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I just don't understand why we put ourselves through pain...Why do we get married??? Most marriages end in divorce anyway...why do we still do it???

2006-08-03 03:31:03 · 10 answers · asked by ERICKSMAMA 5 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

10 answers

The primary reason for marriage is so that you have someone to share your life with in an intimate way. (I'm not just talking about sex here) The joy of marriage is sharing your life with someone who knows you, inside and out without the mask, and they still love and accept you. No other relationship offers the same experience except the one with God.

Some are also rational reasons, while others are just to make the people involved feel secure and protected from what the society might say or think about them. I guess marriage is a symbol of a lifelong commitment that the couple make for each other. Its something to remember whenever they feel the urge to break up. Its a sign that what you feel for the other person is more than lust (which is becoming a very popular reason for marriage nowadays). It reminds couples of the vow they made that they will spend the rest of their lives through thick and thin, and not just share the bountiful and happy times together. After making that vow, and knowing that God is your witness, you will do your best to keep that vow you made.

This ad least is how I feel about why I got married....

2006-08-03 03:41:19 · answer #1 · answered by WhyNotMe 6 · 1 0

I think the reason why people have marriages that end up in a divorce, is because they don't really pay attention to what they are getting their selves into! If they were to take the time to get to know one another better, live with each other and find out if they can cope, & relate with oneanother before they tied the knot, marriages would be much better! Couples, should get to know each others likes & dislikes, they should learn & want to find out for sure if they are truly in love with oneanother or if it is just for sex! Rushing into a marriage is a bad thing to do. they should want to be compatable with each other in every way! Marriage is a very big step to take! It is not a game! When two people get married they become as one! They should always love, honor, respect, and most certinaly want to stay together until death do they part!!!!! There will always be problems, But that should not cause your marriage to end up in a divorce! If you think that it will then don't ever make that solem vow with each other in the eyes of the Lord!!!!

2006-08-03 07:08:43 · answer #2 · answered by bigred 4 · 0 0

I agree, marriage sucks. I was married for 9 months. I thought that this was the one I was going to grow old with. She showed me who(how) she really was after we got married. I fell in love with a totally different person. There's too many expectations in(with) marriage. You should treat a marriage just like a regular relationship. The only thing that changes is the females last name. Females think they own you once you marry them !

2006-08-03 05:39:19 · answer #3 · answered by shizzy0117 2 · 0 0

We get married for the purpose of beating the odds. We fall in love, express it by marriage, decide its to hard and quit. I think a few basic rules will make any marriage last longer - DO NOT CHEAT, do not lie, when you fight - fight fair, no name callling, no bringing up past fights. And most of all, respect each other.

2006-08-03 03:38:39 · answer #4 · answered by Jessie 2 · 0 0

Marriage has changed the years. My answers are based on the woman's view. There is also a male side of pros & cons.

For so many years it was a financial necessity. A woman had no way to support herself in a manner that would ever provide her with her own home, clothes, and food. Arranging a marriage for your daughter was a way to provide her life style thoughout her life. Marrying well was a way to move from poverty to well off ... or just maintain the life style your parents provided or somewhere inbetween.
Marriage was necessary for women if they ever wanted to leave their parents home and have a family & place of their own

Then there was the social situation. Remember the term "old Maid" ? Society considered a women without a husband as flawed, undesirable, a misfit.

Society was harsh on any children born to an unwed mother. "Bastard" was stamped on their birth certificates. Again, because of financial abilities a women couldn't earn enough money to raise a bastard child.

Then there is the way women respond to other women. A single woman is a threat to their homes, so a single woman is not a "constant" welcome person in homes unless they have a date, steady or male companion. Women also tend to make friends differently that men. They find their level by where they are in life. i.e. Married, income level, child bearing years, social register. The exception to this rule is maybe college chums for life but their person path may not stop the friendship but will stop contact.

And there were women who NEEDED to be in love to justify he sexual side. Some needed to be married to feel whole. Some actually were in love. Like all emotions.. there is a large variance and people never considered this in women years ago.. heck women couldn't even vote.
Lets jump to 2006. More women are going for careers (that is way different than a job). A career usually pays better and more women are able to choose NOT to get married.

So now we are to the reason to get married:
1. Single life can become lonely. Especially as your firends settle down into a family lifestyle.
2. You may or may not reach a point in your life when you want a constant companion by your side. It is great if you find that person who finds you to be that special person to share their life with. That need to share is a strong feeling in many people.
3. Children are a good reason. If you are maternal/paternal you may get to a stage in life where a childs smile just warms something in you so much. Raising a child really takes two. I've done the single bit and a child deserves the balance of two. One person can do it but you will spread yourself too thin. If you have a mate... it is easier on you and makes a fully life for the child or children.
4. Financial, life style and social levels are still with us. Some states more than others. Heck.. back home, a woman can lose 50% of her IQ by driving North from Seattle. Being a woman on your own throughout life is always more of a challange. We are still not equal. Although we are gaining... it is going to be a few years before a woman will be accepted in society as a "stand alone". Many of the old hang ups are still there.

If you need proof .. talk to men about a woman President.

The good part. NOW in 2006, it is ok to stay single well into your 30's. Starting a family later in life is in some ways better because you CAN (thanks to birth control ) wait until "you are ready for that life style". It is OK now to follow your choice to be a career person. And I think you now can have the luxury of waiting until you find that person so you want to give up the single life for. You'll know it when you find it. I quit looking over shoulders with the thousand yard stare whenever there was a lull in the conversation. When you find the right person, the world get lighter on your shoulders because they are there where they want to be.

Make sure you find your happy spot in life. Know who YOU are and what YOU like, what You want and what YOU need. Don't get married until "marriage" makes your life better. Don't give anything up for marriage.. maybe compromise... that is OK.

Marriage fail because people "give up, give in on dreams and needs". So deep inside they are aware of this. People get married for the wrong reasons. Remember. Years ago people stayed married not because they were always happier that way but because it was socially not exceptable, financially not feasible, and there were laws that prohibited one spouce deciding to leave while the other said no. Marriage is a valid life choice but it is a choice. If it is your path, it is a good choice.

It is definately a choce for a responsible person. Someone who is not self centered or selfish because you are taking someone elses life and heart in your hands. This is a rare place for this generation to be in. Our lifestyle at this time seems to be a throw away world, shallow, quick satisfaction, and "don't think too much, just do it cus you can always....."

2006-08-03 04:30:38 · answer #5 · answered by Joanne in Florida 3 · 0 0

a girl normally cant live independently.
its its IMPossible...
however ther will be many discussions reagrding this but frm my part i wil never agree tht girl can live independently

one thing i wana say,... u can enjoy life without marriage(dating,sex b4 marriage) everything but it is considered to be a sin. remember u will be punished by the ALMIGHTY n this is NOT at all a REspectful life. now dating ,sex have become trend.

so thats y we r given a legal licence(marriage).. n surely there will be lotts of quarrels after marriage but u should try to take it easy.. u should'nt apply divorse for each n every quarrel. its highly highly stupid.

to lead a respectful life marriage is the onli way..................

2006-08-03 03:52:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

honestly i never believed in marriage, but now I'm engaged! i actually have a reason to get married tho, my fiance is in the American AF n i cant really be with him if we don't get married, as i live in the UK... If it wasn't for that i definitely wouldn't get married!

2006-08-03 03:44:08 · answer #7 · answered by little_sofi16 1 · 0 0

Alcohol=stupidity=marriage. Look no further..that is the answer.

2006-08-03 03:38:51 · answer #8 · answered by Andy S 3 · 0 0

Hope, ah hope. We want the dream so badly we fool ourselves into believing that "this time is IT!".
Foolish foolish humans..

2006-08-03 08:02:28 · answer #9 · answered by unchainmenow 2 · 0 0

i agree, why the hell?
actually because dumbass people like to look down on us if we don't....this society has unwritten rules for proper conduct that
just sucks!

2006-08-03 03:37:45 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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