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Along with the basket of 'best things' (see previous question), I want to include a little book of tips.

ie. Take pictures of EVERYTHING. They grow up so fast; you'll want to keep every second forever.

Babies love songs. Learn a lot of them because babies also get bored.

What are your best baby tips?

2006-08-03 04:18:40 · 16 answers · asked by jwelsh79 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

16 answers

always choose playing with your baby over cleaning

2006-08-03 07:21:37 · answer #1 · answered by Library Eyes 6 · 1 1

Best Tips:

Give a journal book and tell mom (and dad) to write "letters" to their baby. They can start before the baby is born and write how they felt when they found out they were pregnant, how mom feels as the baby kicks, etc. Write about the delivery and their thoughts on seeing the baby for the first time. I write a letter each birthday telling how they've grown, how they look, and things they did over the years.

Cherish every minute..even the ones where you are so dog tired and don't think you can keep your eyes open another minute as they are screaming their lungs out and you can't figure out what is wrong. Even though it seems it's lasting a lifetime, it will be gone in a flash and you'll wonder where those times went!

Rest/nap when the little one does, especially in the beginning. Realize that the housework will ALWAYS be there, but your little one will not. Don't live a life of regret when you are older saying "I should have stopped washing the dishes to read to him/her more. I should have stopped vaccuuming to go play catch." etc. One day you're going to want to go play catch or read to them and they're going to be off doing their own thing and you'll have plenty of time to do those dishes!

A gift I like to do is buy a white wicker baby hamper (Babys R Us) and I fill the bottom with diapers and then towards the top I buy blankets, clothing, shoes, etc. and "form" a baby out of them. I leave the top open on it and have the "baby" half in and half out. I usually buy all the bath things to stuff in there too. I wrap it all in tulle from the fabric store...very cheap and makes beautiful wrapping!

What a great friend you are! I hope she appreciates you!

2006-08-03 04:38:16 · answer #2 · answered by 317bossyaussie 3 · 0 0

Buy paper plates. Less stuff to wash. (Until the baby is big enough to wash dishes)

For the first few months buy plastic forks and spoons.

Charge an admission to visit the baby. A casserole in one of the foil pans that can be pitched.

If someone asks you what you need for the baby say you want a photo album, picture frame and a portrait gift certificate.

Have easy meal night once every week where you just stick TV dinners in the oven and the family is fed.

Gather up the kids even the baby and go out to eat every Friday and Saturday (Or have pizza and chinese delivered)

2006-08-03 05:18:05 · answer #3 · answered by momoftwo 7 · 0 0

We did something for our first grandson that their parents just loved, we sent a journal around to all the family members kind of like a chain letter and they wrote a little bit of advise for the new mommy and daddy. This was the gift they loved the most at their shower. The most special thing about this gift is that our family is spread all over the country and so many members couldn't be there to give a hand with the new baby but they were able to pass along their wisdom. The other thing the parents liked was they didn't forget who told them what. Good luck!

2006-08-03 05:13:09 · answer #4 · answered by G-Mommy 3 · 0 0

To help the baby sleep at night, put on a thick layer of diaper rash lotion (Desitin Creamy is my favorite) and the best diaper you can buy, but get it one size bigger than the size the baby wears during the day. (Pampers Cruisers are the best -- the ones in the purple bag.) The lotion helps the baby not feel as wet and the bigger diapers will absorb more!

2006-08-03 06:07:55 · answer #5 · answered by B 2 · 0 0

Don't worry about being a germ nut. Actually a little uncleanliness is good....it helps build up the immune system. The chemicals, from cleaning all the time, can actually make them more sick than the germs! Also, don't be afraid to leave clutter....you have a baby. It's normal to have clutter!

2006-08-03 04:24:48 · answer #6 · answered by Mom of One in Wisconsin 6 · 0 0

NICHD has been studying the separation of children from their mothers for decades. What they've learned is that if a child enters day care before age 3, and for most kids, before age 5, they are seriously damaged by this. First, the attachment between mom and child is damaged, the dad's approval of the child is damaged, the child's IQ is damaged, the child's social skills are damaged. The child is at great risk for depression and anxiety.

And, guess what - these results hold true even if daddy is the caregiver, if a full-time live-in nanny is provided, or if the day care is of the highest quality.

Why? Human infants evolved to need their mother's arms and mother's milk to grow optimally. Separating from mom floods a baby's brain with stress hormones, impairing the child's ability to learn and to regulate its emotions.

In addition, and perhaps most critically, the baby is currently forming his view of the world. Is the world reliable, a safe place, can i trust? Now picture him in day care, screaming for mommy (oh, they'll lie and say he doesn't) and you never come. What does he learn about you and about life? What does he learn about his effectiveness to get his needs met? What does he learn about what you think of his needs for love and affection?

Do you really want to teach your poor dear baby all those things? Last point, day care is far harder on boys than girls. Please don't do this to your child. He didn't ask to be born; he desparately doesn't want to grow up in an institution with a mommy who schedules in a few 'quality' minutes for him every day.

What you will miss by abandoning him to day care is immeasurable. My friends and I who actually raised our babies are always amazed by how totally detached from their kids our working friends became, how utterly unaware of children's needs and rythyms they became.

Day care is a lousy way to grow up. Up and Out in the rain, out in the freezing, out in the sweltering, never with mommy to share excitement, loyalties to the primary caregiver (who must become 'mommy' if she's gonna do a good job.) Why would you do this to your kid?


http://www.geocities.com/wellesley/garde... = lots of info on harms of day care
The Irreducible Needs of Children, a book by Brazleton
http://www.naturalchild.org wonderful site on kids' true needs

2006-08-03 07:47:45 · answer #7 · answered by cassandra 6 · 0 0

Make sure to mark the baby book as soon as you think about it, or you will forget. And ignore all the people that try to give advice on the care of your baby.

2006-08-03 04:24:20 · answer #8 · answered by Jessie P 6 · 0 0

Accept the help people offer you and make a to-do list so they wont have to ask you what you need
Buy bigger clothes and let your baby grow into them
Lose weight right away it's harder if you wait
it's ok to sleep with your baby
Rock your baby to sleep
Breat feed your child
When changing diapers keep your hand on your baby at all times, babies can roll over unexpectedly and fall
Use your elbow to test your babies bath water
Use gentle soaps some babies have sensitive skin

BEAUTY TIPS FOR NEW MOMS: Beauty Sleep – The first thing to keep in mind is that you really do need your beauty sleep, now more than ever – so grab a nap whenever the little dear is sleeping. Slather some night cream on your face (even if you’ll be napping for only 20 minutes during the afternoon). Night creams contain more powerful ingredients than day creams, and will jump-start your skin and improve your complexion while napping. Add some lip balm and hand cream to the equation and you’ve got a mini spa going on.

Water Works – It’s always important to drink at least eight glasses of water each day (more if you’re active or nursing). Water keeps your body running properly and hydrates your skin from the inside out. Whenever possible, assign your hubby to babysit for 20 minutes and indulge in a bath with softening body oils or aromatherapy oils to match your moods. Try citrus, rosemary or eucalyptus to invigorate, or lavender, chamomile or a softer scent to soothe. Add a deep conditioner to your hair while you soak – you’ll emerge soft and refreshed.

Soften Up – You don’t have to spend more than 60 seconds each day being your skin’s best friend. New moms don’t get as much sleep, which can cause eyes to look puffy. Invest in a good eye cream that combats puffiness and dark circles. Pat some around your eyes, and up into your temples. Follow with a moisturizer that is recommended for your skin type. For daytime, you might want to try a tinted moisturizer – it’ll keep your face supple, while giving you a healthy glow.

Double Up – Consider this: Baby products are geared to the most sensitive skin around. In a pinch, use baby wipes to wash off your makeup, or to freshen up your face. When moisturizing Baby’s bottom after a changing, use a squirt of the pink stuff to keep your hands super soft. Products that are geared to help Baby with diaper rash are also excellent zit zappers – read ingredients carefully first, to make sure that they won’t irritate your skin – and then dab on your blemish with a cotton ball.

I Screen You Screen – There’s nothing as damaging to your skin, or your baby’s, as the rays of the sun. Take 60 seconds out of your busy schedule to slather on sun protection before you go out. If you absolutely love the look of a tan, consider using a self-tanner, bronzer, or a tinted sunscreen. Your skin and Baby’s skin have completely different needs, so be sure to purchase different products for the both of you.

LipSchtick – So many women slick on the stick when they don’t have time for any other makeup. If you use lipstick, avoid very dark colors or reds – they’ll just emphasize your pale complexion and make you look even more tired. Try to apply a rosy pink or subtle peach shade, or consider using a softer looking gloss.

Dreamy Creamy – Cream blushes are incredible for new moms. You can apply a tiny bit with your fingertips, and blend into the apples of your cheeks for a rosy glow, and you can tint your lips as well.

Accentuate the Negative – OK, you’ve got an unexpected special occasion – and you haven’t slept in three days. Your eyes have so many bags and dark circles around them, that people think you’re wearing dark glasses when you aren’t. Consider this alternative: Break out some smoky colored eye shadow, or kohl eyeliner, and line your eyes completely and then smudge – go for the sexy smudgy look that is so popular with celebrities. Follow with black mascara, and a sheer nude lip. Smolder. Everyone will be in awe of your ability to glam it up at night and take care of Baby all day.

2006-08-03 04:38:22 · answer #9 · answered by someone_unperfect 2 · 0 0

Sleep when baby sleeps!! Forget the dust-bunnies under the bed - dishes in the sink - they can wait. Take advantage of the extra snooze-time!

2006-08-03 04:24:10 · answer #10 · answered by Toots 2 · 0 0

every year on their birthday write a message to your little one. include what was 'cool' that year - stories - funny things - who came and went from your home...etc. also, if you have a recorder of some sort, record your child's voice. it is remarkable to play it back when they are older.

finally - collect their art. frame it. make a bid deal of it. display it as if a museum were the collector!!!! it makes everyone feel so special and reminds you of how much your child wanted to please you by giving you things and spending creative time when they were young...

2006-08-03 04:30:01 · answer #11 · answered by 100%cotton 2 · 0 0

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