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The United States is rich with oil but the libs won't allow offshore drilling or the building of new refineries. Why is that? All you hear from the libs is "Iraq war is for oil". when does the U.S. start seeing all that oil that we invaded Iraq for? I guess it's Bush's fault that we pay $3.25 for a gallon of gas.

2006-08-03 02:57:50 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

I love how libs always show their true colors when they have no answers for anything. To a lib you're an idiot or bigot if you show what hypocrites that they are, right cFluehr and jackson?

2006-08-03 03:27:47 · update #1

22 answers

simply put, they're IDIOTS. how else do you explain the failure of socialism in country after country around the globe....i.e. the soviet collapse, cuba, france, etc? anyone who clings to that philosophy can't be too bright.

and your point about the war being "about the oil" is a good one.....can't wait to see how the libs respond to that one if they respond at all! but don't forget the rest of the democratic c*ck-blocking strategies when it comes to our energy policies:

-no drilling in ANWAR
-excessive emissions standards that increase refining costs
-refusal to expand use of coal (the US has been called the "saudi arabia of coal")
-the ridiculous tax per gallon (libs sure do love taxes, don't they?)

we should be EXPORTING oil AND coal and our energy costs should be pennies, not dollars.

thanks for sabotaging our economy libs!!!!!

p.s. oil is NOT a limited commodity....they said the same thing over 100 years ago and we keep pumping it out! also, if libs really do want to use alternative resources for energy, then why did teddy "chapaquidick" kennedy block a wind farm off cape cod? it was more than 100 miles off shore!!!!!!!

2006-08-03 03:08:11 · answer #1 · answered by zoo2626 4 · 2 0

Liberals are against offshore drilling because it offers no long-term solution and seriously jeopardizes the environment. With America's insatiable appetite for oil, offshore drilling would not even scratch the surface to fulfill our need for refined oil. The long-term solution is to invest in technology that would produce non-combustible engines like the hydrogen fuel cell. But Conservatives are so shortsighted, so bought-and-paid-for by the oil companies, that they just don't care about the long-term consequences. To make matters worse, self-absorbed Americans continue to litter our highways with gas-guzzling SUV's, Hummers and ridiculously gigantic pickup trucks that serve only to perpetuate our dependence on foreign crude oil, which makes Arab nations filthy rich and ultimately supports terrorist groups.

And yes, it is in part Bush's fault that we pay $3.25 for a gallon of gas.

So, why do liberals insist on depending on foreign oil?

2006-08-03 10:51:53 · answer #2 · answered by Hemingway 4 · 0 0

Actually that is misleading. First, it would be yrs before the oil is drilled and ready for shipment to refineries. Second, there is a major dispute about whether there really is that much oil in the ground offshore. Third, your moronic question evades the issue regarding weaning the US off of oil dependence and searching for alternative energy sources.

But don't let the facts stand between you and you name calling.

And uncleneal (coward without an email link) that is precisely the point. The war was not to secure cheap oil from Iraq, fool. It was to create uncertainty in the oil market and drive prices up to double what they use to be, thereby benefitting BushCo's croinies in the oil industry. Pull your head out of your anus.

2006-08-03 10:18:00 · answer #3 · answered by Mr. October 4 · 0 0

good point... it is the dems/libs putting us in the "Catch 22" by not allowing more drilling & exploration, but still expect to use foreign oil at higher and higher levels..

and IF the war was "all about oil" then why are we spending over 3 bucks a gallon?!?!? we should be under a buck because of all the free oil from Iraq!?!?

They need to Wake UP!!!!
Liberty Over Liberalism!

2006-08-03 10:03:52 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You're joking or an idiot...anyone with a brain knows that oil is a short-term solution, and while liberals have been pushing for investment and research in alternative energy sources for decades, the cons are still lying in bed with the big oil companies down in TX (yeeeeeeeeee haaaaaaaaaaaaw Bush) to actually commit to it...not to mention the fun little wars that the cons love to start over there, which helps out the consumer an awful lot...so, yeah...it is Bush's (and his party) fault that we still depend on oil and that it's over $3 a gallon...now that you mention it...

2006-08-03 10:04:34 · answer #5 · answered by cfluehr 3 · 0 0

Great question! Damnocrats are for protecting animals and trees that either don't exist anymore or that have never existed at all. These idiots "who love there country so much" would rather depend on countries that hate us than to drill in our own country. Think about the job and opportunities that this will open for The American people. More jobs and less dependency. And that my friend sums it up. Damnocrats hate America. As long as President Bush is in office the damnocrats will always have somebody to blame for their own shortcomings

2006-08-03 10:08:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Name ONE "liberal" who you have heard say "WE insist on being DEPENDENT on foreign oil".
If anything,it is the more liberal half that that has persued alternatives to foreign oil,and that's a bad thing becuse if America moves past its its addiction to it,conservative stockholders stand to lose billions in stock dividends.

Oh yeah,and liberals dont know about finance.Ok.

Republicans absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE foreign oil.To them,its about oil STOCKS,not actual oil.They also want offshore drilling with no regard for environmental effects,which could slightly affect
profits.For shame.

And this rather dishonest question has become a therapy session,as I can see,for some screaming crazy right-wind bags.

2006-08-03 10:27:10 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually oil is a scarce resource and you will start paying even more for it... Sooner or later it will end... And the liberals know that, they want to exploit everybody else's oil so when the time comes the US is the only one that has it and can sell it at a great price. Don't you just love the idea???

2006-08-03 10:04:37 · answer #8 · answered by kichka_2002 4 · 0 0

Warning... I consider myself a republican, but this is an interesting question. IWorld demand drives oil prices. If we drill here our oil companies are going to sell the oil for the highest price. If they can get $70/ barrel in China, they won't sell it to us fo $40 just so we can have a cheaper commute. So, until we come up with a viable substitute for oil, we should keep ours, and use up everyone elses.

2006-08-03 10:05:19 · answer #9 · answered by The Man 5 · 0 0

For years, Liberals have insisted we are running out of oil. Liberal teachings proclaim that decomposed dinosaurs/plants turn into oil and other fossil fuels. In 1995, Pres. Clinton stated "we'll run out of oil in 10 years. Think about this for a minute, dinosaurs would've had to stack themselves atop one another in order to produce the enormous volumes of oil, extracted from a single well. Running out of oil, I don't think so...
We've been drilling, extracting and using oil for years and the number of barrels continues to increase. Oil is produced and reproduced naturally from within the Earth. Most Americans believe 70-90% of our oil comes from the Middle East, when in reality it's around 35%. One mentality may be: buy & use up foreign oil first, then if oil does run out, we'll still have plenty left in the US. From my research, most of the oil consumed by the US, came from US wells. Middle Eastern motorists pay little if anything to gas up. So taking into account, a majority still believe dinosaurs turn into oil, 70%+ of oil used in the US comes from the Middle East and clueless about foreign gas prices, the US motorist will continue to pay $3.25 a gallon.
Gas prices always jump up quick, then slowly crawl down and never seem to return to their original price.
As for the Liberal rant "No blood for oil-Iraq war is all about oil". They're idiots, next time you hear that, ask them to explain. Lets say it is all about oil, what's your Lib point? The Lib will almost always respond with a comment about US gas prices or Oil Co profits. Liberals think we should be taking oil from Iraq for free or as payment. They're clueless about "Food for Oil". Iraq's oil profits were being hoarded by Saddam and wasted on new palaces, while many Iraqis starved to death. "All about oil", was all about assuring oil profits benefited the people of Iraq, not the US. If Iraq wants to do business, that will be their decision. This war created the opportunity for Iraqis to make their own decisions.

2006-08-03 11:46:35 · answer #10 · answered by askthetoughquestions 3 · 0 0

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