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This is a time when the Muslim nations should come together to help other Muslim nation. I am so ashamed of the other Muslim countries for standing by and allowing Israel to analate Lebanon! It is haraam to stand by and let this happen. I am an older woman and if there was any way I could go and defend Lebanon I would! How can you, Muslim nations, stand by and let this happen! Fee Aman Allah! Allah (SWT) guide you all!!!

2006-08-03 04:45:03 · 21 answers · asked by aminahrice3 2 in News & Events Current Events

21 answers

I understand your frustration. If my guess is right you are Muslim and it must give you pain to see. I am an American Christian and it gives me pain to see anyone in the world being hurt or at war. Everyone has a good reason for war, or so they think, and both sides have acted out. The details are not important.

The other Islamic countries may be showing wise restraint, at least for now. If their hearts ruled over their heads things may escalate to the point of no return with no positive results. Millions could be killed in a full scale regional war because it would be impossible at this point not to involve other countries from out of the region. The anger you feel is natural, but their lack of action may be preventing WW III

The people of Lebanon deserve a home they can live in peace in as all people deserve, yes the Israelis too. The other Islamic nations may believe the this fighting may fizzle out when people come to their senses. Both sides may even realize the stupidity of the fight and come to an agreement that will end the killing plus give everyone most of what they want. Good results with less killing may be what everyone is waiting for.


2006-08-03 04:59:42 · answer #1 · answered by Thomas 4 · 1 0

I can understand your feelings, as Israel's extreme actions are going to make the situation worse in the end. For one thing, the U.S. has allot of influence in the Middle East, and if one or more of the other Muslim countries attacked Israel, America would be obliged to step in and protect Israel, which would result in one hell of a conflict!
I have thought to myself at times recently, that if I ran a country, I would be compelled to threaten Israel with an attack if they didn't stop bombing the cr*p out of Lebanon. But then again I wouldn't want to be in that position, because the consequences would be very bad for the country that I represented.
I do not support Hezbollah, but this is no way for Israel to act again them, as it will deepen people's hatred of Israel, and further strengthen support for Hezbollah. It is horrific what Israel is doing, and from the beginning of this particular conflict, the U.N. and many countries around the world condemned it, but they're all taking their sweet time in trying to stop it. It's wrong! I'm sure their response would VERY quick if Israel were attacking a Western Country full of mainly non-Muslims.
I don't believe the State of Israel should have been set up in the first place, as it has caused so much death and conflict. BUT, Israel is here for good, so the Arab Nations should fully acknowledge Israel, so they can later go into discussions with Israel to work towards resolving particular issues, such as giving some land back to the both the displaced Palestinians refugees (so they're no longer have to live in limbo), and to the Palestinians in Palestine.

2006-08-03 05:37:54 · answer #2 · answered by lemon_sky40 3 · 0 0

I am not a muslim, neither am I a supporter of israel infact I am an indian in germany but I think that you need to grow up about religion or race , do you really think that jordan or egypt would help lebanon just because its muslim , its like thinking that USA would help Somalia because its christian, help according to me is not given on the basis or religion, race , color or creed, but on humanity, I dont know whether you read a lot of newspaper but hezbollah is an organisation which runs madrasa for children's education but at the same time wants to be israel's nemesis. There is a new school of political thought which says that citizens have to be responsible enough when choosing their representatives not only the intrinsic but extrinsic factors as well, unfortunatly palestinens choose hamas on fatah(which is very corrupt) and are now paying the price, israel and world has more or less stopped all aid and transfer payments , so now hamas has to decide what is more important palestines living everydy with wages and food or its agenda of destroying israel , as far as hizb is concerned many analyst think that its a very delicate balance of being an political organisation with aggresive tendencies ( history has proved it time and again). I dont know whether you read WSJ but I am sure I had read something about the troubles hizb could run into if it doesn't change its ideology around 4 months back ..................bottom line with power comes responsibility if you want to be a political party in command you have to give up other agendas and think what is more important .....worse still is the fact that in cities like balbek there are only 2 groups of people hizb guys or thier supporters..........I am really not in the favor of a war everyone has a right to live in lebanon but so are the jews who live in israel .........lebanon was doing great before this attack is economy was showing signs of recovering before this attack unfortunatly it choose syria and iran as its friends as thier has been massive capital inflow from these coutries ...........I seriously hope and wish that this conflict gets over as soon as possible but I really dont know when that would happen ...........

2006-08-03 05:07:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

في وقت السلام ، هناك دائما حرب, In translation for english readers it says;
In a time of Peace, there is always War. to answer your question, there are several answer, some would say that to much is played out in politics, like a chess game the muslim countries have more to lose if they make there moves to quickly, Iranians are forming against there president and there is alot of civil disorder among the other muslim countries, there is a lot to lose and not much to gain if the wrong move is made, Israel surprised everyone with this aggressive force to finally rid lebanon of hezbollah (Iranian) grips. A true cleansing. Unfortunately, there is a lot of civilian death, I dont even want to hear people cry about Israeli civilian death, what is it at 66, its sad but nothing compared to 10 times that in lebanon, if they were a majority hezbollah deaths then ok, but its not. Yes there is a right to defend themselves , yes , Israel has the right idea to force hezbollah out to continue to protect israel but the costs are high and its making it easier for the strong invisible hands behind hezbollah to grip control and strengthen there militia. The biggest fault in this is not just hezbollah though its the lebanese government for a> not stepping in to try and prevent this in the first place....Israel is at a point where they cant take it anymore, you can just get stones thrown at you so much before you start to throw back.......

2006-08-03 04:58:25 · answer #4 · answered by lost&confused 5 · 0 0

Part of the answer is that not all Islamic countries support Hezbollah and its goals, particularly because of its methods. Another part of the answer is that Syria and Iran are behind Hezbollah's activities, and they do not have an interest in strengthening those two nations at their own expense. Yet another reason why they are not getting involved is that they do not want to take on the IDF. Last but not least, but perhaps most important is that they do not have a national interest in widening the conflict, or threatening relations with the United States. It should be everyone's goal to end the crisis, not make it worse.

2006-08-03 04:51:53 · answer #5 · answered by zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 4 · 0 0

I don't think Israel has any interest in taking out Lebanon. They want to dismantle a guerrilla network that is firing rockets at their cities.

And yeah, Lebanon is going to need a lot of help when this is over, and the rest of the world is going to have to provide it.

You folks have a freaking mess there, as usual, and I don't have any answers to it.

We are all going to have to watch and see what happens, and hope it does not grow big enough to destroy the planet.


2006-08-03 04:51:46 · answer #6 · answered by diogenese19348 6 · 0 0

The reason is they know that Hezbollah is nothing but a terrorist organization. If you support them then you are a terrorist too. Hezbollah is a cowardly organization that is hiding behind women and children. Any Muslim nation that is supporting these terrorist organization should be ashamed of itself. Israel has every right to exist and you people should recognize that.

2006-08-03 04:51:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a non-muslim american, but maybe they r scared, of what? i do not know. How many natural resources does lebanon have? if the rest of the middle east feels there is nothing in lebanon to deem it valuable for safe keeping , they may not care. Not saying that's right, because i believe in non-violence.

2006-08-03 04:50:38 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Simple- they hate Hezbollah as much as Israel does. Besides, the Sunni Allah hates the Shia Allah.

2006-08-03 04:50:29 · answer #9 · answered by composertype 5 · 0 0

Two wrongs don't make a right. Just like kidnapping soldiers should have never been done. Israel was not suppose to retaliate? Maybe Lebanon got what it asked for.....you bully someone and sooner or later, they are going to fight back.

2006-08-03 04:52:38 · answer #10 · answered by mama_wizard 3 · 0 0

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