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We all know republicans are slaves to the super rich, but damn! Only raise minimum wage if the super rich can get richer??? Why do Republicans constantly show us what scumbags they are and why do poor people constantly support them when Republicans could care less about them????

2006-08-03 03:16:48 · 16 answers · asked by angelajock 3 in Politics & Government Politics

16 answers

I dont know any poor Republicans, but since the Republican premise is "Ive got mine and I'm going to hold onto it no matter what" it stands to reason that they wont raise the minimum wage unless it benefits their greedy selves

2006-08-03 03:21:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Frankly, why would you care if estate taxes are rolled back. Don't you want to be wealthy also? Do you work hard and try to make a better living for you and your family? If you build a business or a farm up and make it a success wouldn't you want to be able to leave it to your children? As it is many farms and businesses have to be sold off to pay the estate taxes. Go ask the farmer or the guy who own the hardware store if they are super rich.

Stop being so short sighted and brainwashed. And stop trying to live in the other persons pocket. If someone else gets a benefit what is that to you? If you are a minimum wage worker they you will get your benefit also.

The REAL QUESTION here is whether the Democrats will DENY you your minimum wage increase just to stick it to successful working Americans who have worked hard and pulled themselves up.

And the reason poor people support them is that being poor doesn't mean "stupid," it's because they want to quit being poor and move up in the world. Don't you?

If you hate rich people so much, go get a job from a poor person.

Now who did you say was a scumbag? What a whining little puker. Don't worry a democrat will be along in a little while to change that diaper for you. Totally pathetic.

2006-08-03 04:18:46 · answer #2 · answered by bigrob 5 · 0 0

This is a myth started by democrats. The major issue here is the estate tax which effects the middle class more then the upper class. The estate tax is where you have to pay taxes on assets gained from an inheritance. Now all of these things have already had taxes levied on them so taxing them again is what is called double taxation. Now the super rich actually could care less... first of all most modern millionares did not inherit their money they earned it and secondly they have enough money to cover the taxes they fight it on principle. This effects the middle class and poor more because it means heavy taxes on things like family farms, inherited small businesses and others.

This whole idea that Republicans only benefit the super rich is based on lies by the whiny Democrats who have altered the definition of rich ($71,800 or more per year). And most of the so called super wealthy that have benefitted from the tax cuts have been small business owners and family farms which while making decent amounts of money work 60+ hour weeks and risk everything for it. I'd rather give them a break then some broke down lazy welfare queen refusing to work because she thinks the government is supposed to take care of her.

Republicans define growth as more money and jobs for people while Democrats define growth as increased tax revenue to dole out to social programs so they can get more voters by taking care of everyone. Dems don't know the meaning of personal responsibility but know very well the meaning of socialism.

2006-08-03 03:36:25 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You miss the point on this one. True Republicans understand when you increase the minimum wage, you destroy jobs. Most businesses only have a certain amount of money that they can pay in wages. If someone gets $10 an hour, it costs an employer a lot more than that. They have to match Social Security taxes, have to pay workers compensation (which was 26% of wages when I was a painter). How about benefits such as health care?

Most people do not understand how a business works. Allow the free market to take over. Look what happened after Katrina? Burger King in Louisana was offering signing bonuses to work there.

Remember, if you do not like the job, go work somewhere else. I am sick and tired of people whinining about their job's wages. If you do not like that Wal-Mart pays $8 an hour, work somewhere else. This is another example of the arrogance of Americans. No one if entitled to a job. If you can only get a minimum wage job pushing carts, then go and learn more skills and get a better job. YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO A JOB WITH PAY YOU WANT WITH THE SKILLS YOU HAVE.

By the way, true Republicans are for creating wealth. There are many Republican politicians that pass laws that do benefit only certain businesses or people. Remember this, if someone creates wealth it belongs to them, not the government.

Conservatives believe to teach people how to be self-reliant and take care of themselves, as opposed to depending on others.

According to you, the Republicans do not care about the poor, here is the Democrats record.

1. Leading Democrat politicians, especially in poor black areas, pimp this victim thinking that it is white people's fault that blacks are poor.

2. Feminists blame their failures on the glass ceiling, discrimination, sexism, etc. This is America, you have the right to an opportunity, not an entitlement to it.

3. Democrats always raise taxes which hurts our economy. We saw again with Pres. Bush that when you cut taxes, $ to the Treasury go up.

4. Democrats refused to deal with the Middle East situation in the 1990's and it has caused a need to go into the Middle East. President Clinton allowed Bin Laden to get away. He allowed the Somalia problem to go down (see Black Hawk Down). By running in Somalia, he showed terrorists that Americans are not willing to take casualities. Pres Clinton was too self absorbed with his own image to do anything to protect us.

5. How about the current Democrats? Do they have a plan? NO, all they do is complain and criticize everything. John Murtha is a traitor and is undermining our safety by constantly running his mouth.

Republicans in Congress are no saints, but above are some facts, instead of vague, name calling that this question brings up.

2006-08-03 03:37:14 · answer #4 · answered by Chainsaw 6 · 0 0

Are the Dems really any better? Both our political parties and the folks that make up our system of government have long ago forgotten about the rank an file American. The focus is more on where the $$$ are or come from to get them re-elected than on what they can actually do to represent our interests. FYI the bill to raise the minimum wage is doomed in the Senate because of the tips provision in it. Most if not all the Senators understand that those working for tips can't live on the minimum wage and to include tip iincome as part of the minimum wage would hasten their poverty. Of course its important to note that they really don't give a bleep weather we live in poverty or not so long as they get theirs. PEACE!

2006-08-03 03:23:29 · answer #5 · answered by thebigm57 7 · 0 0

HUH? You think the minimum wage will amke the rich richer? And you think it will take this to make that happen? the rich everyday gets richer, and it won't matter if you were to lower it, it is called investing, and they will always make more than you or me. You are also ignorant about whether we care about them, we do, and show them more respect. BTW, you know who the richest person in the Congress is? and he makes more than most everyone in the senate or house, by jsut the interest? Okay, I should rephrase that, who's family is richest? John Kerry.....and by the way....while you were paying maybe 20% in taxes....he only paid in the vicinity of 12%.......why? Because he can afford the CPA's we could only dream about......he bitches about lowering taxes for the rich, and he would raise them? It doesn't phase the rich, there are always loopholes, and the Libs exploit them better than any other......the Conservatives try to plug those holes for ALL people

2006-08-03 03:30:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Last time I checked, Republicans will be voting FOR this bill and Democrats against it. Who's really for the people? There are tax cuts in this and an increase in the minimum wage. Guess Democrats don't care about people and Republicans do.

2006-08-03 03:21:40 · answer #7 · answered by TakingStock 3 · 0 0

It is trick to show how Republicans favor minimum wage increase but again the rich will get the benefits.
Tax cuts for the rich is main agenda for the Republicans. They keep telling us cut taxes on the rich they have more money to spend to create jobs. Trickle down economy is like fairy tale.

2006-08-03 03:36:43 · answer #8 · answered by murraystate69 3 · 0 0

Minimum assured wages have a bearing on the cost of living index of a country called a fair day's wage. Where does republicans come into the picture? So. for everything whatever is done, a colour quoting of republicans is applied, I believe. At this rate, nobody can rule your country.

2006-08-03 03:27:06 · answer #9 · answered by sarayu 7 · 0 0

elevating the minimum salary involves multiple making plans. The trickle down result ability businesses ought to cost greater for each thing so as to maintain up...etc... the massive image should be regarded at, no longer in basic terms reported. I artwork an hourly salary. Granted that's lots above the minimum, i'm no longer wealthy, yet I stay under my ability. I stay surprisingly lots for what I do. I constantly have funds left over on the tip of the month.

2016-10-01 10:28:17 · answer #10 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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