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It seems that we are fighting two enemies, terrorism and liberalism. It seems that both hate the United States and with so called compassionate, tolerant, liberals bashing the president I think that the terrorists see that as our weak point. Any thoughts?

2006-08-03 05:30:04 · 27 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Also these nutjobs that think Bush and Cheney had something to do with 9-11 must make Bin laden happy.

2006-08-03 05:32:56 · update #1

jackson your ignorance is priceless!

2006-08-03 05:46:03 · update #2

Traitors like Kerry and Murtha really help the war on terrorism by calling our brave soldiers terrorists and cold blooded killers. These two so called "men" are a disgrace!

2006-08-03 05:57:46 · update #3

jackson, you have someone almost as ignorant as you. jdfnv

2006-08-03 06:11:57 · update #4

27 answers

They are the enemy at home.

Here's the problem with liberals.

They are so convinced that they hate one ideal or person (Bush, republicans, you name it)

That they then support ANYTHING against it, even if it's terrorists or Hugo Chavez saying he hates America.

It's a mental disease that I don't think even they understand.

it's sad really

2006-08-03 05:33:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

Absolutely. HATE without moderation no other word describes it better. They are not upset or concerned they HATE blues HATE Redpublican progress.

Smurfs are the primal enemy of money and those that want it.

Since ancient times people of the liberal persuasion have fought to stop the advance of business. Greek Philosophers cried that the world was being destroyed by building to many ships. They said the trees would never grow back. Many of these same Philosophers took drugs. The Oracle of Delphi a blue took drugs and told people to not listen to the Military Industrial Cartell.

So this Red Blue divide is not new. But it is time for us to learn from history and get rid of the Blues once and for all.

The earth is not warmer the trees are growing just fine Chemicals do improve our life. The Blues have been lying as usual.

Even terrorism is not as big of a threat as the liberal media makes it out to be. Has anyone seen a building blow up in Wyoming or Alabama where normal people live. When Saddam bombed the towers they were full of Jews. Jewish Bankers Jewish Stock Brokers Jewish Bond Traders. It's not like Christians were getting killed.

I say Redpublican business is as good as usual

Go big Red Go

2006-08-03 05:54:55 · answer #2 · answered by 43 5 · 0 0

Republicans disgust me. They are liars and manipulators. Dividers. Fear mongers. Smiling when they talk about war and grinning when they tell their lies and distort their record. Trying to impose their hateful morals on the rest of the world, they're nothing but the Taliban reborn. Have you seen their platform? Have you listened to their speeches? These warmongers? These liars?

Let's get some things straight:

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. Stop insinuating there is.

Where is Osama? Why are we in Iraq if ******* Osama Bin Laden is free? Since he is free, obviously Bush *didn't* do his job, did he?

The 9/11 commission makes it very clear that Bush's administration ignored signs of a pending attack. Stop pretending it was a surprise.

Abu Ghraib was a direct result of Bush's previous disregard for the Geneva Convention. Don't pretend it didn't happen or was an isolated incident. Bush is ultimately responsible for the torture.

There are no Weapons of Mass Destruction. Bush LIED. Don't try to call Kerry a liar to minimize his deceptions.

Kerry served in Vietnam. Bush was AWOL. These are facts.

"Swiftboat Veterans for Bush" was assisted by the Bush Campaign. More facts.

Bush lied to the entire country and Colin Powell lied to the entire world as to why we should invade Iraq, then we did so in spite of the U.N. and without a plan to win the peace. Bush's actions have caused unprecedented anger and resentment towards the U.S. and made us less safe, not more.

Iraq and Afganistan are not *free*. Stop ******* saying they are. LIARS. They are under U.S. military occupation.

The Bush White House organized and provided the "Mission Accomplished" sign, which they then denied. Liars.

What about the other issues besides terror?

Anti-choice. This party thinks a woman's right to choose should be against the law (obstensibly to save the life of an unborn child... but they don't mind killing thousands of innocent Iraqis, do they?). This is an adminstration that prevents American healthcare workers in Africa give out condoms to help stop the spread of AIDs. Republicans are sick and twisted.

Homophobes. Republicans are the party of discrimination and segregation.

Republicans cut taxes on the wealthy and then cut funding for children. Just released numbers show more Americans in poverty and more people without healthcare. Republicans think this is the way life should be. (They made sure that the poverty and healthcare numbers were released in August instead of the end of September when they would have a bigger impact on the campaign). *******.

George W. Bush turned his back on the Middle East peace process begun by Bill Clinton causing a massive increase in violence and tensions in the region.

Bush's administration named a CIA spy in retaliation to criticism by her husband. Someone should be in jail.

Haliburton no-bid contracts? Closed door energy meetings? Cheney should be in jail. Bush should be in jail for war crimes for that matter.

Bush is an incompetent, ignorant, dangerous moron. When asked a basic question in a press conference, Bush exclaimed that he couldn't think under pressure and wished that the question had been given in advance. Terrorists don't give questions in advance George, you're not fit to run this country.

Republicans just keep on lying and lying and lying until the stupid people think it's the truth just because it's so consistent. E.g. "Death Tax", "Compassionate Conservatism", "Flip Flop", "Liberal Media". The last one is the biggest lie. The media is *not* liberal but now everyone assumes it is, and the conservatives get their way always. They are manipulators extraordinaire. Have you read the platform? Revisionism and manipulation at it's best. Goebbels could't have written it better.

2006-08-03 06:04:57 · answer #3 · answered by jdfnv 5 · 0 0

Oh, we make Bin Laden very happy because he sees that some Americans recognize the obvious truth when they see it. He immediately denied involvement with 9/11 you know.

As to liberalism...I think the real enemy are those liberals that pose as conservatives. The Patriot act is a liberal act. Conservatives generally want smaller government and more rights of the individual--fewer laws. A true conservative would
never give away the fundemental rights which let us live in a free country the way Bush has. It's the neo-cons that you really have to worry about because they work hand in hand with liberals
to bring about the destruction of the United States.

2006-08-03 05:45:03 · answer #4 · answered by keats27 4 · 0 0

I'm a conservative and I believe 9/11 was an inside job. Physical evidence points to it. The WTC had a huge fire in 1975--really intense fire--yet it didn't collapse.

Please get off the con vs. lib bandwagon. You know there's a difference between neo-con and conservative, right? You're the former, I'm the latter.

And a little FYI--Bush is a closet liberal. He's okay with gay civil unions (at state level), he says Roe shouldn't be overturned, and don't get me started on the deficit...he spends like a kid with a no-limit credit card.

And he's hardly a Christian.

And as far as stripping freedoms goes--BOTH sides want to do it! The neo-cons want to call you a traitor for dissension. The liberals whine if you call homosexuality a sin and aren't politically correct. So whoever accuses the other side of stifling freedom of speech--better make sure you're not doing the same thing!!!

2006-08-03 05:43:53 · answer #5 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

I see alot of you neocons listen to michael savage and cannot come up with an original thought of your own. And of course everything is so black and white for you.........sorry the world doesnt work that way. Id much rather be a liberal than be what "conservatives" stand for these days.......corruption, greed, big business and oil taking priority over lives, and just the friggen stupid look on George Bush's face. And the evil face of Dick Cheney............ They are terrorists spreading their idea of Christian "DEMOCRACY" all over the globe. Yeah........they know what's best for the world. Money in their pockets! Neocons are the true enemy of our country! You push your beliefs on to others .....and if they don't cave to your pressure you resort to name calling or as another Bush black and white idea" you're either with us ...or you isn't"
Oh and "stupid liberals"......i happen to have family that is in Isreal..........so quit talking out your A$$! You don't know what you are talking about! THERE ARE MANY LIBERAL JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-08-03 05:46:50 · answer #6 · answered by Ambervisions 4 · 0 0

I think you sound like you've been mentally altered by too much right-wing hate radio.Maybe dumb belligerent rednecks are the problem.

If you havent noticed,Bush's performance has become worthy of some bashing.

Our weak point is that we have too many double-breasted Republicans who dont know squat about military stategy wasting our taxdollars on a civil war we stated in Iraq.

2006-08-03 05:35:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a liberal, I do not hate the U.S. But I don't think that we deserve world dominance either.
And in my humble opinion, the real enemy is ignorant, close minded people such as yourself you stereo type everyone. And refuse to look at another person's point of view for fear that they may be proven wrong.

2006-08-03 05:37:09 · answer #8 · answered by Peace Lovin Hippy 3 · 0 0

No, conservatives are the enemy at home.

They are stripping away civil liberties, increasing the national debt, while simultaneously mishandling a war on terror, and making their fat cat crony friends richer while the middle class is eroding. They are ruining our country by mismanaging our funds and watering down the constitution. They have turned into fascists who attack one if ones beliefs are contrary to theirs. They are hypocrites, liars, polluters, and warmongers.

Down with the neo-cons. They will destroy our country and our world.

2006-08-03 05:37:59 · answer #9 · answered by jimvalentinojr 6 · 0 0

Throughout most of US history - one party has pretty much consistently bashed the other. That does not make the parties unpatriotic or an enemy to the US, just different ideas of how things should be run.

2006-08-03 05:34:13 · answer #10 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 0 0

The only thing un-American is b!tching about dissent.

Dissent is American. Stifling opposition is un-American.

Which are you?

And if we are your enemy, then why don't you just kill us? Because that's how you seem to like things to be handled. My fellow citizens like you might be my political opponent, but your not my enemy.

That's Civil War, and if you're calling for Americans to attack Americans, then you're committing treason.

What weakens America is stifling freedoms. It's as if you believe that the only way to fight terrorists - who hate America for the freedoms she gives her citizens - is to limit those said freedoms. If that's the way you want to fight, then you've already ceded victory to the terrorists.

2006-08-03 05:35:03 · answer #11 · answered by WBrian_28 5 · 0 0

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