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I know im going to hear that it is the womans body, and not the Mans body. I think thats total garbage. I think the baby is not the womans body becuase it was made from both male, and female. I dont feel that men have any rights on the decision. They were a big part in the making of the child, but are ignored. Im interested in what others think about the Father not having more choices on his childs life. So my question is this,,,,,,,Why is Abortion a womans choice, and not both? Didnt a couple both Male, and Female make the baby? Why do fathers have no say in the matter? I am very curious to hear what other ppl have to say. I am pro life myself, but would like to hear pro life, and pro choice opinions on this subject. Please no rude comments. Be an adult about it.

2006-08-03 04:32:38 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

18 answers

I totally agree with you! I completely disagree with abortion because honestly shouldn't it be male, female AND baby's choice and how many babies do you think would choose to die rather than live. Women are very selfish these days. Yes, it takes a lot of work on the woman's part to carry the child and then go through the pain of delivering it, but it is her fault she is pregnant in the first place she could have chosen not to have sex. What gives her the right to end someone elses life? I think that abortion just gives women the right to be promiscuous without thinking of how it affects others if they get pregnant (the baby & the father)!

IT'S CALLED ADOPTION! There are hundreds of couples that want to adopt american babies, but so many babies are aborded that it doesn't leave many out there to adopt. I know of numerous adopted babies that have had phenominal lives thanks to their non-selfish mothers who delivered them and let them go. Then the woman and man don't have to raise and pay for the baby either, but the child isn't murdered!

2006-08-03 04:58:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

As a mother (& someone who is pregnant), I have an opinion about this. Abortion can go both ways. I have been in a relationship where my partner would have made me get an abortion if he could have, but thankfully I ended up not even being pregnant. I have also been in a relationship where I thought I wanted to get an abortion, but the father would not have allowed it. Fortunately in that case, I had a miscarriage. And I think it does make a difference that it is the woman's body who has to endure the pregnancy. You might not think 40 weeks is a long time, but it can seem like the longest stretch of time in a woman's life. There are so many normal pregnancy complaints (not even including the complications that can arise) & if the woman is not dedicated to having the baby, it would make it that much more unbearable. Think of it this way...imagine you awoke one day & suddenly you were plugged into another person. So, you went to the dr. & he told you that because of some illness that the other person had, he would have to remain plugged into you for 40 weeks or else he would die. And that throughout those 40 weeks you would feel tired, nauseous, achy, etc. Whose choice should it be whether or not to let that person remain plugged into you for 40 weeks? Yours, right? But hey, this is just some food for thought. I do see your point of view, too. The guy helped create it, so why shouldn't he get a say, too? In a perfect world, a man & woman would never create a baby until they were sure they wanted to have it.

2006-08-03 12:03:11 · answer #2 · answered by Mommy Kai 2 · 0 0

If a woman were to undergo a forced abortion, it would leave her mentally scarred for the rest of her life. It IS her body, and her mind. A miscarriage, even a wanted abortion, is a hard thing for a woman to deal with. It weighs on their mind for a long time afterwards. And if it were forced, simply because the father wanted the abortion, and the woman didn't, it could cause a lot of trauma. And it can be physically traumatizing to the woman, also. The more abortions you have, the less chance there is that you'll ever be able to carry a baby to term. (Too much scarring). I am pro choice, but personally would never have an abortion(might think about it in the case of rape, or if my life was in danger)

2006-08-03 11:42:22 · answer #3 · answered by rlms_girl 3 · 0 0

Because too often men father children and then leave women to raise them, as if they hadn't had a part in the creation of the child. If there were a way to be sure that both parents would participate *fully* (not just $$) in the raising of the child, I'd agree that both parents should make that decision. I do think that both parents should have a say in what happens, but that if the father is unlikely to help, the woman must make the final choice of whether to continue the pregnancy.

2006-08-03 11:48:36 · answer #4 · answered by indigrrl 3 · 0 0

In one respect I agree with you, men should have more choices but in reality it is the women who are responsible for the daily care of the infant, the woman shoulders the majority of the workload, not all the time but in our society men are the workers, and women the caregivers, there are exceptions of course but in my opinion it seems just that the person who will shoulder the majority of the physical responsibility should make the decision. A man can opt for no abortion and 2 yrs down the road take a hike, it's not that simple for a woman, she still has the child to care for and her life is far more affected by the decision than anyone elses. I'm not saying all men are dogs and will leave, I like to believe there are some great men out there but truth is it is a life altering decision and it should be made ultimately by the person who's life it will alter the most.

2006-08-03 11:43:02 · answer #5 · answered by lee 1 · 0 0

You think it's total garbage because you can not see it from a woman's point of view......it's different when the baby is growing inside your body. While it's true that both people should have a say in it...I just dont see how it could happen pefectly everytime. There is no set rules for everyone.....Should a woman be forced to abort her baby just because the man doesnt want it? Wasn't he there when it was concieved and he took the chance? Should a woman be put through pregnancy & labor and birth just to give the baby up to it's father? In a perfect world everyone would agree and no one could choose for another....but this isn't a perfect world.

2006-08-03 12:09:44 · answer #6 · answered by jachooz 6 · 0 0

It should not untimately be up to just the woman. Sadly, this is the way that it always goes in our jacked up society though. It should not just be the woman's choice whether she aborts the man should have just as much say in it. The mother carrying it should be irrevelant. I think that if a guy wants to have the abortion and the woman wants to keep it, the man should not have to pay child supporT. There should be a chip implanted in girls when they are born, and if she ever decides she wanted to get prego then both her and the prospective father would have to go through something similiar to court proceedings where they would present their case and a judge/jury would decide whether or not to allow the pregnancy or not. What would be the result of this you may be wondering?? Well, for starters, stopping young girls, trailer trash losers, and idiots from breeding would only be doing our society justice. The homeless/unemployed rate would drop considerably, welfare would evidentually not exist therefore saving money in your pocket since you are not having to support Mary Joe Sue and her illegitimate 7 kids.

2006-08-03 11:57:27 · answer #7 · answered by Kevin H 4 · 0 0

The majority of the abortions are due to unwanted pregnancies. The woman is abandoned by the male because a pregnancy is HER problem not HIS problem. Men elude this responsibility in any way they can. The woman is left alone and the decision (usually a harsh one) has to be made by her while there is still time to do something about it.
Sometimes for the male the decision is easy: abort, but they are not exactly supportive towards the woman they impregnated, they do not know how violent an abortion really is. For them it is the way to avoid future problems. They will probably drop the woman afterwards.

Anything that has to do with acquiring responsibility in this sense makes guys chicken out.

2006-08-03 11:52:41 · answer #8 · answered by Karan 6 · 0 0

I am very Prolife, but in my past experiences, I think it's retarted for a man to dip out on the woman (which happens every day) because she is pregnant. If he wanted the abortion, and she did not, then what would happen? It would ultimately be the woman's decision, kuz guess what, she's the one that has to grow, give birth to, and raise the child, with or without his help. Unfortunately too many men simply have sex, (creating the baby), and the woman is left to raise the child. Its sad. It happened to me.

So say the woman wanted an abortion, but the man wanted to keep the baby. Do you honestly think that he would completely change his life to raise this child himself (just like a woman would have to)? I think not. There's probably one in a million men that would willingly do this.

2006-08-03 12:41:11 · answer #9 · answered by AuroraBorealis 4 · 0 0

Well, for one thing is that you do have a right in the matter. It should be a choice you both make as a couple.

On the other side: Its mostly a woman's choice because it always seams that it's the woman who gets left with the raising of the child and not the father. You rarely hear of single dads it mostly the moms you hear about.

2006-08-03 11:44:08 · answer #10 · answered by marleyjlee 2 · 0 0

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