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My doctor is recommending clomid, i have been trying to get pregnant for 8 months, i am currently using metformin. Does anyone have any success stories or failures? if so please share what happened and help me decide if this is the right thing to try.Thanks!

2006-08-03 02:46:52 · 7 answers · asked by wondering 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

7 answers

YES!! It was my miracle drug. I had two miscarriages and then didn't have a period for one year. I switched doctors and she immediately put me on Clomid. She would tell me what day to take the pill, what days to have intercourse then what day to do bloodwork. First two months no baby however I at least had a regular period (which is heaven for someone being tortured by wanting a baby desperately but having no period for a year).She told me that the 3rd month would be it and then we'd move on to something "bigger". SO month 3, the same thing she said when to take the pill, when to have intercourse and when to do bloodwork. Well I decided that I thought that I would have intercourse on the days she told me to but I'd add a few days to the front of that and a few to the end. I thought I must be ovulating on the "not ordinary" days during my cycle. I did the bloodwork when she told me to and it came back negative. I waited and waited and no period. I had been pregnant before so I knew what that felt like. I began to feel pregnant but couldn't understand why the blood test was negative. I took a home preg test and it was positive. Then I took a few more and they were positive too. Called the doctor and she said that we must have just taken the blood test a little to early and that the home tests must be accurate!! So by me adding those last couple of days to my "intercourse days" I became pregnant. Now I have 2 beautiful girls ages 1 and 2 &1/2. I didn't need the clomid for my second pregancy. It seems like Clomid was what I needed to get things on track for my body. I hope things work out for you the way they did for me. Trust your doctor and their advice but also know your body andtrust your instincts. I hope this story makes sense-I'm trying to condense it since it's so long. Good Luck to you. I would love to hear your success story !! Please let us know what happens.

2006-08-03 03:06:30 · answer #1 · answered by Nikki 5 · 0 0

My wife was in a clomid and metformin due to the fact that she had polysystic ovarian disease. I am not a Dr. or anything but I think her problem was that she could not ovulate and it worked for. She was on it for 3 months and got pregnant. Now our little girl is 10 months old and we couldnt be happier. I would also suggest getting an ovulation kit as it tells you when is the best time to attempt. The first 2 months my wife and I were trying we missed her ovulation but the 3rd month we got it. She did have some complications during her pregnancy bed rest for about a month or so and our daughter was born at 31 weeks about 2 months early. I have no idea if the medication contributed to that or not. Best of luck and if you need anything you can email me at dan.rutledge@yahoo.com.

Best of luck,

2006-08-03 09:55:03 · answer #2 · answered by D R 3 · 0 0

I used it to get pregnant in my mid to late 20s. They used it on me to kick start my ovaries because I was irregular. I think it was the timing, but it made me start my period instead of ovulate. I guess it did work eventually. My dr took me off the medicine and within a couple months I was pregnant. It did make me a bit more hormonal, and I still tear up when someone wins a car on The Price is Right! How silly, huh?

Good luck with whatever you decide. If the dr thinks it's okay...then it's probablly okay. Clomid is usually the starting point for fertility drugs.

2006-08-03 09:57:13 · answer #3 · answered by Tav I 1 · 0 0

Yes I have used it and now I am 15 weeks and counting. I orderd Fertomid that was a form a clomid and it worked with 3 cycles. As far as I know I only have one baby. I am having my 20 week ultrasound soon so it will confrim 1 baby. I would not worry. Mulitples are more common with clomid but your chances are better with getting hit by a bus so says my doctor. Good Luck hope to hear you are going to have a little one soon.

2006-08-03 10:02:57 · answer #4 · answered by lee 1 · 0 0

go get a book called Taking Charge of your fertility by Toni Weschler. It will help you understand your body and all the myths about it. It will help you time when you are ovulating and the best times to conceive. My Doctor recommended it to me and after 1 year of trying I got the book. It worked the very next month. It turns out that my timing was wrong due to mis-information. I hope it helps you, too! It's not only about getting pregnant. It's about knowing your body and knowing when you are fertile or not. You can pick and choose what you do with your info. Good luck and don't listen the all the myths!

2006-08-03 12:32:43 · answer #5 · answered by jachooz 6 · 0 0

clomid did not work for me but it overstimulated my ovaries, so I stopped and now I am having normal periods and I can try for a baby again any time I want to. I suggest you do it the old way first buy the ovulation kits and tests and things but don't rely on dollar store brand tests because they can give you false negatives, because they test for a higher lh surge count so try first response and stick with it and if that doesn't work try the clomid but remember clomid does pose risks for you and your unborn child if you do happen to get pregnant.

2006-08-03 10:52:27 · answer #6 · answered by hnic_shannon 3 · 0 0

As long as you aren't worried about multiple births (ie you aren't high risk), I see no reason why you shouldn't use Clomid. I know a lot of women who have used it and went on to have happy, healthy pregnancies and births. Good luck with your decision!

2006-08-03 09:51:30 · answer #7 · answered by Prudence 2 · 0 0

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