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2006-08-03 02:45:30 · 6 answers · asked by WWE_Fan 2 in Sports Wrestling

6 answers

-Joey Styles and Tazz introduced the show as the camera panned the pure ECW crowd. They plugged the Big Show vs. Batista main event and the opening tag. They went right to ring intros.

1 -- TOMMY DREAMER & SANDMAN vs. MIKE KNOX (w/Kelly) & TEST - Extreme Rules

Sandman made his way through the upper deck with a beer in hand. Sandman does not drink beer anymore (not an official part of his public ECW bio, by the way), so he doesn't swallow during his ring intro. He finally arrived at the ring, then Tommy Dreamer had his full ring intro. The best part of ECW was ring intros, but listening to Sandman's generic ring intro for five minutes is not the same thing. During Dreamer's ring intro, they showed a clip of Paul Heyman kissing him and Test slamming him. The crowd was rowdy early, chanting "You suck dick," then "You take steroids." WWE turned down the crowd noise and turned up the announcers to try to blunt the chants. Sandman hit Test with a sloppy dropkick (but he scores points for ambition) early as Knox beat on Dreamer at ringside. Test and Knox beat on Sandman in the ring as the crowd chanted "You take steroids" at Test. Dreamer intervened before Test could use the cane. Test paraded around the ring for something like three days before Dreamer finally got into the ring. Dreamer and Sandman pulled trash cans and cookie sheets out from under the ring and tossed them into the ring. The crowd chanted for tables. They pulled out a huge barbed wire covered plywood sheet. The crowd orgasmed at the sight of it. Test broke up Dreamer and Sandman's attempt to suplex Knox onto the barbed wire board propped in the corner. Dreamer bled heavily from the forehead. Kelly stepped in the way of Sandman as he went after Knox with a cane. Styles couldn't believe she'd defend that jerk. Sandman rolled her into the ring, then hit Knox with the stick. Knox sold it like it actually hurt a lot and ran to the announcers' desk positioned to the right of the entrance. Dreamer (black is not slimming, by the way) leaned Kelly over for a kiss, but instead repositioned her over his knee for a spanking. He stared at her ***, listened to the crowd, wiped blood from his face onto his hand, and spanked her. She kicked and screamed as he spanked her a dozen times. Heyman's storm troopers came out and swung a stick at Dreamer. It missed, but Dreamer went down like he was shot. They choked him with the stick. Heyman entered the ring. The crowd chanted, "You sold out! You sold out!" The troopers threw Dreamer onto the barbed wire. Heyman and his henchmen walked to the back and Dreamer said, "Oww. Oww. Oww." Test entered the ring and hit his F5-like finisher on Dreamer for the pin.

WINNERS: Dreamer & Sandman in 11:00

STAR RATING: Other than the entrance music, pretty authentic looking Sandman & Dreamer match. Knox and Test played the WWF roided monster stiff characters well. They're such good actors.

[Commercial Break]

-They showed the exterior of Manhattan Center. Styles said, "Summerslam is going to be hot and so is 100 degree-plus New York City."

-Backstage, various ECW wrestlers wouldn't look at Heyman. Roadkill, Guido, Francine, and Steven Richards all turned their backs on him in catering. Sabu walked up to him and said, "I told you, I want the Big Show." Heyman said Show need their support because he's their long-term investment. They finally pointed out Sabu's scars. Heyman said those scars prove how much he's willing to sacrifice himself and he can't subject Show to that. "Not tonight, not next week, never," he said. He then asked Sabu to leave the arena or he'd have him escorted out. That's "Pro Wrestling Clever Booking 101" code for "you're booked to do a run-in at the end of our TV main event since we don't have any other finish that works."

-They showed Tazz and Styles on camera plugging the main event.

-C.M. Punk stood backstage and talked about how the waiting is over. Kane's sequel can be filmed in the back hallway of the Hammerstein. That's scary looking.


Tazz said Justin may have the home court advantage, just seconds after a loud "C.M. Punk" chant rang through the reality. Reality vs. Talking Points. Punk tied up Justin in the ropes with a submission hold at 1:00. When he went to the top rope, Justin slammed Punk to the mat, then threw an elbow into his back twice. Punk fought back with a couple low roundhouse kicks. Justin came back with two suplexes and a nice Northern Lights suplex for a two count. Punk came back with some kicks and then a flying clothesline off the ropes for a near fall. Punk followed with more kicks, a running knee, a bulldog, and a uranage into his submission for a tapout. Tazz said it was a hell of debut. He touted his various combat arts he displayed during the match. Punk did a great job selling his ECW TV debut win as an emotional moment for him. He looked around, as if soaking up the moment and appreciating the work it took to get there.

WINNER: Punk in 4:00.

STAR RATING: *1/4 -- Really strong debut for Punk. He wrestled a different style out there from what is typical in WWE or even ECW. Justin shined, too. His best performance to date, a big step up from last week's Justin-Balls match.

-A Batista music vignette aired. Well put together.

[Commercial Break]

-They showed "The Reject" Shannon Moore sitting on a subway.


Brawler bragged that he's too extreme for Raw and too hardcore for Smackdown. "Actually, I'm in the perfect place right now: ECW. And I will be your ECW World Champion." The crowd chanted "Welcome back! Welcome back!" Angle went for an early anklelock. Brawler grabbed the rope. Angle headbutted him during a staredown, then applied another anklelock for a quick tapout.

WINNER: Angle in 1:00.

STAR RATING: n/a -- Not long enough to amount to a ratable match. Nice headbutt to the face, though. After all of those faux expert soundbites Brawler has had on WWE DVDs over the years, there are times I've wanted to do that to the TV screen.

-A music vignette aired on Big Show. Nice touch, unique to ECW TV. They're letting Paul Heyman have some fun with non-standard WWE production ideas, something he thrived on during the early ECW years.

-The tarot card reader and the vampire spoke. Ariel introduced her man, Kevin Thorne as the name of the vampire. They pecked around each other's necks seductively.


Joey Styles said during Show's ring intro that this could be a main event at WrestleMania, but you're only going to see it on ECW TV. The crowd chanted, "RVD, RVD." Batista's music then played. During Batista's stroll toward the ring, he was touched by fans, something he's not used to in the antiseptic WWE world of giant entrance ramps. One fan touched him improperly and he stopped, turned, and chewed him out. Not the most babyface moment of his TV career. Both Batista and Show got a "mixed reaction" during ring intros according to Styles. Tazz, on credibility watch, said that meant "mostly boos." Tazz said, "This ain't Smackdown." The crowd chanted "You both suck!" during the opening minute. This is a small slice of the fanbase that Vince McMahon turns away with every week of Raw and Smackdown in their current format. Show should get booed as he's been portrayed as a heel, but Batista getting booed is a bigger statement by the fans - which is that they want their "own" main eventers, not imports. It's dangerous to put Batista in this setting for the sake of the rest of the fanbase watching. Batista punched Show to the floor as they cut to a break.

[Commercial Break]

Show punched away at Batista. The crowd chanted, "Same old ****! Same old ****!" Show rubbed his fingers together, indicating he makes more money than them. They exchanged clotheslines. Show won. The crowd chanted "Boring! Boring!" Some WrestleMania main event. The crowd chanted "Change the channel!" Tazz said, "We like it here on Sci-Fi." Show smelled his armpit and smiled. Show chopped Batista's chest in the corner, then methodically slammed him. Show climbed to the second rope. Batista got up and punched him a few more times. Then he suplex him to the mat. The crowd "ohhed" and then "booed." Tazz said, "Let's point out against the ECW crowd booing both competitors. Knowing the ECW fans, they might start cheering for the referee." Batista speared Show to the mat at 8:00 for a two count. Batista pounded his chest as the crowd chanted "Boring." Tazz said the match was anything but boring. Show chokeslammed Batista for a two count. Show grabbed his title belt from the ringside table and swung at Show. Batista ducked and gave Show a spinebuster. Batista shook the ropes and set up a Batista Bomb. Show blocked it and flipped Batista onto his back for a near fall. Show then hit Batista with the belt to prompt a DQ.

WINNER: Batista via DQ in 10:00.

That's it. The last match sucked.

2006-08-03 03:52:55 · answer #1 · answered by Quentin 2 · 2 1

Go to WWE.com and go to the ECW section. Go to the "Hardcore Hangover". It will have full clips of all of the matches from Tuesday night's card. You can also read results on the site as well.

2006-08-03 02:49:31 · answer #2 · answered by aaronfowlow 1 · 0 0

It changed into only a 365 days in evaluation exhibiting recapping each thing that exceeded off of their 365 days. From the Re-beginning of ECW to Bobby Lashley triumphing the ECW Championship. it truly is what exceeded off.

2016-11-27 23:20:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Big Show got Disqualafied [sp] because he used the Champion belt and slamed against Batista's head. The rest check out on


2006-08-03 04:58:52 · answer #4 · answered by Max 2 · 0 0

Batista VS. Big Show

2006-08-03 03:06:31 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

goto wwe.com then search

2006-08-03 03:52:23 · answer #6 · answered by SOCCER SIGHER 2 · 0 0

fedest.com, questions and answers