 · answer #4 · answered by squeakyvette@verizon.net 1 · 0 0

Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is all about hard work. According to astrologists, capricorns are both ambitious and determined, if they want something they can get it or achieve it. Capricorns are practical as well, taking things one step at a time and being as realistic and pragmatic as possible. The capricorn-born are extremely dedicated to their goals, almost to the point of stubbornness.

2006-08-03 05:51:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Being a Capricorn and having several in the family we did find out we have personality trait, which is good and bad. Cap's look down their noses at everybody. We are the elitist of the Astrological charts. However we tend to have a better grip on our emotions and be brighter than most.

Caps and Cancers- Earth and water=mud

2006-08-03 05:51:30 · answer #6 · answered by raiderking69 5 · 0 0

Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, is all about hard work. According to astrologists, capricorns are both ambitious and determined, if they want something they can get it or achieve it. Capricorns are practical as well, taking things one step at a time and being as realistic and pragmatic as possible. The capricorn-born are extremely dedicated to their goals, almost to the point of stubbornness.

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capricorn_%28astrology%29"

2006-08-03 05:49:16 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Capricorn is one of the best signs lucky in love, money and easy going person pretty stress free...I believe cancer and the Capricorn are very compatible together...I'm sure you can find allot on this subject by doing a search with any of the search sites ... have a nice day

2006-08-03 05:51:27 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

About Cap and Cancer: My fiance is a cancer and we have been together for 6 years and getting married in 2 weeks!! Everything is awesome!

2006-08-03 07:51:20 · answer #9 · answered by lauraenic 2 · 0 0

Look on Yahoo horoscopes, it should be in there somewhere. I could tell you about Scorpio and Taurus all day long, though.

2006-08-03 06:32:29 · answer #10 · answered by ShineOnYouCrazyDiamond 4 · 0 0

theres tones of books on that like on grocery store check-out lines and gas stations for hecka cheap.

2006-08-03 05:47:46 · answer #11 · answered by nathaniel_ward 2 · 0 0

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