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32 answers

all of the above.

2006-08-03 05:12:17 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Iran Israel's government has to look strong and stop the rocket attacks in Gaza and Lebanon - it's a new PM, untested Defence Minister and Kadima is a new party, and with Sharon lying in a coma. Israel has to look tough to Iran. The only problem for Israel is that because Hezbollah is so organised and dug in in southern Lebanon, it will need a ground offensive and invasion to defeat Hezbollah's infrastructure - and I think they have the green light from the US to direct an aerial campaign, but that is never going to do the job of boots on the ground - and artillery and smart bombs have a habit of dropping on civilians and making images of dead children a terrible PR problem for Israel. Acting tough with Hezbollah is supported by Israelis.... until it means a ground offensive and major call-up -- just like invading Iraq was popular with many Americans until the reality set in that occupations are not pleasant, and drafting high school seniors to Iraq instead of college is not going to be popular at all

2006-08-03 05:13:19 · answer #2 · answered by yankovicfan6 3 · 0 0

To start off I'l blame Sarah who told Abraham it was OK to sleep with Hagar. But that shold be a done deal as it happened over 3000 years ago.

Then I'll blame the UN for not enforcing the formation of BOTH Palestine and Israel as countries. And I blame them for not squelching terrorist actions in both Lebanon and the area of Palestine against Israel.

I'll blame the Arab countries surrounding Israel for not recognizing either Palestine or Israel as sovereign nations.

I'll blame the supporters(who ever they are) of terrorist organizations who's sole goal is the destruction of Israel.

I'll blame the Muslim religious leaders who do not denounce all the violence and especially violence against unarmed civilians which is specificly forbidden in the Quran. And their failure to condem the 'claimed' connection between terrorist organizations and the Muslim religion.

2006-08-03 05:36:50 · answer #3 · answered by namsaev 6 · 0 0

Iran,Iran,Iran,Iran,Iran.They have been at this since 1979 when they took the hostages, and they have done a masterful job of manipulating world media and sentiment; and we have been out to lunch, even after Sept 11 many of our people still don't get it.
You can draw a direct line from the hostage taking in Tehran and Sept 11, and what's going on today. All I can do is hope every day that we at some point finally wake up and realize that UN sanctions are just a joke and much,much more will need to be done to deal with them, and once we do that it will be much easier to deal with the war on terror.

2006-08-03 05:29:44 · answer #4 · answered by booboo 7 · 0 0

First of all, there is no such a nation "Palestine" (they were not officially declared as such yet.
who is to blame?
terrorists who begin the fight by launching missiles against calm citizens;
they are cowards who hind behind human shields, attract fire form Israel's army, then blame Israel.
not to talk about their religious leaders who call on to DESTROY Israel and the Zionists..
Israel reaches out for PEACE - this is the main desire of any regular citizen in Israel.
the extremists in Lebanon - the puppet of Syria and Iran, as well as the regular people in the streets of the Palestinian Authority, would tell you they do not wish peace with "The Zionist Enemy, Israel". they want Israel wiped out from the World Map.

2006-08-03 05:17:39 · answer #5 · answered by Radio Girl 3 · 0 0

Lebanon for allowing iran and syria to fund hizbollah and allow the shia higher union to use labanon as a scapegoat against israel , .........You are known by the company you keep and the people you hang around with ..........lebanon for some meagre amount of capital inflow for its economy development from the oil rich countries choose the wrong friends simple!!

2006-08-03 05:15:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Can't have a fight with out two sides.

The two sides can't get along with one another, and it will continue to be a crisis until the people agree to live with each other.

The problem is America continues to supply weapons to Israel, and supposedly Iran to Hezbollah, both looking for the higher ground of dominance.

Until one group decides that there is enough blood shed for a compromise, the battle will drag on.

2006-08-03 05:18:18 · answer #7 · answered by hsueh001 5 · 0 0

The current situation began by Hezbollah nearly 3 weeks ago.

BUT FOR Hezbollah going on Israeli soil, killing 8 and kidnapping 2 Israeli soldiers, Israel would not be on the offensive to destory Hezbollah. This is not a war on Lebanon. It is a war on Hezbollah and its backers (Syria and Iran). Since the Lebanese army that numbers about 150,000 soldiers is unwilling and/or unable to remove Hezbollah's 5,000 terrorists, Israel will.

The situation is tragic over there, but it is Lebanon's fault for not protecting itself and exercising its sovereign right against a militia, a terrorist group in control of parts of its country.

Unfortunately for the Lebanese civilians, Hezbollah embeds itself, and launches rockets within residential areas. Israel has warned in advance to allow people to leave, but Hezbollah uses many civilians as human shield. Israel tries as best as possible to avoid killing civilians, while Hezbollah and other terrorist groups are intentionally targeting Israeli civilians, and only apologize if they killed Arab-Israeli civilians.

There is a late report that Syria is re-supplying Hezbollah with rockets, and that the Israeli Air Force is only striking resupplies when it passes into Lebanon (unfortunately, not 100% of the supply is destroyed in time by Israel...at least, no YET).

It is time for the Muslim world to take some accountability and handle its exterme element that is numbered in the millions of people.

For those who believe that the extremist element in Islam is small, the numbers are staggering. There are 1.2 billion Muslims in this world. Lets take a very liberal view that only a very small percentage of Muslims are exterme, while the rest of the Muslim world is very peaceful. So if only 10% of Muslims have extreme point of views, and may be a threat, and must be dealt with, meaning dealing with 120 million Muslims! How about 1%? Then you must deal with 12 million Muslims. How about 1/10 of a percent? Then you must deal with 1.2 million Muslims. The numbers are staggering! How do you propose dealing with even the "very low" figures of 1.2 million Muslim extremists?

This is a grave and dangerous situation, but it has to and will be dealt with. Whether by global support or only by Israel. Israel has no choice but to destroy Hezbollah.

Deal with Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria and Iran, and you shall have peace in the Middle East. The extremist element of Islam MUST BE and WILL BE dealt with. So it is written, so it shall be.

2006-08-03 05:16:51 · answer #8 · answered by EDDie 5 · 0 0

Lebanon is the least to blame. Hezbollah is fighting a proxy war for Iran.

2006-08-03 05:15:10 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The middle east has been in termoil for centuries and will probably continue till the final days as we know them. We as sad as it may be are responsible for what is going no there today

2006-08-03 05:36:44 · answer #10 · answered by proud to be an American 2 · 0 0

Luke and Mark weren't disciples of Jesus yet of the Apostles. They have been Greek (Lucas and Marcus). John exchange right into a follower of Jesus and his call in Hebrew/Aramaic is Yohanan.

2016-10-01 10:33:45 · answer #11 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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